Megasurvey: how do YOU feel about Rock Band 4?
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March 6, 2015 at 3:19 pm #439990
Got Xbox one as well as 360, 360 is still played much more than the one, I cant see this changing with Rock Band 4 either until the setlist in Rock Band 4 eclipses the customs 360 setlist (if ever) still very happy to get a new rock band game though.
March 6, 2015 at 3:22 pm #439992I will definitely buy RB4, probably on the PS4 – I have 99% of official DLC on the PS3, but HMX are going to have to pull out all the stops to compete with C3.I bought a Xbox 360 and all the kit to enjoy the incredible work C3 has done, so please keep going.
See, I’m in the exact same boat, but I don’t see this as a “competition” at all. I say it all the time, but I can’t really express how much C3 has meant to me. I love music…listening to it, playing it, composing it, learning about new artists and genres, and I love sharing that experience with my friends and family. Being able to do that through Rock Band–and I got on the RB train very late–was a watershed moment for me. When weekly DLC stopped and my wife and I started becoming a little less enthused about playing the same songs every week, finding C3 was another watershed moment.
Now, the opportunity is coming along to enjoy a bunch of new songs and all of the DLC we purchased through a completely new medium…new instruments, new venues, new band career (we are The Knockouts in homage to my wife’s boxing exploits). Presumably there will be new DLC every week from HMX and I know the dedicated folks here will find a way to eventually create and add customs to the library, too. C3 and the Rock Band franchise are not competitors, they’re counterparts. Without Rock Band, there’s no C3. Without C3, I likely would’ve moved on from Rock Band. And as long as both are driven by people who, like me, just love music, I don’t see it as a choice between the two. I see it as a wave, an ebb and flow, dictated by the pace and quality of content generated by HMX while customs authors pick up the slack and fill in the gaps. One feeds off the other. Counterparts.
I guess that’s a really long-winded way to say B.
March 6, 2015 at 3:32 pm #439994going back in time, this is pretty much the same scenario I phased back in 2007 when RB first came along. I had no console, my brother had an XBOX 360 and i ordered rock band for me to have a game to play when i visited him. it turns out i had to buy a 360 for me so that i could enjoy this great game. ever since i have purchased every game, including the spinoffs, LEGO, ACDC, GREENDAY, THE BEATLES and Blitz, plus tons of DLC. We already know we wont have the beatles available for RB4 plus it will take a miracle for some of the most wanted bands / songs to become available, due to lack of stems/legal issues? That means I don’t find a reason why to abandon RB3 + customs.
Nevertheless, most likely I will purchase RB4, since learning yesterday, after sharing the news, that my brother has recently purchased an XBOX One, we’ll see if the story repeats.
March 6, 2015 at 3:56 pm #440004See, I’m in the exact same boat, but I don’t see this as a “competition” at all.You don’t see it because it’s not, never has been, never will be.
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March 6, 2015 at 4:04 pm #440005I think it’s great in that the genre is still alive in the mainstream. (Although I have always thought it was a viable title that should be revived and released as much as say, Call of Duty is) Happy to finally use my XboxONE outside of TV viewing. Maybe my kids will use it, too.
The one thing I will not do is but more plastic. So done with that. After years of buying the next big thing from Antcommander, Madcatz, Logitech, docsrockbandmods (Gotta admit, I love Doc.) and a dozen other companies that pumped out the gear: I finally settled on Roland Drums, two Fender Pro wooden guitars and 3 real mic stands. My set-up cannot improve as far as I’m concerned.
That said; I pray to God they make new dongles that’ll adapt to the new consoles.
Even if they don’t; I know where I’ll be every Friday at 10am no matter what. Because the last two years of my Rockband life has never been better. Long Live CCC.
March 6, 2015 at 4:25 pm #440009Looks like I’m going to have to buy an Xbox One now. I assume that the game will be encoded to not allow customs, which would suck, but I don’t mind having to switch discs/systems to play my customs. I just hope that C3 will continue to release new content each week! Especially since you release so much stuff that Harmonix would never be able to release. If there is a way to somehow convert customs to work in RB4, I would be the happiest guy ever. It’s hard to know exactly how to feel about RB4 until more info is released, and it will suck if we can’t play our customs on it, but we’ll just have to see what the future holds!
March 6, 2015 at 4:33 pm #440011It doesn’t – I play on the wii, they don’t support it any more.So C3 for me all the way !
Well said!
March 6, 2015 at 4:51 pm #440017I have a xbox one and a 360.
I kept my 360 in my gameroom only for playing custom songs from C3, together with my girlfriend.
Lately got some friends who visit me and always say “we want to play rockband!!!”
I cannot tell you how much C3 means to me. When Harmonix stopped I was sad, but when you guys would stop, I would miss it terribly!!
Keep on the great work!
I will buy rockband 4 and every good song they will launch with dlc, even if there is already a custom, but my heart is with C3
March 6, 2015 at 4:59 pm #440018i only have a wii u. i have a kid and nintendo has our favorite IPs that we play together. i have bought over 500 songs on rb3 and feel like harmonix has abandoned me and will not be jumping to a new console for rb4.
March 6, 2015 at 5:26 pm #440022Looks like B is running away with it.
Also, jloboc, your drum set looks like a happy 4 eyed muppet.
March 6, 2015 at 5:55 pm #440026The omission of keys will ending up being huge if they really end up sticking to it. Whoever made that decision should get thrown out on the curb. I will definitely keep playing 360 as well, even for if just that reason alone. Keep up the great work!I feel the same way! I feel that is a huge mistake, since that leaves out a ton of artists and/or songs that have keys as a large part of the band/song (ie. Genesis, Elton John, Billy Joel, more Beatles, etc….). At least that should make it easier for C3 to continue, since in theory you could just stick to songs and or artists that have keys and know that Harmonix would not be releasing them as DLC anytime soon. That is my hope anyway!
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March 6, 2015 at 6:06 pm #440028Hell, unless they decide to release Meat Loaf’s Bat Out of Hell I & II in their entirety in RB4 (which I believe is actually impossible due to the masters being destroyed or otherwise unavailable), I have plenty of good reasons to have both and use both regularly.
You guys have released stuff that I’m almost sure that Harmonix never will, like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, along with tons of other awesome tracks that I just don’t see being covered in official Rock Band content and I’m assuming that is going to be a trend that continues (this week’s customs are awesome!).
On a side note that’s slightly related, has Harmonix said anything about vocal harmonies returning? I’m praying they don’t take them away – from my perspective it doesn’t make sense that they would, since they’re already doing vocals, but then again I’ve never charted a song. They claim they’re going “back to their roots” which does not exactly include harmonies, and, well…Rock Band 4 will have a hard time competing with my Rock Band 3 play time if that is the case, even if I primarily play guitar.
March 6, 2015 at 6:09 pm #440029On a side note that’s slightly related, has Harmonix said anything about vocal harmonies returning?
They confirmed they’re in.
March 6, 2015 at 6:10 pm #440030Even though a new Rock Band sounds exciting, I am one of those people who are bothered by the absence of keys. Details about the game are vague at this point but the next installment feels like a downgrade to me. Would I get it regardless? Yes maybe. I’ll wait for more info about RB4. RB3 is currently the only reason why I use my 360.
Also, customs all the way.
March 6, 2015 at 6:12 pm #440031The lack of pro guitar, keys and customs (for the foreseeable future) in RB4 means RB3 will remain my favorite title in the franchise.
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