Jan 16, 2015 – Paul McCartney 10-pack, Winter Crescent

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  • #436634
      it’s inconvenient


      You know what else is inconvenient, Phase Shift users only coming out of the wood work to bitch and moan when the songs aren’t available for Phase Shift, yet never bothering to thank the authors or the volunteers (or in my case, the forced volunteer) for the work they do.


      Here’s a small sample of what is inconvenient:


      Still no Phase Shift versions for either this week or last week’s offerings. I understand it’s pretty much out of your control since these versions are done by volunteers, but it’s still inconvenient for those who can’t use any of the other methods.

      for some reason, there’s still missed 1 song from the christmas 2014 pack from Phase Shift :/

      I was wondering why you are not providing the music for the Phase Shift, Have weeks since it has not download for this platform. :confused:

      Are these going to be converted for use with Phase Shift?

      Phase Shift?

      I was wondering when Phase Shift versions of the songcharts would be available?

      When will be available the phase shift links for the last weeks ? :confused:

      Hey, if you don’t mind me asking: what’s the holdup with the release of the Phase Shift/Wii/PS3 versions?

      When will be available the phase shift links ?

      yeah, i want to know too <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

      are these also coming to Phase Shift? Usually the Phase Shift links would be there already by now.

      So I guess the Phase Shift and Wii links won’t pop up until after the Memorial Day weekend?

      Indeed, the links to Wii and Phase Shift are taking days out :confused:


      And that’s just going back to May of 2014, there’s still another 13 months I didn’t go back through. So I agree with you, it’s very inconvenient. And annoying. Now kindly stop complaining and wait until the songs go on the database. I can guarantee you that being annoying doesn’t make anyone want to work any faster.


      That being said, the missing songs are up except for the Winter Crescent songs pending Arcanon fixing his links.


      My apologies. I’ll make sure to be less annoying about it in the future.


      Anyway, the tracks from both last week and this week look nice. I’m looking forward to playing them.




      All links in the Song Database to all four Winter Crescent songs, and their 2x Bass Pedal versions, should now all be fixed. If you were able to successfully download any of the songs before the links broke, you do NOT have to redownload anything; the files are the exact same, and no changes were made to any of them.


      I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. If further issues arise concerning any of these songs, please let me know.


      You the man Arcanon! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Now time to get in a fight with the drums <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

      Download link works!


      You know what else is inconvenient, Phase Shift users only coming out of the wood work to bitch and moan when the songs aren’t available for Phase Shift, yet never bothering to thank the authors or the volunteers (or in my case, the forced volunteer) for the work they do.


      It’s a good thing for PhaseShift players that I am not the one calling the shots. In my opinion C3 should not even provide them the option of getting C3 songs.


      To me, C3 would not exist without Harmonix, and most people here have spent a ton of money to support them. PhaseShift players in no way are supporting Harmonix, and you know for a fact that they are playing Harmonix released on-disc and DLC content without paying for it.


      If anything, C3 should not give PhaseShift players anything in the hopes that maybe they get desperate enough to buy a 360, PS3, or Wii and the RB3 disc to go with it. Maybe then they will end up buying DLC, etc.


      C3 giving PhaseShift freebies = Harmonix getting zilch. Just .02 from someone having a bad day (week) and wanting to bitch about something.


        You have no idea how timely and relevant that post is :haw:

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