MrPrez’s Customs: Thread-surrection

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      I just teared up a little when I saw Bran Van 3000 above. ‘Glee’ is one of my favourite albums ever and ‘Discosis’ is no slouch either. ‘Glee’ though…


      So excited to see what we get.


        Also, forgive my ignorance, but does the ‘150’ refer to?




        Uneducated British Guy

        Dash Riprock

          July 1st, 2017 marks 150 years since confederation.


            Great concert poster!!!


              Just a quick update, everything is on track for Thursday, all of the songs all tested well, and I think you will enjoy them.

              I think I am totally hooked on charting customs now.

              Great concert poster!!!

              Thanks so much! I thought it was a really easy and fun way to promote the project. I’m not the first person to release a bunch of customs as a sort of concert, but the idea works and I’m definitely going to do more of them.

              There will be more Canada 150 ‘concerts’ – leading up to the final one on Canada Day.

              I’m considering a poll so people can vote for what they want to see in the next one. This one features bands from the 90s and 00’s. Maybe one of the shows could be songs from earlier decades, as not everyone is a fan of modern music. Steppenwolf…. Trooper….. The Guess Who…. Streetheart….

              I just teared up a little when I saw Bran Van 3000 above. ‘Glee’ is one of my favourite albums ever and ‘Discosis’ is no slouch either. ‘Glee’ though…

              So excited to see what we get.

              Yes this is one of the standout songs of this pack, we played through it as a full band last night and everyone agreed it was great fun. Charting it was also really exciting, every time I’d add a new harmony phrase it felt like the song was really coming to life.

              I’ll post another update mid-week, otherwise, I’m really looking forward to Thursday.


              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                Don’t forget, tomorrow is the first big show!

                How big you ask?


                10 SONGS!

                One song each from the opening acts and six songs from The Tragically Hip.

                Only 12 hours away….

                Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                  It’s finally here! The first Canada 150 Concert is now available to download.



                  Limblifter – Ariel vs Lotus
                  The Sheepdogs – The Way It Is
                  Bran Van 3000 – Drinking in L.A.
                  Barenaked Ladies – Call and Answer

                  The Tragically Hip – Fifty Mission Cap

                  The Tragically Hip – It’s a Good Life If You Don’t Weaken

                  The Tragically Hip – Grace, Too

                  The Tragically Hip – At The Hundredth Meridian

                  The Tragically Hip – Poets

                  The Tragically Hip – Little Bones

                  Details on the next Canada 150 concert will be revealed in the coming weeks.

                  Special Thanks to my good neighbour CrazyCanuck for the drum tracks on Little Bones and At The Hundredth Meridian
                  Thanks to Micicle at Frets on Fire for Guitar on At The Hundredth Meridian

                  Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!


                    Hi Mr President, about canada 150, probability a silly question, is a live show to commemorate a canada federation 150 years? will transmit to television or streaming?.
                    thanks for this pack, great songs!

                    Awesome pack! Love every song in it. Can’t wait for your upcoming concerts!



                      Hi Mr President, about canada 150, probability a silly question, is a live show to commemorate a canada federation 150 years? will transmit to television or streaming?.
                      thanks for this pack, great songs!


                      Thanks, I hope you have fun playing them <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                      Canada 150 is an event that is happening all over the country in many major cities. There are concerts, festivals and other events that will mostly take place on our actual Birthday, July 1st 2017. There have not been too many bands confirmed yet but I expect that to change quickly in the next month. All the information so far is on this page right here.

                      Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                        Awesome pack! Love every song in it. Can’t wait for your upcoming concerts!

                        Thank you! I’m glad we have a few Hip fans left on this site, the band means a lot to me. I’m going to do more Hip songs in the coming months. They are very challenging to author – particularly the guitars, the two practically share the lead on every song – but worth it when it all comes together. I hope you like how they turned out.

                        Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                          I just noticed that the “year” is incorrect in a few of the Hip songs, so I’m aware of this. Doesn’t affect game play.

                          Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                          See, now I want to run screaming out of work and drive home to play these right now. Focusing will be difficult for the rest of the day. The Hip mean a lot to me too; enough that I flew to Toronto for two of their shows last year.


                          Glad to hear you’ll be doing more of the boys — I’d be happy with any song in their catalogue, just about. This is a great initial spread — glad to see Good Life in there, to represent the post-Phantom Power. The other bands’ tracks look like they’ll be fun too. Thanks for all the hard work to bring this stuff to RB.


                          I wonder what ever happened to the charts for New Orleans Is Sinking that were being tested on RBN years ago. I was really looking forward to playing that.


                          Insane release! Thank you soo much!


                            This is a great initial spread — glad to see Good Life in there, to represent the post-Phantom Power.


                            I wonder what ever happened to the charts for New Orleans Is Sinking that were being tested on RBN years ago. I was really looking forward to playing that.

                            Good Life was originally not one of the songs I had picked out to chart for this first pack, in fact it wasn’t even on the master list. I was searching for the official lyrics to Poets – specifically the poem that is recited during the second verse – Depths of Vagueness. That took me to the Tragically Hip subreddit, where coincidentally the top thread was “what is your favourite hip song” and the top comment was something along the lines of “It’s a Good Life, because the lyrics are almost ironic given the current state of Gord’s health” and there were a lot of people in agreement. Something about that just kept it in my mind and before I knew it I was tempo mapping, and a few hours later it was finished. It’s now my favourite song in this pack.


                            New Orleans – this is the first I’ve heard about it, but I’ll try to track down more information. I agree it would be a fun song to have in the collection.


                            Take deep breaths!! You’ll make it to quitting time!



                            Insane release! Thank you soo much!

                            Thank you for the support.

                            Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!


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