Good stuff you are putting out there fruitloops. Anyone know of good sites to get good vocal midis from? Some of these need vocals real bad!!
Thanks for Neil Diamond! Have there been any customs of “Sweet Caroline” floating around?
Not that I know of. With “Love on the Rocks” already released and now “America”, “Sweet Caroline” would round out a nice 3 pack.
I didn’t even notice you had a link to my custom of Marble Zone on here. That’s pretty cool. I didn’t think anyone besides me would want to play it. One thing though, you misspelled my name in my credit on the first page.
Wow!!! You are doing some great stuff and highly requested songs. You may want to think about making your own forum topic for your songs. They deserve to have more attention, other then just being in a random custom thread.
You may want to think about making your own forum topic for your songs. They deserve to have more attention, other then just being in a random custom thread.
About a year ago, Farottone said there was a 66% chance he would do this song. Six months ago we got tired of waiting. This one definitely deserves the C3 touch, but in case they never get around to it, here it is. The guitar follows the keys for part of the song. Drums have full reductions because my wife wanted to play it. I told her ” I would do anything for love but I won’t do that”. Apparently I was wrong.
Nice going. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> Pro keys are keeping this from being worked on in C3 but maybe one day…
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>
Here’s maybe one of the more requested songs on the “song request” forum and I can’t believe no one has done it yet but that’s why me and my friend did these songs. We wanted them before we used up our instrument stash.
Just a note, there’s a lot of guitar parts in this song so we just decided to keep the guitarist busy by charting the easiest to hear. Overall, it’s “good enough” but stems would have been so much help on this song. (maybe that’s why no one’s done it yet)
Just got done playing this song and have to say, BRAVO sir! Awesome job and cant wait for more from you!
This one has full reductions on drums and I believe expert/hard on guitar. Enjoy.
I have added non pitched vocals for this tune from a midi I found & was wondering if any of the faithful members who love the game & would give decent feedback & tell me what you think. It is by far not perfect & has somewhat lame dry vox for vocal animation. Most of you who know me know I don’t care about animations etc. I am not gonna release for public use till I get some decent feedback & permission from Fruitloops. Also I did reductions for guitar & added second guitar part on bass. I am not capable of authoring any instruments.
Thanks for more Aerosmith! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Great stuff!
Did you think about doing Rocket and Armageddon It by Def Leppard?
Great stuff!Did you think about doing Rocket and Armageddon It by Def Leppard?
Oh man, I would love those two songs from Hysteria!
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