More Customs From Around the Web! (UPDATED January 19, 2018)

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  • #402142

    Thanks for this songs!!!!

    Sid Kafizz

      Thank you for posting these.


      wow, i forgot i even worked on the catalyst by linkin park….that was from at least last year when i was just throwing out magma fixed charts for the others in GHtoRB3 to add whatever to, glad to see it got saved somewhere. might try my hand at adding in what needs to be added to make it BETTER! but that’s after i can finish Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen’s Good Time, full band EMHX custom with pro drums, keys & bass(or guitar)…its gonna take awhile before it’s even in playtesting lul

        wow, i forgot i even worked on the catalyst by linkin park….that was from at least last year when i was just throwing out magma fixed charts for the others in GHtoRB3 to add whatever to, glad to see it got saved somewhere. might try my hand at adding in what needs to be added to make it BETTER! but that’s after i can finish Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen’s Good Time, full band EMHX custom with pro drums, keys & bass(or guitar)…its gonna take awhile before it’s even in playtesting lul


        Awesome! Looking forward to Good Time!

        wow, i forgot i even worked on the catalyst by linkin park….that was from at least last year when i was just throwing out magma fixed charts for the others in GHtoRB3 to add whatever to, glad to see it got saved somewhere. might try my hand at adding in what needs to be added to make it BETTER! but that’s after i can finish Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen’s Good Time, full band EMHX custom with pro drums, keys & bass(or guitar)…its gonna take awhile before it’s even in playtesting lul


        Awesome! Looking forward to Good Time!

        GOOD! it’s an amazing song and i was just lucky enough to be able to find the multitracks with the vocals on separate tracks so it will actually have harmonies using the actual vocalist’s voice instead of my crappy voice for dryvocals xD just have to worry bout charting the entire thing, it’s a huge project for a first-time charter but i’m gonna do it

        wow, i forgot i even worked on the catalyst by linkin park….that was from at least last year when i was just throwing out magma fixed charts for the others in GHtoRB3 to add whatever to, glad to see it got saved somewhere. might try my hand at adding in what needs to be added to make it BETTER! but that’s after i can finish Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen’s Good Time, full band EMHX custom with pro drums, keys & bass(or guitar)…its gonna take awhile before it’s even in playtesting lul

        An improved version of the “The Catalyst” would be amazing! The current guitar chart has the stink of Neversoft all over it. Record scratches charted to guitar… :barf:


        With that said, I am REALLY grateful for what you’ve done so far, and am very pleased to have “The Catalyst” in the game, in any form. :kiddo:


        yea, the guitar chart on the catalyst will be moved to keys & guitar will be recharted if possible


        Big thanks for Nemo (Nightwish) even if it’s not “up to C3 standards.” I just felt Nightwish deserved better than the snub Harmonix gave them by releasing only one song with the new vocalist. Honestly I’d much rather have something from Wishmaster (e.g. the title track), Century Child (Slaying the Dreamer, perhaps), or Oceanborn (either Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean or The Pharaoh Sails to Orion would be great for the metal crowd), but since I lack the skills to chart, I’ll just smile and say thankee-sai (i.e., “Thank you,” from Stephen King’s Dark Tower universe) and hope for the future. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

          that’s after i can finish Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen’s Good Time, full band EMHX custom with pro drums, keys & bass(or guitar)


          Why would you waste your valuable time on such an awful, garbage song? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

          Big thanks for Nemo (Nightwish) even if it’s not “up to C3 standards.” I just felt Nightwish deserved better than the snub Harmonix gave them by releasing only one song with the new vocalist. Honestly I’d much rather have something from Wishmaster (e.g. the title track), Century Child (Slaying the Dreamer, perhaps), or Oceanborn (either Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean or The Pharaoh Sails to Orion would be great for the metal crowd), but since I lack the skills to chart, I’ll just smile and say thankee-sai (i.e., “Thank you,” from Stephen King’s Dark Tower universe) and hope for the future. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          I sign this : )


          I love Oceanborn, “Gethsemane” or “Stargazers” also come to mind. I also like “Passion and the Opera”, but the dumb lyrics always put me off a bit…

            Why would you waste your valuable time on such an awful, garbage song? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

            Because it might make someone smile, laugh, or even sing their pants off because it represents something special to them despite other people’s judgments of “worth”. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


            Same reason why any of us make customs, really: because we’d like it, or someone we love would like it, and we realize that if we don’t do it then nobody else will. DIY FTW! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

              Why would you waste your valuable time on such an awful, garbage song? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”>

              Because it might make someone smile, laugh, or even sing their pants off because it represents something special to them despite other people’s judgments of “worth”. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif”>


              Same reason why any of us make customs, really: because we’d like it, or someone we love would like it, and we realize that if we don’t do it then nobody else will. DIY FTW! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>

              QFT. I know I’ll be singing that with my kids on release day.

                Why would you waste your valuable time on such an awful, garbage song? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

                Because it might make someone smile, laugh, or even sing their pants off because it represents something special to them despite other people’s judgments of “worth”. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                Same reason why any of us make customs, really: because we’d like it, or someone we love would like it, and we realize that if we don’t do it then nobody else will. DIY FTW! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

                QFT. I know I’ll be singing that with my kids on release day.


                For sure! It’s a fun song that many people will enjoy. I can’t stand it when people say things like “why would you waste your time with this garbage song”. I don’t like all the songs that are released…but I would never say something like that to someone that is working hard on making something that he loves and is willing to share with the rest of us.


                Don’t like it….don’t download it. Want some other song that you think is more “worthy”? Make it yourself.


                Thinking of taking a look at Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide. Myself and ws54 are currently working on a Shinedown 4-pack for release next month, so it would be good to release CSTS as a Vault track alongside that.

                  Thinking of taking a look at Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide. Myself and ws54 are currently working on a Shinedown 4-pack for release next month, so it would be good to release CSTS as a Vault track alongside that.


                  The song is in rough shape. Tempo map is way off which makes it unplayable and currently not fun. Guitar chart has many problems. Vocals are too simplistic. If you or someone else wanted to tackle this, I’d help play-test it, but otherwise I’ll let someone else lead the development.

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