How much can you change in reductions?

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  • #397110

      Are you supposed to only REMOVE notes when authoring reductions, or can you also CHANGE notes?


      Besides the general question, I have a specific case in mind. I have an Expert pro keyboard chart with a 3-notes chords section which requires lane shifting. To my understanding, 3-notes chords are OK in Hard so I don’t have to make them smaller until reducing to Medium. I am thinking that I could instead change those chords into their inversions, which would still be 3-notes but would then not require any lane shift. This way I would achieve a reduction in difficulty without having (yet) to dumb down the rhythm in that section. Is this an acceptable idea?


        Just to clarify, the overall total number of notes and so the max score possible in Hard will be anyway lower than Expert because there WILL be less notes in other sections.


          Reductions absolutely involve changing notes as well. Your specific case is quite acceptable.


          A lower difficulty chart should never have more notes or a note that has more gems than a higher difficulty (like making a RY chord on Expert a RYB chord on Hard).


            Inverting chords and other tricks involving octave shifts are very much the norm for pro keys, and so is changing things for the sake of reducing the number of range shifts, even when hard still allows them. You’re fine here.


              Yep. Generally my rule of thumb here:


              In Expert, I try to go with what makes more sense musically, even if it means having range shifts (As long as it’s not a ridiculous amount that would be unplayable). I want it to feel like you’re actually playing the part, so I’ll try to keep notes in their place and make it as close as possible to the original.


              In Hard, I begin playing with inversions/octaves in order to minimize range shifts. I try to avoid them completely if it’s during a playing part – sometimes I’ll keep them if the shift happens when the keys doesn’t play. But generally I’ll play around with chords and move notes up/down octaves in order to fit them in one range – even if it makes less sense musically.

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