Missing Links

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  • #395787
    Schwifty Stardust

      A lot of links seem to be disappearing from the database. Wii, PS3 and Phase Shift links to the old C3 stuff are suddenly gone now.


      Could somebody please shed some light on this? I was hoping to expand my Clone Hero setlist a little more.


        You can always download the Xbox versions and convert to Phase Shift yourself. It’s super easy with that there tool that there awesome guy created.

        Schwifty Stardust

          I know, I was just confused as to why the links weren’t there anymore.


            You can always download the Xbox versions and convert to Phase Shift yourself. It’s super easy with that there tool that there awesome guy created.


            As a Wii user, this is not helpful when it’s multi-tracked… :argh: There are still many gems in the database I’m unable to play :crying:



            There are still many gems in the database I’m unable to play :crying:

            Please tell me that ain’t so!

            Oh dear lawd, somebody please help this poor, poor man!

            With so many great songs in the database, it breaks my spirit to see a fellow member deprived in this manner!


              My understanding is that StackOverflow had worked that out with this app for Wii audio conversions?


                Please tell me that ain’t so!

                Oh dear lawd, somebody please help this poor, poor man!

                With so many great songs in the database, it breaks my spirit to see a fellow member deprived in this manner!


                Every time I see songs in the database I can’t play I die a little more inside <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                My understanding is that StackOverflow had worked that out with this app for Wii audio conversions?


                I have never heard of such a thing. It would be extremely welcome.


                I think the name is RockBiink or something very similar.


                Edit: found it: http://d.c3universe.com/5685efbc2fc59

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