Matthew Sweet!

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  • #388577
    Sid Kafizz

      A local radio station was airing an old concert of his today, and I happened to catch some of it. Wasn’t “Girlfriend” in GH2? It would make an excellent RB3 track – as would a few of his other tunes – “I’ve Been Waiting”, “Evangeline” and “Time Capsule” come to mind.


        Full “Girlfriend” album, please! A masterpiece. Great harmonies, plus some bonus Robert Quine guitar work.


        My understanding is that they eventually plan to chart all the GH2 and GH1 songs if possible, so I have no doubt “Girlfriend” will probably be in RB relatively soon. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> I’d love to see it in there. Haven’t heard much of his other stuff, but what I have heard has been pretty good.

          My understanding is that they eventually plan to chart all the GH2 and GH1 songs if possible, so I have no doubt “Girlfriend” will probably be in RB relatively soon. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> I’d love to see it in there. Haven’t heard much of his other stuff, but what I have heard has been pretty good.

          All of the songs from GH1 & GH2? I had enough trouble just charting out one.


          :ohdear: …did I say that out loud? :sweatdrop:


          I’ve Been Waiting and Evangeline would be great. Dont forget “sick of myself” too!!!


          Does anyone know if “girfriend” was converted? I forgot about it being in GH2 and finished a custom version. Don’t want to step on any toes.

            Does anyone know if “girfriend” was converted? I forgot about it being in GH2 and finished a custom version. Don’t want to step on any toes.


            I don’t think so, but even if it was, the concert would be a cover. That would be a great custom to release, in my book!


            no it’s not a concert version. Actually finished up Girlfriend, Sick of Myself and Evangaline. So the GH2 version is a live version? Confused


              I wanna say he meant convert but those damned typos strike when you least expect it


              lol now i’m even more confused….


                He’s saying if there was a convert of Girlfriend from GH2 that it would be the cover version

                  He’s saying if there was a convert of Girlfriend from GH2 that it would be the cover version


                  Yep, I typed that reply on my phone and I think that autocorrect changed convert –> concert. That or my dumb thumb didn’t quite find the v.

                    He’s saying if there was a convert of Girlfriend from GH2 that it would be the cover version


                    Yep, I typed that reply on my phone and I think that autocorrect changed convert –> concert. That or my dumb thumb didn’t quite find the v.


                    And Sick of Myself? Holy crap, I can’t wait for that!


                    Thanks guys. Wow just youtubed the gh version which I did not know existed which also confirmed it is a cover. Man that chart seem much easier and simpler than mine, may need to rechart some stuff. Anyway I’ll try and get them up. It will be under the weezer thread under “misc” section

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