Megasurvey: how do YOU feel about Rock Band 4?
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March 7, 2015 at 2:40 pm #440118
I found this site, in part, due to experiences with a completely different game. I loved the old Heroes of Might and Magic franchise. Heroes 3 was superb, while 4, 5, etc. were awful. A group of fans got together, and wrote a gigantic version of 3 (which they called Heroes 3.5). Then other fans started writing maps and scenarios for the game. Today, there are thousands of these, and much of the work is vastly superior to “official” releases.
When Harmonix DLC disappeared, I searched for fan-written alternatives, and found CCC. The experience is similar – no matter how talented the writers are in a small company, they can’t compete with a large community of avid fans. Harmonix content is excellent, but I’ll take a Farottone chart any time. Wouldn’t you?
Harmonix content is excellent, but nobody there is going to release 40+ minute songs, like other C3 authors.
Harmonix content is excellent, but do you think they’ll release a Genesis project?
This community is stronger because of its size, and its devotion to the music. Harmonix really can’t compete. I intend to buy an xbox one and RB4 when it arrives. I’ll probably buy new instruments. But truly savvy people at Harmonix would do well to allow and encourage customs. That would make their product much better, and lead to more sales.
March 7, 2015 at 9:46 pm #440140couldnt have said it better myself. I love this site and plan on continuing my use of rockband 3 for as long at the great folks here continue on.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> just hope to see some old Misfits on here
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March 9, 2015 at 12:24 am #440185I will be doing both hopefully. It kind of depends if Harmonix can make dongles to let old instruments work. If not, I don’t have room for two drumsets…
I never planned on buying a new console because I switched to PC. The only way I would get one was if a new Rock Band was announced. Here we are, and I will be scouring the internet for good deals.
March 9, 2015 at 12:43 am #440187I just wish RB4 wouldn’t come out this year. Not sure how long its been in development but I don’t want a buggy mess of a game that needs title update after title update. A title update should mainly be used to add new features to the game. We shall see how polished this game is at launch.
March 9, 2015 at 1:36 am #440193Finally, a reason for me to get an Xbox One!!!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> I don’t have one yet because there just hasn’t been a title that compelling to me, but RB4 will definitely do it.
Losing pro keys doesn’t bother me because I never enjoyed keys in RB3 even though I really wanted to. There were so many on-disc songs that had long ass boring dead spaces in them that I never even bothered to work my through the DLC to try and find and/or memorize what songs might possibly be fun. A real shame in my book that they didn’t just mimic the bass line or something during those stretches so that I would have *something* to do even if it wasn’t SIM. Radar Love is a prime example of frustration for me as you sit around forever doing nothing and then getted spammed with chords from out of nowhere and then go back to doing nothing. On standard keys at least your five fingers are over the five possible keys so you can hit them if you haven’t fallen asleep yet, but in pro mode you need sheet music in front of you or something. I’m sure I wasn’t alone in giving up on it when the on-discs songs are painful to play.
Losing pro g/b doesn’t bother me much either even though I have all the pro g/b songs and like the presentation. I can’t memorize 300+ songs, and since almost no one I know on-line has the pro upgrades I couldn’t play them in a band anyway. Even in local play gaming I never broke out the pro guitar, and didn’t miss it. I hate the Mustang, and if the Squier weren’t such a POS guitar then the amazing RB electronics wouldn’t be so wasted in it. After playing my cheap $300 Schecter (which feels like a $2500 Strat compared to the Squier) in Rocksmith, saying adios to RB pro g/b just seems like the right thing to do. As sad as that is. With the abysmal sales of the Squier I don’t see how a better pro guitar could ever be fielded, and that’s what’s really needed for pro g/b.
Sorry for drawing that out so much.
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March 9, 2015 at 5:20 pm #440221i currently have both xbox’s so its not a problem just i don’t want to buy new instruments so i hope to god they make good on the promise of porting the instruments and content.
I wished they at least supported keys and the pro instruments considering what they made for rock band 3. If only just so you could port the pro content to RB4 just so it was an option considering how much some people spent on the pro guitar upgrades. I mean if they don’t want to author that stuff anymore fine, thats work that can keep the harmonies project going. So id also hope we can find a way to bring all customs with the dlc and disc songs to RB4 under one house, i know thats unlikely but we can dream can’t we. This time last year i had only just found out C3 existed so you can imagine what that was like for me
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />. So hope someone can work magic and make it work for the new one when it exists until then C3 will always be number one. I just wish there was some way harmonix and C3 could work together because that way they can find out what the people want to play and make it happen. Cos authoring songs is great work and takes great skill to do so wish it could be a side feature of the new game to share what songs have been created freely with the community in an official way with the game. Like wasn’t there a make you own song thing for guitar hero 4/world tour and you got to share it out. Would be cool if that could be done in a custom song way from people on here.
March 9, 2015 at 5:30 pm #440222I just wish there was some way harmonix and C3 could work together because that way they can find out what the people want to play and make it happen.Because HMX has no idea that old school Guns ‘N Roses, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc. would be huge draws, right?
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> They DO know what sells beter than anyone else, because they sell it.
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March 9, 2015 at 8:39 pm #440248Just to add a note, since a few people mention RBHP ‘fixing’ missing issues:
a) Unless they release new content for RB3 and RB4, I won’t be providing support for tracks being done up for RB3.
Even if they were to hypothetically add pro support back for RB4, we have no idea if they’ll use the same technique that allows RBHP (and custom pro upgrades) to work, nevermind complications getting the content read by your Xbox/PS4.
March 9, 2015 at 9:05 pm #440250I have a maxed out DLC PS3, I have my XBox360 bought for your customs, and I’m now when it comes out getting a PS4 for Rock Band 4. 3 completely different systems with completely different setlists.Almost all your PS3 DLC will transfer to Rock Band 4, so it won’t be a completely different setlist. Only major differences at the moment would be the RB3 vs. RB4 discs (no RB3 export as of yet). It’s unclear what will happen with the DLC under expired licenses (e.g. Metallica) but it’s assumed that they won’t transfer unless/until Harmonix is able to reacquire those licenses. Regardless, they estimate that 95% of songs should make it to the next generation.
I’m tired of all the negativity about keys and Wii versions and not being able to transfer DLC across platforms. I’m freaking stoked. It’s sad that it will probably negatively impact the customs community but I don’t mind playing my 500-ish official songs, especially with the cool-sounding new game mechanics.
March 9, 2015 at 9:23 pm #440253There’s no “I want to support Harmonix so I’ll buy it and all the DLC they put out, but gosh darnit I’m really bummed out at the thought of no more customs” vote option.
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March 10, 2015 at 2:01 am #440277Just to add a note, since a few people mention RBHP ‘fixing’ missing issues:a) Unless they release new content for RB3 and RB4, I won’t be providing support for tracks being done up for RB3.
Even if they were to hypothetically add pro support back for RB4, we have no idea if they’ll use the same technique that allows RBHP (and custom pro upgrades) to work, nevermind complications getting the content read by your Xbox/PS4.
Come on, espher, stop making excuses and just make it happen!
March 10, 2015 at 1:09 pm #440309As I can see, Harmonix is trying to emulate the 2007-2009 period, when Rock Band sold well and no keys nor pro guitar/bass were avaliable. So HMX did not learned anything from Rocksmith and Bandfuse: despite RB is a party game (how they call it), it can be such a better thing… a real instrument teacher, so pro guitar/bass at least…
March 10, 2015 at 1:23 pm #440312it can be such a better thing… a real instrument teacher, so pro guitar/bass at least…They had pro keys and the numbers didn’t support that. They also already said Rocksmith does it as well as can be done. Technically, the worst results they had in term of sales has been the edition with pro instruments, so it’s as much as learning from your mistakes as you can. They want to make games, not edutainment.
March 10, 2015 at 2:42 pm #440323They want to make games, not edutainment.That may very well be what’s making this sting for some of us, I mean, besides losing our favorite instrument(s). Harmonix’s catalog, along with statements from employees past and present, have given us the impression they want people to experience the joy of playing and even creating music. From Frequency and Amplitude all the way up to Fantasia: Music Evolved, they have created games that immersed people in music, and have given players at least a hint of what it takes to be able to say, “I did that!” and the reward that follows. RB3 to me was a natural step on that path. Now you really could play those songs and learn those instruments, and experience that joy for real, not just pretend.
Not everyone wanted to take that next step, though, and instead just wanted to keep playing games and pretending. And really, that’s okay too. The problem of course was that RB3 wasn’t as good of a social or role-playing-esque game as RB2. Even I have to admit that, and RB3 is by far my most favorite entry in the series. But, it could have been. And RB4 could have fixed the gaming parts while keeping what some of us saw as Harmonix’s commitment to music education, at least for those who wanted to be educated. But no, they apparently don’t want that after all, at least not anymore. And that’s disappointing.
Of course this simplifies a lot of things and glosses over issues like instrument availability and quality, audience demand, and how Harmonix’s motivation has inevitably shifted now that they’re a small independent developer and not part of a big media corporation. Still, it does capture the disappointment I feel even as I look forward to RB4: The game could be what RB3 should have been, but instead it sounds like it will be what RB2 mostly already was.
March 10, 2015 at 3:07 pm #440326And RB4 could have fixed the gaming parts while keeping what some of us saw as Harmonix’s commitment to music education, at least for those who wanted to be educated. But no, they apparently don’t want that after all, at least not anymore. And that’s disappointing.I have no problem with disappointment: I don’t play keys and even I am disappointed that going forward we’ll be missing parts of songs we were used too. However, I think it’s worth underlining one more time and important aspect, and I’m not addressing necessarily you but the community in general.
When you develop a product you need a plan based on your phiolosophy and what you want that product to say. Adding a part CAN be a minus. We, I mean my studio, develop apps and one thing you learn right away is that to frame your product you can’t have more than what’s in your vision. Having one more feature in your app can be a bad thing if the final product is harder to frame and sell to the public. You make a calendar, you sell it. “Ok, a calendar, cool. What does it do? Is it for me or not for me?”, etc. Now, you make a calendar and add the ability to take pictures. “Woah, what? I mean, do I now HAVE to take pictures with that? Or, if I take pictures with that cna I use them in other apps? I needed a calendar, now what is this thing that takes pictures too?”. Believe, if you think this is not how consumers in general react to products, you’re in for a surprise.
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So, I read plenty of “they could have left in 5-lanes”, “they could have left in the ability to play pro G/B for legacy songs”, etc. No, they probably could not have because it didn’t fit with what they are trying to sell now. They want to sell a game with a no-hassle policy on perpherals (you either have them or you can buy them new), a game that is 100% a game (the game part of RB3 was over in a week) and a game that appeals to people who want to feel like they are playing music. That’s it. Agree or not agree, the complete package should probably look like this and not like something in the middle.
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