I’m a Mac user

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  • #388690

    Hi, after downloading all the Customs I want I prepared my sticks following your great video tutorial.


    Now I realize that all the tools are PC-only, but unfortunalety I’m a Mac user. The problem is that the rest of our computers are Linux powered so I have really no access to an Windows-powered machine.


    Does someone know an alternative program for injecting TU4, the customs, etc which is Mac (or Linux) compatible?


    Thank you




    Ok, I’ve found some cross-plattform programm (OS X, Linux, Windows) called “Velocity”.


    The description of their video presentation says: “Velocity supports STFS, XDBF, and STRB file formats. Currently, Velocity does not support FATX, but hopefully will in the near future”


    You can download it here: https://github.com/hetelek/Velocity/downloads


    My question: Is this programm something I’m looking for?


      Now I realize that all the tools are PC-only, but unfortunalety I’m a Mac user. The problem is that the rest of our computers are Linux powered so I have really no access to an Windows-powered machine.


      I have so many witty remarks it just hurts, but I’ll keep quiet. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>


      Ok, I’ve found some cross-plattform programm (OS X, Linux, Windows) called “Velocity”.


      Maybe it’s good, I unfortunately have no idea. If that works, please do share so that people with no Windows can use it as an alternative. Also, virtual boxes should be more than fine: Linux has a nice selection, although, granted, you still need a copy of Windows.


      I have so many witty remarks it just hurts, but I’ll keep quiet. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> ^^


      Maybe it’s good, I unfortunately have no idea. If that works, please do share so that people with no Windows can use it as an alternative. Also, virtual boxes should be more than fine: Linux has a nice selection, although, granted, you still need a copy of Windows.


      I installed it but I had no idea what to do xD


      So there was only one solution: bring two USB sticks to school (first one: Xbox stick; second one: stick with downloaded customs + TE4 on it), go into the computer room, download Party Buffalo and inject those files. Everything works fine and my Rock Band library became 100% more epic! Thanks <3

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