midi file and tempo map problem

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  • #391631

    Hey everyone!


    I was wondering if it’s possible to use midi file with tempo which is different then original of the song that I want to chart after I tempo mapped it correctly?


    The thing is that tempo of the midi song is way faster then the correct one. So If I slow down the midi by changing the bpm’s of the midi track using ignore tempo project in the properties so it fits with the song, when I copy/paste it to guitar chart, all of the charts gets back as original.


      You need to stretch all your notes. I have my own hack, but I think Nyx has a more refined way to do that so I’ll let him chime in.


      cool, thanks… I don’t know how to stretch them <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


      If I scratch notes in guitar track using “ctrl” I get rate 0.498 in part guitar I don’t know if it can mess up the whole chart… and if I scratch midi file and use copy/paste it doesn’t do anything when I paste notes in guitar track.


        Set you grid to 1/4th. Draw a 1/4 note at 1.1. CTRL+A to select all notes. Press CTRL and drag the quarter note you’ve drawn until it snaps to the next grid line, becoming a half note. Delete that note, pull back your notes and you’re down. Repeat for all tracks.


        Do I need to do that on the guitar track or in the midi track, or it doesn’t matter?

          cool, thanks… I don’t know how to stretch them <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif”>

          Select all notes, then right-click on a note and pull up Note Properties.


          In Position and/or Length, you can enter math expressions like “/2” or “*2”. You can also use more exotic numbers like “*.75”, in case some idiot used the wrong time signature originally.


          Awesome, thanks!

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