Guitar Hero 1 – thoughts & opinions?

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      Does anyone even still go back to the very original Guitar Hero anymore? I used to go back just to beat my old scores but its pretty much impossible. A lot of added features of the newer games are not there & its just rough. Im curious though how you guys see the original Guitar Hero. Do you like any covers? Do you enjoy the animations? What do yall truly think of the game that essentially started it all?


        I actually just bought the original one recently. I only briefly played it once after school and barely remember it. Haven’t started it yet but I imagine it’s about the same as I remember it. Rough around the edges but neat to see where it all began and how far Harmonix has come since.


          I have a copy for PS2, but I can’t run it since my console has problems reading discs. Don’t know how to fix it.


            I still play it once in a while, when I have a donated disc and guitar to test, bundle and sell at the thrift store. For what it is, it holds up pretty well. A lot of what made both series great was there at the beginning. The only thing I would complain about are the infamously unforgiving HOPO’s, which they fixed (and acknowledged) in GH2.


              Does anyone even still go back to the very original Guitar Hero anymore? I used to go back just to beat my old scores but its pretty much impossible. A lot of added features of the newer games are not there & its just rough. Im curious though how you guys see the original Guitar Hero. Do you like any covers? Do you enjoy the animations? What do yall truly think of the game that essentially started it all?

              I love Guitar Hero so much, before Rockband exists, yes like you i want to beat my scores on the entire series very-very epic for me…


              GH:A & GH:VH which i don’t have on my disk which i should to try :lol: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> :D


              Sent from my Galaxy5 using Customs Creators Collective mobile app

              Vinny Reed

                The whole setlist being covers is trash (shame too, it probably has one of the best setlists in both Guitar Hero and Rockband)


                  The covers are good though, they put so much high quality effort into them and it shows.


                  I like it. It’s a bit rough overall compared to GH2, but it’s still an enjoyable experience, and the setlist is still one of the best a rock game has ever had.

                  It’s a bit hard to believe that game’s turning 15 this year.

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