need some help

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  • #391684

    Hello, I download a song from this forum and I want to add the bass.

    Got the reaper file and some other files.


    Did the bass in reaper and it looks good. Started Magma and thought it would build the song, but it needed the wav for bass, drums and vocals.

    Did not have those so I converted the mp3 file of the song into wav.


    Last warning from magma, cuz it doesn’t want to build the song cuz:

    Please fix the errors in the following fields before building:

    Audio-Lead Dry Vocals: track sample rate must be 16khz


    How do I do that? What are lead dry vocals?

    Why aren’t those files in the reaper files?


    Sorry for noob questions, but adding a bass seems easier than making a whole new song custom.


    Only put the audio for the song itself in the Backing track, for the others right click and select “44.1kHz Stereo Silence”


    For the Dry Vocals track(s), you need to record yourself singing the song in a 16Khz Mono file and put it there. Dryvox is not heard in game, and is only used for Magma to generate the lipsync


    For the Dry Vocals track(s), you need to record yourself singing the song in a 16Khz Mono file and put it there



    First thought…is he joking? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    Oke, how do i do that? The only mic I have is the rockband mic!

    Which program can record in 16khz mono from mic in laptop


    I did bass on Hearts- All I wanna do is making love to you. I will try to find who was the author. Maybe he has his file.


    No, she is not. Reaper can be used like any other audio editing software for audio recording and the Rock Band microphone can be plugged into your USB port on your laptop and be used like any other microphone. When exporting the audio, you can change the settings about Mono and amount of kHz in the export menu


    This is only necessary if the song have a vocals chart though, if not mute all unused instrument tracks in Reaper before exporting the MIDI and uncheck the boxes for the unused instruments in Magma


    Thanks for the help <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    I will try further.


    I had some trouble with my first selfmade custom and I’ll try it there also


    why is this so difficult?

    Recorded the song with the mic but cant find the file.

    Where does reaper put it?

    is it WAV, MP3 or a reaper file?


    I don’t know who the author is of this song, otherwise I would send him the reaper file with my added bass


      Please, don’t use gigantic characters. Also, just Render the song audio file from Reaper at 16 KHz, 16 bit mono and use that one, I doubt whoever did the original took the time to do dry vox but not the proper instruments.


      I can’t seem to do it.

      Did a tempomapping and a bass chart, but Im stuck.


      Well, I than did a bass chart for fruityloops but I don’t know how to attach the reaper file into a pm.


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