Pack naming: “_____ 01” vs. “_____ X-pack”

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  • #389013

      Need some opinions and discussion on this one.


      We’ve been avoiding using the Harmonix naming system for packs — “Artist Name 01”, for instance — for a few reasons. Mostly, we don’t want to step on Harmonix’s feet. The odds of them coming back and continuing to use the pack numbering system are very low, but it still feels a little…blasphemous, almost, to use their system. They also stopped using it as much near the end of DLC, instead using fancy pack names when they could.


      Despite this, lots of people like the 01/02/etc. system, and it gives things that 2008-to-2009 golden days sheen. If we changed it, I’d go back and rename all of our artist packs appropriately.




        Well…frankly i don’t see the point of naming the packs at all as packs since end users still have to download the tracks individually.

        For my uses, I always create packs using LeFluffie and continue the existing naming convention for the most part

        Well…frankly i don’t see the point of naming the packs at all as packs since end users still have to download the tracks individually.

        For my uses, I always create packs using LeFluffie and continue the existing naming convention for the most part


        Pretty much this. I’ve done the same thing in my personal collection (e.g. “Guns N’ Roses 02”), but once the songs are in the C3 database there’s nothing to say which songs belong to which pack, it’s just a list. Only exception to that would be album packs, obviously.


          I’d like to make the pack nomenclature a little more formal, even though we don’t offer pack downloads. People really like the flavor and, uh…mythos? surrounding song packs.


            I like creative names over “XYZ Pack 01”, since, as mentioned, potential if unlikely conflict with HMX stuffs down the road. Even if we went with “Band C3 Pack 01” it might at least give some “differentiation” while still making the numbers jive.


              What I was hinting at with my post was that perhaps…we should release pack songs as individual songs AND also as packs.

              Le Fluffie makes it trivial to create a pack so we could have the authors upload both the singles and the pack to the server and somehow link it. I don’t know how it would work, you guys are the web geniuses, but I don’t think it would be too hard?


                Traditionally, the concern there has been that post-release or last-minute fixes to songs in a pack require that the pack be updated, too. I think there’s certainly demand for pack downloads among the users, but we could also stress their ability to make their own packs.


                I don’t have a strong opinion either way. Anyone else?

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