NSW1-6’s Customs (10/11/2020 – Journey Majestic)

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      Video previews for U2 – All I Want Is You and Ultraviolet have been added, courtesy of MrPrezident.


      As a result, Ultraviolet will need some patchwork when I get around to giving it a Keys upgrade. />_>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p>
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<p>2-26 update: Previews for Electrical Storm and Even Better Than The Real Thing added, courtesy of FatHalpert.</p>

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        Not much of an announcement, HOWEVER. I have some releases coming up soon this month, to clean off a chunk of my WIP list, keep your eyes peeled. Some bands I haven’t touched before, a few more long awaited songs, and some familiar faces. Numbers too.


          Yes, sounds great!


            Well peeps, I done failed another deadline (partially), but I got some more stuff that’s been whipped up pretty quick as well as something that took too long (WAY TOO LONG) to finish.


            First Week of April 2018 – Coldplay 3-pack and one DragonForce



            Video Preview

            Original G/B Chart: Neversoft
            Harmonies / Fixes and Extras / Redux / Venues: Fat Ha1p3rt
            Audio Source Lineage: 2002 Digital Master -> CD -> EAC v.99 -> WAV
            Additional Notes: The last single from this album missing in Rock Band 3, probably one of my favorites off the album. We used the GH3 DLC track as a source, but had to modify significant portions of it to match with RB standards.




            Video Preview

            5-Lane Keys / Fixes and Extras / Redux / Venues: Fat Ha1p3rt
            Audio Source Lineage: 2005 Digital Master -> CD -> EAC v.99 -> WAV
            Additional Notes: Another great song by the band, with the main riff sampling Kraftwerk’s “Computer Love”. A complete ugprade of a really stinky old chart I made for FoF.

            Video Preview

            5-Lane Keys / Fixes and Extras / Redux / Venues: Fat Ha1p3rt
            Audio Source Lineage: 2011 Digital Master -> CD -> EAC v.99 -> WAV
            Additional Notes: It took me a while to warm up to this track, but of course being a major single by the group it need to be done. Reminded me of The Killers





            Original Guitar Chart: Puppetz / GHX

            Conversion / CAT Redux / Single Pedal: beard216

            CON (2x): GET IT TWICE
            Audio Source Lineage: 2010 Digital Remaster -> WAV
            Additional Notes: Now this one took WAYYYY too long to work on, about 15 months in the making and I finally got up off my ass to finish this. Great tune, one of my top three of this album (the rest coming later!).
            Welp, I had a bunch of things planned for last month but kind of fell apart. Many thanks to beard and Halpert for pulling through last month. The focus now is one Band pack for an upcoming event <-< >->, finishing the DragonForce tunes and finishing up A LOT of tracks that are close to completion but have been sitting out (should be easy for the lot of you to figure out from my WIP list). Likely more towards the end of the month…

              Thank you for these. Coldplay are one of those groups that I would never listen to but absolutely love to play in RB3. Like many songs and bands, RB3 customs has given me a new appreciation of Coldplay, so more is very welcome.


                Thank you for these. Coldplay are one of those groups that I would never listen to but absolutely love to play in RB3. Like many songs and bands, RB3 customs has given me a new appreciation of Coldplay, so more is very welcome.


                Dude, same here! Coldplay songs are really, really fun to play, but I never listen to them outside of Rock Band. And since my band mate is a huge fan of them, I’ve downloaded a bunch for her… well, add three more to the list! Grand total at the moment… 16. Geeze. Thanks, guys!


                  Sorry for being less related to the customs but I like the little touch of posting the audio lineage. Quality means less to me in Rock Band where it is loud and competing with clicking plastic, but the slight audiophile part me of appreciates the effort for quality.


                    Wow, thank you so much for the Coldplay tracks. “Charlie Brown”, “Talk” and “God put a smile upon your face” all in one release?! This is just a dream come true, what a fantastic contribution.


                    SERIOUSLY!? I’ve been DYING to have Charlie Brown in this game for such a long time! Thanks so much!!


                      Dude, same here! Coldplay songs are really, really fun to play, but I never listen to them outside of Rock Band. And since my band mate is a huge fan of them, I’ve downloaded a bunch for her… well, add three more to the list! Grand total at the moment… 16. Geeze. Thanks, guys!

                      Glad you and rcale appreciate it. There’s more to come <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />


                      Sorry for being less related to the customs but I like the little touch of posting the audio lineage. Quality means less to me in Rock Band where it is loud and competing with clicking plastic, but the slight audiophile part me of appreciates the effort for quality.

                      I got it from the bootlegging community. It’s not 100% detailed but got to know where it came from.


                      Wow, thank you so much for the Coldplay tracks. “Charlie Brown”, “Talk” and “God put a smile upon your face” all in one release?! This is just a dream come true, what a fantastic contribution.

                      You’re welcome. There will be more dreams coming true in due time <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                      SERIOUSLY!? I’ve been DYING to have Charlie Brown in this game for such a long time! Thanks so much!!

                      You’re welcome. Hopefully there are more songs in demand that will get in the game soon.

                        Yep, I had disappeared for a while, running back and forth between project ideas and such, most of them going bust (but hopefully not the upcoming summer packs). To alleviate my ADD, tight schedules and lack of energy, I have decided to do a set of small twofers (two songs) each with a theme as a way to get these out there. Practically all the songs in these bundles are ones that I have taken ages to work on, but will finally finish. I will call these releases: Songs I Should Have Finished Already But I Sat On My Bum Instead (SISHFABISOMBI, for short)
                        May 25th, 2018 – SISHFABISOMBI Release #1: A Moody Memorial
                        Our first release is two leftovers from my recently busted pack release dedicated to the Moody Blues Rn’R Hall of Fame Induction. Time just disappeared all of a sudden and I lost interest (don’t worry, the songs will be coming in time). However, I still plugged away and decided to finish the following two. Since this weekend is “Memorial Day” in the US of A, I thought the correlation would be a nice little aside to have our first Moody Blues customs for C3.
                        Reviewers/Fixers: bsbloom and FujiSkunk
                        Playtester/Preview: MrPrezident
                        Audio Source Lineage: 1968 US Vinyl -> ION Profile LP (with Preamp) -> Click/Noise Removal -> MP3 -> Detailed Click Removal and EQ -> WAV (seriously, don’t do what I did)
                        Review/Fixes: bsbloom
                        Playtester/Preview: MrPrezident
                        Audio Source Lineage: 1969(72?) Quad Mix -> 2006 5.1 Mix (Really just the four channels with a fake subwoofer added) @ 96/24 WAV -> New Mixdown (By Yours Truly)
                        Additional Notes: This is a leftover from my releases for the FoF Forums’ Drum Project 7.
                        As of right now, this one has not been playtested but looks fine in the preview.
                        For future reference, all my releases for the Moody Blues that includes the Core Seven will have audio sourced from the Quad mixes (except In Search of the Lost Chord which didn’t have one), and with High-quality artwork to boot.
                        I got a summer event that will kick off once the first pack is ready. See you then!

                        Great stuff, thanks!


                          Lovely to see the Moody Blues finally!


                            Love the moody blues. I am excited to try these this weekend. Thank you very much.


                            The Moody Blues were the most long overdue band to net yet see Rock Band full band treatment. Thank you for changing that. I can’t wait to play these.

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