Keytar Rokker v1.2.0 [9/6/15] – Play your Rock Band 3 keytar on PC!

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  • #392665


      WHAT IS IT?

      My attempt at interacting with the Rock Band 3 keytar so it can be played as a real keyboard on your PC. Supports Xbox 360 keytars connected wirelessly, as well as MIDI keyboards and X360/PS3/Wii keytars connected via MIDI cable to the Xbox 360 MIDI Pro Adapter.


      See the included Help documentation for the list of features included and how to use them.




      Updated change log with latest features and changes can be found here:

      Keytar Rokker v1.2.0 – Features & Changes




      Extract these files to any folder and run the executable. INSTALLING IN PROGRAM FILES IS NOT RECOMMENDED.

      Keytar Rokker v1.2.0 – WinRAR archive




      Keytar Rokker uses Microsoft’s Quartz MS font for the LCD displays. If you don’t already have it installed (most pre-Windows 8 OS), Keytar Rokker will prompt you to install the font file included with it. Install that, then run Keytar Rokker again. You only have to install it the one time.




      Check it out




      Microsoft .NET 4 … x?id=17851


      Xbox 360 Controller for Windows drives (already included with Windows 8 and up)

      Wireless – … or-windows

      Wired – … or-windows



      Note that virtually everything in Keytar Rokker’s GUI is customizable. Feel free to share anything you make that you think others might enjoy (i.e. nicer images/buttons/etc).


      Enjoy <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        My pro keys ringer is gonna eat this up.


        Looking forward to the release of this project <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


        Will there be an option to plug in a kick pedal into the keyboard and use that as a sustain pedal?


          Hadn’t thought of that one! I just added it, but unfortunately it looks like the keytar doesn’t send that out when connected as a MIDI controller. Only info that I’m seeing from the keytar when connected to the MPA are the keys. None of the buttons or the kick pedal register anything. But if you connect a keytar wirelessly to the PC, then yes, you can hook up a pedal to it and it’ll now function as a sustain pedal <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          As an aside, I haven’t seen any way to detect the use of the touch strip, so I can’t do anything with it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


          Yah I figured it would be exclusive to using the 360 keyboard since I remember it not working when I tried it in-game with the MPA. Looks like I need to pick up a 360 wireless receiver for my PC at some point


          Unfortunate about the touch strip. Maybe someday.




              That’s pretty cool!


              I see where all this is going (wink)…


              of course we want this… I wonder how to have it talk to the drum app?…

                I wonder how to have it talk to the drum app?…


                I purposefully kept them separate, because…


                I see where all this is going (wink)…


                it’s not going where you think it’s going. After this I’m stopping with these things. As I’ve said before, I am not in the business of making games, mainly because I have no idea how to do that. The only way this and the drum app are kinda OK is because they’re separate. If I start combining things without a proper game engine, everything flickers and doesn’t look nice.


                Sorry to disappoint.


                Really cool! Is it possible for it to display the notes charted for left-hand animation lanes? Relatively minor feature, but some of the really Keys-heavy songs will have them.


                  You know what they say about statistics, but here’s another one. I’m willing to bet that only 1% or less of customs that have Pro Keys and have animations also have accurate left hand animations. And you’re only going to use this program with customs…so, yeah, not nearly as many songs as you’d like to think would benefit from that.


                  Also, left hand animations are not playable in game, and therefore would not be playable here, since I only have the same amount of space you have in game. There’s no way I’m including two keytars just for the negligible chance that someone might want to somehow play one of a handful of customs that have accurate left hand animations while also playing the expert pro keys chart. I think you’re looking for Phase Shift <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                  So no, that’s not going to be included as you’ve asked for. I might be convinced later on to make it so you can switch between playing each animation track and the actual chart, but that would be down the line and not anytime soon.


                    And bam! It’s out.


                    I have spent…WAY…TOO…MUCH…TIME…working on getting this ready for a v1. It might not be perfect, but damn it that has to be my most polished v1 release of any program, ever.


                    I’m kind of burnt out on this one, so enjoy it, report bugs, make suggestions. I’m going back to my other programming projects for a while and I’ll eventually return to this one.


                      Cool Stuff. The pitches aren’t correct on Real Piano though. For example, play an A on Grand Piano and then compare that to “C” on Real Piano.


                        Huh. I thought some of them sounded off, but I wasn’t about to second guess the University I got the samples from. I would need someone with perfect pitch to help me figure out which ones need fixing.


                          Then again, as I said, I had burnt myself out. I was off 3 semitones when loading the samples since I somehow forgot that A0, A#0 and B0 can’t be played. Should be fixed in v1.0.1 – already up. Since only one person had downloaded v1.0.0 it’s not a big deal.

                          Thanks ws54 for being the guinea pig. Now it should be accurate, any more pitch problems are down to the source of the samples, and then I’d need help from someone who can analyze each sample and point out which one is wrong and what the correct one should be.

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