Playing customs on my 360

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    I’m following the tutorial that is on here. I plugged my USB stick into the Xbox and it gave me the option to configure it. I transferred the files like the tutorial said. I opened Party Buffalo and it found the drive but I was not able to drag and drop files into it so I thought something was wrong. (I now know I needed to use “inject files). I decided to start over so I reformatted the USB stick and plugged it back into the Xbox but it did not offer for me to configure it like the first time. I did go into it on the Xbox and click configure and then copied the files to it again but this time after transferring the game files to my USB, Party Buffalo does not find the drive. When I physically open the drive, instead of the data and cache files there is just a lot of gibberish. Any idea what I am doing wrong?


      Reformat on Windows, insert in Xbox 360, if it fails the stick may be damaged.


      Thanks but I have reformatted it on Windows. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


        There’s an issue here that you need to understand.


        If your Xbox 360 is not on the latest update, then you need to format the drive in the Xbox by going into the configure option. This is the only way Party Buffalo, etc will recognize the contents of the drive.


        If your Xbox 360 is on the recent update, then you can format the drive on Windows using FAT32 or format it on the Xbox again by going into the configure option. However, Party Buffalo, etc, will no longer recognize the contents of the drive because it now uses a different partition and storing system.


        For that, my upcoming tool is what you need, but that’s a day or two away still.


        You can confirm what I’m saying by formatting the drive on the Xbox, don’t put any files on it. Put it on your computer, does it show the drive as empty or as full? If it’s empty, it’s the new system, whereby the Xbox only uses the space that each file actually takes up. The old system reserved all the space on the drive for the Xbox specific partition, and so even though you have no files on it, Windows sees the drive as full. A drive with the new system will also show a “name.txt” file on the root directory, which is placed there by the Xbox. There’s a hidden folder called Content, which is where the Xbox files go/will go.


        So look into that. If it’s neither of the above, you have a damaged drive and need to repair it or get a new one.


        Thank you. That explained it. I just bought the Xbox so I guess that is why it worked the first time. It must have updated before I tried it the second time because I did get the name.txt and content files and the drive shows not to be full. So, that’s the problem. So I guess now I wait for the upcoming tool to correct that.


        If your Xbox 360 is on the recent update, then you can format the drive on Windows using FAT32 or format it on the Xbox again by going into the configure option. However, Party Buffalo, etc, will no longer recognize the contents of the drive because it now uses a different partition and storing system.


        For that, my upcoming tool is what you need, but that’s a day or two away still.

        Is there any update on this? I just found out about this project on Monday and my Xbox 360 has the updated file system in place so I can’t even begin to try this out.


        Could I be any sort of development help on these tools? I have about six years of programming under my belt and am always up for learning something new!


        I’m really hoping a solution shows up soon, I was sooo looking forward to FINALLY getting to play Fair To Midland in Rock Band!


          It was released yesterday.



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