MrPrez’s Customs: Thread-surrection

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  • #482864

    You know what? The more and more I get to know you Canucks…….

    The more and more I find I like your style! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


    Looking forward to an awesome bunch of tunes from an exceptional group of authors!



      This is pretty cool. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        *cough* Devin Townsend is from Canada *cough*


        Oh, and if you’re looking for 1980s suggestions, Platinum Blonde, Gowan, Martha and the Muffins, Teenage Head, Doug and the Slugs, Pursuit of Happiness, Colin James, Northern Pikes, Grapes of Wrath, and of course “Eyes of a Stranger” by Rock & Hyde. And of course early Hip and 54-40 were in the eighties.


        That list was longer than I expected. Sorry. I relived high school for a moment there.


        Oh, and for the 1970s, if you do Cortez the Killer, Tonight’s the Night, Cowgirl in the Sand, and/or Down By the River by Neil Young, I will canonize you.


        Looking forward to the 150 packs, Mr Prezident.


        Thanks for your hard work & time doing these bad boys !


          You know what? The more and more I get to know you Canucks…….

          The more and more I find I like your style! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Looking forward to an awesome bunch of tunes from an exceptional group of authors!




          This is pretty cool. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />



          Mother of God.


          Canada clearly needs to turn 150 more often.

          I appreciate the comments and encouragement, thanks guys. I find that working on customs to share with all of you is a highly rewarding past time.


          Someone asked me last night what my favourite part of this project has been so far. That was the day after pack #1 was out, three of my fellow co-authors (all Canadians!) approached me to contribute songs, (not the other way around). I was overwhelmed by their generosity and it felt like I was finally ‘accepted’ into the custom community by my peers. It’s hard to describe but that has been my motivation to continue working on this every day.


          Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



            *cough* Devin Townsend is from Canada *cough*



            Oh, and if you’re looking for 1980s suggestions, Platinum Blonde, Gowan, Martha and the Muffins, Teenage Head, Doug and the Slugs, Pursuit of Happiness, Colin James, Northern Pikes, Grapes of Wrath, and of course “Eyes of a Stranger” by Rock & Hyde. And of course early Hip and 54-40 were in the eighties.


            That list was longer than I expected. Sorry. I relived high school for a moment there.


            Oh, and for the 1970s, if you do Cortez the Killer, Tonight’s the Night, Cowgirl in the Sand, and/or Down By the River by Neil Young, I will canonize you.

            Suggestions and requests are always welcome, thank you for taking the time to do that. Please keep them coming.


            Devin Townsend – you’re right, he’d be a great choice. Maybe something from Strapping Young Lad. I have a feeling his songs will take a tremendous amount of effort, but totally worth it. The most recent stuff of his that I’ve heard might be just a bit out of my league as far as mapping drums (I’ve not attempted anything requiring 2x pedal) but I don’t run from a challenge. I’ll think hard about it.


            dlauthor – let me put it this way, you guessed thirteen artists, you are right on FIVE of them. I will consider your other suggestions carefully. As you can see I’m giving myself LOTS of time between packs. Originally I wasn’t going to consider 54-40, as they are played to death on the radio out here in BC, but they are requested fairly often. It would have to be one of their earlier, lesser-played hits.


            Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



              Thanks for helping me reach 5000 downloads! Here’s a new song to celebrate.

              Download Here

              Notes: Super easy song on guitar bass and keys, drums are slightly more interesting. It’s about a 50/50 split of pitched and unpitched vocals. This is the radio edit, since the song is pretty basic I thought people would appreciate the shorter version.

              Should I do more LCD Soundsystem ? Please tell me your favourite songs in the comments below.

              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                LCD Soundsystem HOME!!!!!



                It’s funny I was actually going to request this a week ago because of the lack of LCD. This song would make me soooooo happy to play. =)


                Honestly all of This Is Happening is amazing and would be fun as hell on Rock Band.


                  LCD Soundsystem HOME!!!!!



                  It’s funny I was actually going to request this a week ago because of the lack of LCD. This song would make me soooooo happy to play. =)


                  Honestly all of This Is Happening is amazing and would be fun as hell on Rock Band.

                  You read my mind as far as “This is Happening”. My wife’s a huge fan of “I Can Change” and I lean more towards “You Wanted a Hit” and “Home”.


                  I was pretty sure I saw someone else working on “New York I Love You” so perhaps I’ll reach out to them and see if I can help.


                  “North American Scum” can be found in the forums too but its missing vocals, which is on my to-do list as well.


                  Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                    I should mention that James Murphy said on facebook that the new record will be out soon.


                    Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                    All My Friends, Drunk Girls and maybe New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down would all be great to see someday!


                    I also recommend checking out The Long Goodbye, which is a live CD/DVD set of what was their (at the time) final show ever at Madison Square Garden 4 or 5 years ago.


                    It could be a good way to find some other good tracks to author too!



                    Thanks for the tune, brings back a lot of great memories playing SSX On Tour <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    I would also love to see some more LCD. All My Friends would be a great party song. The sing alongs would be loud!


                      Oh man. Huge LCD Soundsystem fan here so anything would be appreciated. I’m an even bigger DFA fan though (James Murphy and Tim Goldsworthy). I would suggest that their remix of M.I.A’s ‘Paper Planes’ would make an excellent custom, although there’s not much guitar, if any. Vox, drums and keys would be fun though. And that bassline… simple but so swingy and sleazy. For your consideration. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                      ‘Everywhere’ by BV3 would be lovely too, on the Canadian tip. Good job I’m no singer as I’d get choked up singing along.


                        Awesome! Thanks much for “Daft Punk is Playing at My House”, MrPrezident! Great song, and I’m excited to try it!

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