Guitar Controllers that works for Rock Band 3?

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      I wouldn’t be surprised if you managed to find a wired guitar controller from a local thrift store like Goodwill or the Salvation Army. It’s a game of chance depending on how you get there and how often.


      There’s hardly any wired crap anymore. You don’t have much of a choice.


      I already found a bunch of wired guitar controllers, though on Ebay. Some being Rock Band 3’s fender guitar but the majority being the X-Plorer guitar from Guitar Hero.


      I did found Harmonix’s compatibility list and figured out that the X-Plorer can work for Rock Band 3 on Xbox 360… So if I have to, I can just get a new guitar from Ebay, that’s for sure.


      Oh and btw, I don’t mind wireless as long said items use a rechargeable battery. This is NOT the case for Guitar controllers so I prefer wired. My drums though sadly are wireless but it looks like I can plug in a USB wire into it so it is wired (There are four empty slots on the back. I already know the 3 colored ones are for the symbols but there is also a boring black one that looks like a good USB wire spot).

      Get the X-Plorer if you can. It’s the best wired 360 guitar IMO. Very durable too.

      Get the X-Plorer if you can. It’s the best wired 360 guitar IMO. Very durable too.


      Seems to be a case to case basis, mine got a broken strumbar pretty quickly and I had to tape a rubber band on the upper side of it to make sure the rebound after I strummed didn’t trigger a double strum. Also the shape and lack of a Overdrive Activation button compared to newer GH guitars takes a bit of getting used to for those more familiar with GH:WT and GH:WoR guitars.

      Get the X-Plorer if you can. It’s the best wired 360 guitar IMO. Very durable too.


      Seems to be a case to case basis, mine got a broken strumbar pretty quickly and I had to tape a rubber band on the upper side of it to make sure the rebound after I strummed didn’t trigger a double strum. Also the shape and lack of a Overdrive Activation button compared to newer GH guitars takes a bit of getting used to for those more familiar with GH:WT and GH:WoR guitars.

      Guess it is a case-to case basis. I’m pretty careful with mine, so it hasn’t failed me, even after my playing frequency went up after discovering customs.


        If you’re not afraid of trying to replace parts, I fixed an xbox 360 guitar with parts from a wii guitar. Wii guitars should be cheap. Be VERY careful though, the reed (magnetic) switches in there are very very brittle.


        Or go even cheaper and buy a replacement reed switch from digikey if you’re handy with a soldering iron.

        Hope you get your axe up and running! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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