No Hint Thread for October 18th, 2013

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  • #408091
      When in doubt type in the song name your not sure was released in Rock Band in their very own song finder:


      Or use Rock Band Chronicle, which includes our customs and is what powers the C3 database.


        Oh hey guys what’s going on


        I hate to be the bearer of bad news (don’t sue me), but there won’t be a hint thread this week. Yes, that’s another week without one. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif”>


        After some discussion with the other admin staff, and after having received and put forth some suggestions for hints, most of the ‘best fit’ ones are a little too obvious, and I’m pretty sure the only hints that would fly under the radar are ones that are bordering on being as obscure as the Supertramp week (the random-ass text string hint was so awesome I keep trying to beat it creatively, unsuccessfully) or the Ministry week (with the album-quirky keywords), and I worry that ends up bordering on self-parody. I also considered going 20 Question-style but I think we’re too late in the week to start that.


        Since I know how much nerd rage arose as a result of the extremely hard hints, and given that I want to keep community activity and engagement up, I wouldn’t dare to try something as stupid-hard as those again. As much as I do love being able to wield the power of the impossible hint (and sometimes make it a mission of mine), it’s not all that fun for either of us when the hints look like they were generated by rolling a pair of dice and cross-referencing them with a list of words.


        Please accept my sincerest apologies. I’ll take my lumps for not delivering on the goods this week, but I can assure you that (barring changes) the songs we’ve got coming up in the pipeline are far more hint friendly, so we should be back in business for next week’s releases (with the odd exception). <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        Thanks again for your time and consideration.


        I have done this a scary number of times, especially considering I bought all of them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif”>


        Edit: P.S. You guys are reading way too much into the OP. I would have pulled the trigger on a thread if there were any hints available (and been happy to do so because of the dearth of hint threads of late). I get that it’s hard to determine where I draw the line a lot (edit: especially since we’re not very transparent w.r.t. this process), but if there were balanced (and reasonable) hints for the songs we have in store this week you would get them.


        In the words of my Twitter idol Hideki Kamiya… “next week… in game magazines!”

        Oh hey guys what’s going on

        Lol nice. Fooled me….


          *tips hat.


            For real, though, I’m still pushing for generic “narrows down the field but never gives explicit hints”-type hints on weeks like this one in the future.

              For real, though, I’m still pushing for generic “narrows down the field but never gives explicit hints”-type hints on weeks like this one in the future.


              I personally like trying to come up with something creative but I am not at all opposed to putting simple truths as facts.


              Certainly easier to put together!

              For real, though, I’m still pushing for generic “narrows down the field but never gives explicit hints”-type hints on weeks like this one in the future.


              I personally like trying to come up with something creative but I am not at all opposed to putting simple truths as facts.


              Certainly easier to put together!


              Mix it up but never tell when you do, more fun that way <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                yeah, mix it up!

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