Frank Zappa!

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  • #388566

    He was one of the best musicians/guitarist of all time and it would be great to have some of his Prog., Fusion, work in Rock Band! Lots of technical hard stuff so this would be ideal for Rock Band guitarist and drummers.

    He released over 60 albums, so chart what you like if you want to, but anyways here are my favorites:


    Zoot Allures – Instrumental

    Bobby Brown Goes Down – Great lyrics, his best known

    The Grand Wazoo – 13min instrumental fusion-like jam

    I’m the Slime – Brilliant lyrics, tough solo

    Disco Boy – Just cool


    It would be great if at least one Zappa song would be made, he really deserves it.

    Huge thanks to that future guy whos goin’ to chart dat shit



    by Focus ‘d be awesome, too. It’s a Prog. rock song with lots of fast guitar and drum solos. And some crazy stuff inbetween. And – of course – yodeling. So that is damn hard for everyone! Oh and live, they play it even faster! Still very technical though.


    Frank Zappa has a limitless amount of material to choose from. I think he falls into that category that Grateful Dead fell into that everyone’s heard of him but hardly heard anything by him. You’ve got some really good picks there. I’d probably include My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama or Dancin’ Fool myself.


      I have a Peaches en Regalia midi I need to examine before I decide if I’m officially going to commit to it.


      Are you going to put it togehter to a rba or con file? That would be really great!


      I would love to see Joe’s Garage made into a custom track, if you’re unfamiliar with the story behind the song, here is some reading material:





        check out my new Zappa WIP thread

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