Help Turning Files Into A Con File

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  • #398243

    Hi all,

    Pretty new to this whole shindig overall, but I’ve got all the basics down I think. One issue I’ve now ran into is that normally, I find downloads for customs and they’re just CON file types (I assume, my Windows doesn’t like to show file types for these I guess), but I discovered that YaBoiBenimaru has tracked all of Thornhill’s The Dark Pool album, but the files I found are all separated. What I mean by that is there isn’t a single file, it’s: album_cover.png, guitar.ogg, notes.eof, notes.mid, and song.ini.

    I’m totally lost on what to do with these files to create a usable RB3 Customs track out of them that I can play. I watched BirdmanExe play the whole thing, so I know it’s possible, but I just don’t know how to get from point A to point B with this. My first guess is the “CON Creator” button inside of the C3 CON Tools program, but to be honest once I open it, I’m not sure where to go from there.

    I apologize if there’s already some sort of guide for this kind of thing. I tried a quick search or two to find if there was something on it, but I didn’t find anything. I’ll gladly provide any more info or anything if necessary.

    Any help is greatly appreciated; as the r/metalcore scene likes to say, I’m #HORNYFORTHORNY, so playing these tracks will be a dream come true.



      On 10/26/2020 at 10:28 AM, OriginSaint said:

      What I mean by that is there isn’t a single file, it’s: album_cover.png, guitar.ogg, notes.eof, notes.mid, and song.ini.

      What you have is a song package intended for another music game, possibly Frets on Fire or Clone Hero.  Unfortunately there is no simple drag-and-drop tool for converting those packages to Rock Band 3 customs.  You would need to be familiar with Magma C3, the tool for creating RB3 customs.  The easiest and luckiest process would be creating a new Magma project, adding notes.mid as the chart file and guitar.ogg as the background music file, then filling out the rest of the Magma project with the necessary info so that it will actually compile a CON.  If none of that means anything to you, then you’ll definitely need to learn about Magma C3 and other customs authoring tools, starting here.

      It’s possible others have already converted or authored songs you’re interested in, so be sure to browse the C3DB before rolling up your sleeves.  I’m also aware that some Frets on Fire authors have posted conversions for RB3 and other games in the FoF forums, so you may want to look there as well.


      Maybe I need to see if I can get in touch with BirdmanExe or YaBoiBenimaru themselves since I know I saw Birdman play the entire album live on Rock Band, but can’t find where he got the customs files to do that at.

      Thanks for all the information though, that was well explained and helpful!

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