No Hint Thread for October 18th, 2013

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  • #408029

      Cause of someone bolding “Don’t sue me”, I am now thinking of the song “Chop Suey!”… Just a thought I decided to share.


      Chop Suey is already on the Rock Band 2 disc.

      Cause of someone bolding “Don’t sue me”, I am now thinking of the song “Chop Suey!”… Just a thought I decided to share.

      … B001BX6JUA

        Chop Suey is already on the Rock Band 2 disc.


        Oh. Sadly, I don’t wish to bother with RB2 stuff. That and don’t really want ALL the songs from RB2 anyways.


          Well, let’s make it absolutely clear, so there is no more confusion.


          Stop asking for that or any other song that is available officially. Support the company that made this game possible for us. Nobody is going to waste the time charting a song that is already available to us. And if that person were to do that, they would not be allowed to distribute that on these forums.


          So, stop asking for Chop Suey! or any other song that you can buy from Harmonix.

            Cause of someone bolding “Don’t sue me”, I am now thinking of the song “Chop Suey!”… Just a thought I decided to share.


            Okay…that was random…


            I bolded it because it’s a pretty obvious clue to Friday’s release.


            I didn’t name the artist and songs outright, though, because I didn’t want to end the guessing prematurely. But still, I wasn’t exactly subtle, right? I mean, someone else must have figured it out from what I bolded and replied. Right?


            Sometimes I simply forget how many songs there are in Rock Band. Yesterday I thought: “Someone should make a Possum Kingdom custom.” Later I realised it’s already released as DLC. Just saying, the RB-catalog is so big :what: it’s easy to forget a song or two.


              When in doubt type in the song name your not sure was released in Rock Band in their very own song finder:



                I bolded it because it’s a pretty obvious clue to Friday’s release.


                I didn’t name the artist and songs outright, though, because I didn’t want to end the guessing prematurely. But still, I wasn’t exactly subtle, right? I mean, someone else must have figured it out from what I bolded and replied. Right?

                Oh. It’s pretty weird I didn’t get it the first time I read the bolded words.

                  Sometimes I simply forget how many songs there are in Rock Band. Yesterday I thought: “Someone should make a Possum Kingdom custom.” Later I realised it’s already released as DLC. Just saying, the RB-catalog is so big :what: it’s easy to forget a song or two.


                  I have done this a scary number of times, especially considering I bought all of them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif”>


                  Edit: P.S. You guys are reading way too much into the OP. I would have pulled the trigger on a thread if there were any hints available (and been happy to do so because of the dearth of hint threads of late). I get that it’s hard to determine where I draw the line a lot (edit: especially since we’re not very transparent w.r.t. this process), but if there were balanced (and reasonable) hints for the songs we have in store this week you would get them.


                  In the words of my Twitter idol Hideki Kamiya… “next week… in game magazines!”


                    Stop asking for that or any other song that is available officially. quote]


                    Let me make this clear… I respectly do this already IF I know a song can be bought officially… If I don’t know, then sorry for not knowing. All I need to be told is that it is a DLC and then I’ll be good. (I only know a handful of songs out of the 4K+ there is as DLC).

                      Let me make this clear… I respectly do this already IF I know a song can be bought officially… If I don’t know, then sorry for not knowing. All I need to be told is that it is a DLC and then I’ll be good. (I only know a handful of songs out of the 4K+ there is as DLC).

                      It’s too bad that not all of the exports would be sold in the music store as a fallback. That probably would’ve been the most comfortable zone for you and your net speed as it is.


                      But back on topic. espher, you’ve been in hairy situations like this before, and you’ve asked C3 authors to pitch in. Have you at least had a good laugh with what they’ve provided?

                        But back on topic. espher, you’ve been in hairy situations like this before, and you’ve asked C3 authors to pitch in. Have you at least had a good laugh with what they’ve provided?


                        I get a lot of great suggestions for hints. More often than not I just go with them exactly as provided. Sometimes I tweak the wording/phrasing/elements to have them better fit the rest of the hints, and sometimes I remove elements that were ‘too obvious’, but they’re generally very good. In many cases the author has a higher familiarity with trivia and factoids relevant to the artist than I do and they are better able to formulate something that doesn’t look like it’s been carefully culled from Wikipedia.

                        Chop Suey is already on the Rock Band 2 disc.


                        Oh. Sadly, I don’t wish to bother with RB2 stuff. That and don’t really want ALL the songs from RB2 anyways.


                        I used LeFluffie and weeded out the songs I didn’t want!



                          I used LeFluffie and weeded out the songs I didn’t want!


                          Hm. I’ll think about it. Do I need the disc or did they package RB2 together in pack as a DLC?


                          Oh and looks like I’ll need to get LeFluffie, lol.

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