MIDI Drums help
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May 20, 2013 at 5:08 pm #388619
I recently purchased a used Yamaha DTXpress III off Craigslist and am having some sensitivity/crosstalk issues that me and our band’s drummer can’t get perfected. Anyone know of a tutorial out there to configure these drums for Rock Band? I’ve searched online to the point of getting frustrated due to a lack of productive results.
Also, does anyone know of good replacement cymbals for this set? The set I bought came with two of the half moon shaped cymbals and when pounded enough they spin around causing you to miss alot of notes. I’d like to get normal, round cymbals for this set.
May 20, 2013 at 5:50 pm #399887You’ve got the same exact model I have. You need to tweak the triggers settings, but it may not be enough. I had a cymbal that was either too sensitive, and picked up the snare hits, or not sensitive enough. In those cases you may want to check clamping, add rubber or, better yet, plastic tubes: http://www.drummerconnection.com/commun … ymbal-pads
When one of my cymbals gave out I bought a couple of cheap replacements before ditching them and going back to original Yamaha triple-zone cymbals (PCY-135 in example). They also have a blocking system so that the disc doesn’t spin on itself, which the old Yamaha cymbals didn’t have and even with the rounded cymbals I had I still had sensitivity issues with different parts of the disc, so when it spun rage ensued. Now, no more.
August 5, 2013 at 6:17 am #404053Seems like he didnt read the answer
I wonder which drum set is ideal for RB3. I got a Roland HD1 and im not very happy with it… feels like hitting wood and the pedals are very… weird. Not normal drum pedals at least. And i think the volume of the different pads, cymbals, kick and snare should be adjustable, seperatly… i think the kick from the HD1 is too loud in comparison to the cymbals.
Thinking about a used Roland TD9 or something.
August 5, 2013 at 10:54 am #404056I wonder which drum set is ideal for RB3. I got a Roland HD1 and im not very happy with it… feels like hitting wood and the pedals are very… weird. Not normal drum pedals at least. And i think the volume of the different pads, cymbals, kick and snare should be adjustable, seperatly… i think the kick from the HD1 is too loud in comparison to the cymbals.Thinking about a used Roland TD9 or something.
Just ordered a Yamaha DTX502 module – I have a couple TCS pads already. I love the feel compared to mesh. I’ll let you know how it all pans out!
August 5, 2013 at 3:01 pm #404063Yeah let us know how its going. Im trying to use some midi drumming software in the meantime, so i can at least adjust the volume seperatly. Hope it wont destroy my latency totaly.
August 5, 2013 at 8:46 pm #404081I have an Alesis DM10 with dual zone pads. I have never been able to program the drum brain to completely turn off the rims of the pads. In other words while I’m playing there is always a chance that the rim of a pad will trigger breaking my combo. As much as I love the options with electronic kits such as being able to play drums outside of the rock band game, the crosstalk issues and sensitivity adjustments can drive people through the wall.
August 5, 2013 at 8:56 pm #404085I have an Alesis DM10 with dual zone pads. I have never been able to program the drum brain to completely turn off the rims of the pads. In other words while I’m playing there is always a chance that the rim of a pad will trigger breaking my combo.Why not simply assigning the same MIDI note to both triggers? I don’t know if the Alesis allows for multiple sets of configurations, but on my Yamaha I have a “Rock Band” preset with 3-zone cymbals reduced all to a single MIDI note, rim triggers assigned to the main pad, etc.
August 5, 2013 at 9:05 pm #404088I’ve tried doing that but have much more cross talk issues on my kit occur when assigning midi notes to each rim of the pads. The settings that work best for my DM10 brain is Xtalk send and receive are set to 4 out of 7. Retrigger and Threshold set to 10 out of 100. Sensitivity for the pads are around 25 and for the cymbals I have them at 50. I’ve tried researching a bit on the official Alesis forums to get optimal settings but its very difficult to get things 100%.
I’m curious Farattone what type of settings do you use for your pads and cymbals?
August 5, 2013 at 9:50 pm #404095The TD-9 module (suggested upthread) is a solid choice. I’ve been using one for 3+ years now and have never regretted the purchase. It’s easy enough for a yutz like me to adjust away any triggering problems, and like all Roland gear, it seems like it will last forever. The only issue is the steep cost of entry.
Back to Sideshow’s issue with the rim triggers breaking combo. I’m not sure that I understand what the problem is – if your rim triggers are set to a different MIDI note than the pad, then there should be no combo breaking unless the note that they’re assigned to is another “Rock Band” note. If they’re set to be the same as the pad (which is what I do, though only my snare has a rim trigger), then things should be golden, too.
That’s assuming of course that the Alesis brain & pads behave the in same way as the gear that I’m familiar with. So it sort of sounds to me like something else might be going on. Or maybe I’m missing something. That happens a lot these days.
August 5, 2013 at 11:35 pm #404111The problem is that when I hit say the snare rim or yellow pad rim it will trigger the blue pad. I do have the rims midi note set to whichever color the corresponding pad should be. I just find less cross talk when I have all my sensitivity settings for my rims set to 0. If I put the values of the rim settings the same as my pad settings I will get double hits and cross talk hits more often. Believe me its all a headache trying to calibrate these settings to have dual zone pads to work properly. I just kinda wished at times I still used my ION drums(which iI dont have anymore) because the more zones you have on the pads and cymbals can cause much more crosstalk headaches. At least this is what I am experiencing.
August 9, 2013 at 5:40 am #404324These trigger problems do occur for me suddenly, since i loop my midi through Superior Drummer on the PC. I dont have that problem when i just play with the HD1 brain… weird. Although that sucks, im playing anyway disconnected from the xbox… i can imagine that it drives you crazy when youre playing for combos and points.
August 15, 2013 at 1:55 am #404566All done. Check out the setup! Absolutely loving it:
Since I’m way down at the firmware level, I’ve found some unfortunate truths out about the RB3 MIDI Pro adapter – it doesn’t tolerate much slack space in between MIDI bytes *at all*. For example, hitting the snare might result in these MIDI notes:
0x90 (note on)
0x26 (snare)
0x80 (intensity)
If there’s more than 1 bit of space in between these bytes (32 microseconds!), the RB3 MIDI Pro adapter will sometimes just space out and miss the next byte. In practical terms, I’ve found this means 1 or 2 missed notes in a song.
There’s no good way to guarantee this sort of sub-millisecond performance on a PC. On a dedicated microcontroller, not so hard
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P.S. Here’s what MIDIblaze is really for:
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