MIDI Tester Error On Guitar And Bass

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  • #391933



      I am working on this:

      and I am getting this error on the MIDI Tester:

      Welcome to MIDI Tester 1.1
      This program is intended to quickly let you test MIDI after MIDI for compliance with RBN2.0 standards.

      All you have to do is drag the MIDI file(s) here. This program will read through it, and create an adequate test project. MagmaCompiler is then called to process the MIDI for RBN2.0 compliance without actually compiling the song (so no time wasted compiling the audio).

      You can do back-to-back MIDIs without having to close this form.

      Ready to begin....

      MIDI Tester initialized via command-line
      Arguments: -miditester

      Found PART VOCALS...
      Found PART DRUMS...
      Found TextEvent PART BASS...
      Found TextEvent PART GUITAR...

      Nemo's MIDI AutoGen process started.
      Added drum mix events successfully.
      Nemo's MIDI AutoGen process completed.
      Starting Basic EMH Check..
      MIDI passed Basic EMH Check without reporting any problems
      This means the charts most likely have reductions charted.
      Ready to send files to MagmaCompiler ... hold on.
      Output from MagmaCompiler follows:
      Reading the archive
      MIDI Compiler: Starting...
      INTERNAL ERROR: MIDI Compiler: Tick: 0. Got a text event, but had no current track to put it into! str = PART BASS, type = 1
      INTERNAL ERROR: MIDI Compiler: Tick: 0. Got a text event, but had no current track to put it into! str = PART GUITAR, type = 1
      MIDI Compiler: Done.
      MagmaCompiler reported some errors. Please see the log for details on what must be fixed.

      Process completed in 0 minutes and 0 seconds.
      You may drag another MIDI or just click Close to exit.


      I can send it to the MIDI Cleaner to fix it, and it (MIDI Cleaner) comes up with four issues that it fixes. This is good, it fixes the issues. My question is how do I fix it manually so do not do whatever I did to cause these “INTERNAL ERRORS”? Please help. Here is the RPP:


      Any and all help is greatly appreciated.



        You have modified the C3 template or you have not used the original template, something you should never do. The track names have become TEXT EVENTS, hence the issue.


          I see it. My bad. I don’t know how I did that. Thanks again for the help.


          Sorry for necroposting but i have the same issue for my drums part (INTERNAL ERROR: MIDI Compiler: Tick: 0. Got a text event, but had no current track to put it into! str = PART DRUMS, type = 1).

          I didn’t change anything intentionally, but i can recall misclick on line PART DRUMS few days ago, which opened a textbox. Then i just clicked enter and didn’t change anything the name of a track at all <img decoding=??:” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_unsure.png” />

          How can i fix it now?

          PS didn’t notice this part

          I can send it to the MIDI Cleaner to fix it, and it (MIDI Cleaner) comes up with four issues that it fixes. This is good, it fixes the issues.

          Problem solved, at least for now :v:

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