Metallica – Of Wolf And Man [Testers Needed!]

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  • #389135

    (List of confirmed future charts below):


    TEST CHART: … nal_rb3con


    If there are any significant issues or mistakes you find with the chart, please make sure to either post a comment here or private message me. I’ve tested the charts myself, but I suck so bad at drums and expert guitar solos in general that I can’t test those and get an accurate idea of how good or bad the charts really are. My friend tested the X drums, said it was fine to him, so I’m assuming that that will be alright, but mainly, I’m concerned about the vocals and the feel of the charts to others, rather than just myself. Obviously, others may catch mistakes that I could have overlooked.


    Current Progress (Likely To Change After Testing):




    [Note: This image was extracted from the RB1 Enter Sandman export CON file. This is likely not the final cover due to the fact that I’d like the cover in the final CON to be as consistent with the art on the other Black Album songs available as possible.]



    Band Animations: 100% [Proper text events are in place]

    Venue Animations: 100%

    Lip Sync: 100%


    Overdrive charts (All): 100%

    Vocals/Harmonies: 100%

    Drums: (EMHX) 100%

    Bass: (EMHX): 100%

    Guitar: (EMHX) 100%



    Huge thanks goes to TLITD31 AND tsumewulf for their contributions!


    TLITD31 charted the both of the expert difficulties for drums and guitar, I just modified the guitar chart to completely meet C3 standards (as well as personal preference as a guitar charter myself).


    tsumewulf charted the vocals, and they look great to me, I couldn’t find any mistakes, but when the time comes for testing, I’ll fix whatever there may be (if there are any).

      This will be my first actual release as well, so I doubt it’ll reach C3 standards, but I’ll try <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

      We’re here to help. At least, until the crazy guitar chiclets start – then it’s every man for himself. :wth:

      This will be my first actual release as well, so I doubt it’ll reach C3 standards, but I’ll try <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      We’re here to help. At least, until the crazy guitar chiclets start – then it’s every man for himself. :wth:


      Sweet, cause if I go for an official release, I’m gonna need the most help with lighting and animations… haven’t really done it. Ever.


      Seems probably more intimidating than it really is, but we’ll see soon enough.


      Anyway, today, I got expert guitar and expert drums 50% and 25% done, respectively. For the first time doing drums, I’m actually not doing bad, but I do have a tab to read which helps a lot too. I am also doing full drum animation and I will be doing a pro drum chart by default, so we’ll see how this turns out. Hopefully it works properly, and doesn’t spit out five thousand errors when I go to test these charts after I finish them tomorrow. Got a ways to go, but it’s gone really, really well so far!


        Sweet, cause if I go for an official release, I’m gonna need the most help with lighting and animations… haven’t really done it. Ever.


        Seems probably more intimidating than it really is, but we’ll see soon enough.

        The auto-generated venue is good enough for many authors. If you want to refine yours further, pick a custom you really like, use the C3 LeFluffie to pull it apart, and look at its VENUE track to see what makes it tick. Sprinkle in a few customizations to the auto-generated one and it’ll be great.


        Sweet, cause if I go for an official release, I’m gonna need the most help with lighting and animations… haven’t really done it. Ever.


        Seems probably more intimidating than it really is, but we’ll see soon enough.

        The auto-generated venue is good enough for many authors. If you want to refine yours further, pick a custom you really like, use the C3 LeFluffie to pull it apart, and look at its VENUE track to see what makes it tick. Sprinkle in a few customizations to the auto-generated one and it’ll be great.


        I might just get that out of the way once I finish the expert charts for drums and guitar. I’m gonna test this often so I can catch issues that I find early, and if possible, I’ll probably upload a copy of the WIP chart to drop box for people to take a look at it and see what they think, unless there is another place for that here.


        Big thanks to TLITD31 for his expert drum chart! Saved a lot of time, and it’s a very good chart too!


        I’m surprise there ain’t more songs from the “black” album in GHM really, a few unappreciated? songs left out. Like this song you’re doing, and Don’t Tread On Me & My Friend of Misery)….probably the whole “Black” album would suffice! :haw:


        Keep it up! Can’t way for a good/full chart.




        i can do the vocals for Of Wolf and Man, i started to mess around with charting vocals awhile back & did the vocals for it….its just solo vocals but i’m gonna go back & add in harmonies with reaper because EoF doesnt do harmonies :c

        i can do the vocals for Of Wolf and Man, i started to mess around with charting vocals awhile back & did the vocals for it….its just solo vocals but i’m gonna go back & add in harmonies with reaper because EoF doesn’t do harmonies :c




        I’m currently working on Expert bass, which is the only thing I’ve had to do on my own so far lol! Everyone is very supportive, and I’m thankful for that <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        When you get that vocal chart finished up, just send it my way and I’ll look at it and if there are any issues (errors or what not), I’ll just fix them up.


        I’m surprised there ain’t more songs from the Black album in GH:M really, a few (unappreciated?) songs left out. I like this song you’re doing (and Don’t Tread On Me and My Friend of Misery)….probably the whole Black album would suffice! :haw:


        Keep it up! Can’t way for a good/full chart.




        I’m surprised too, and until I brought it up in the requests section, there wasn’t too much visible demand for it either. I knew of tons of people in the real world who were like “okay, you’ve got the two ‘slow’ songs from the Black album on here (Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters), SO WHY THE HELL DON’T YOU HAVE THE OTHER FAST SONGS?!?!


        People requested that I get this in particular, so I looked, and looked, and looked… and looked. But I could never find a full band chart for this song…


        So after a while, I just decided ‘fuck it, I’ll do it myself’ lol


        Thankfully, others have been very supportive like TLITD31, Nyxyxylyth, and tsumewulf offering charts and helpful tips so I know what the heck I’m doing. This song is moving along fast towards completion thanks to all of the help and support I’ve gotten so far.


        heh, alright…ive got a full band custom i’m trying to finish up along with a few customs released on here that i’m adding missing instrument charts to so it might be a bit.

        heh, alright…ive got a full band custom i’m trying to finish up along with a few customs released on here that i’m adding missing instrument charts to so it might be a bit.


        Alright, I’m still in the middle of doing the bass chart, so, I’m not too worried about vocals yet. I still have plenty to do (EMH difficulties on drums and guitar, then bass when I finish)


        Crazy as it may seem, thinking of doing Don’t Tread On Me as well right after I finish and release this puppy (no pun intended). I love that song. I may also take TLITD31s charts for Escape and Call of Ktulu and finish them up by adding the rest of the difficulties and any missing instruments to finish off the rest of the Ride The Lightning album. A lot of people I know complained because they thought Call of Ktulu was too hard (right now it’s expert only), so I’ve been really tempted to do that especially.


        All instrument parts on Expert are now complete. The only thing left to do is vocals and lower difficulties! :excited:


        Gtafan, if u can send me your project files then i can easily get the vocals for of wolf and man finished because i’m wanting to make sure it syncs up with the rest of the chart.

        Gtafan, if u can send me your project files then i can easily get the vocals for of wolf and man finished because i’m wanting to make sure it syncs up with the rest of the chart.


        K, I’ll upload it to Mediafire and send the link your way in a PM It’ll be about probably five minutes, my upload speed here is about equivalent to shit, unfortunately lol

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