Metadata issues that can be fixed for RB4 for legacy DLC

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  • #391998

      Just wanted to let ppl know, HMXHenry just posted a forum post on the RB site asking what Metadata issues need to be fixed for legacy DLC. I figured there would be some people here that would know of some issues that could be reported. I know that the RBHP already has a lot of fixes for the metadata.



        Somebody should mention that they messed up the track number for that new A7X song. I would, but yeah, HMX has me banned permanently.

        Somebody should mention that they messed up the track number for that new A7X song. I would, but yeah, HMX has me banned permanently.

        Went ahead and mentioned it.


          Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Why’d they ban you? Lol


          Not sure if this is metadata related, but I remember in the RB2-RB3 transition a bunch of RBN songs that were top tier on guitar went down a tier


            It’s sort-of metadata related, but it’s not exactly a metadata “problem” that causes those songs to sort incorrectly. However, it is something Harmonix could fix, if they can change song tier data based on some filter that says “only on RBN songs before 2010” or some such.


            At any rate I believe someone has mentioned this in that thread, so it should be on their radar already.

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