Fictional bands

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  • #388454

    Harmonix gave us a bunch of Spinal Tap, and I love them for it, but there are a bunch of other bands from movies and tv series that gave us some pretty good songs. Such as…


    The Wonders (or One-ders, or Oh-needers, whichever you prefer):


    Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem:




    Steel Dragon:


    The Beets:


    I’m still waiting for the Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle from Dethklok to resurface for RB3. Also more Gorillaz is always good.

      The Wonders (or One-ders, or Oh-needers, whichever you prefer):

      Been pondering that one for a long while.


      Oscar Drill and the Bits (the punk band from Shock Treatment)? Anyone? Anyone?


        Would you settle for Prozzak? Thinking I might look at them eventually. Required Canadian Content and all.

        Harmonix gave us a bunch of Spinal Tap, and I love them for it, but there are a bunch of other bands from movies and tv series that gave us some pretty good songs. Such as…


        The Wonders (or One-ders, or Oh-needers, whichever you prefer):


        I agree with that. I always wanted that one for RB.


        Sex Bob-omb?

          Sex Bob-omb?

          DAMN now you’re talking.


          Sex Bob-omb?

          Aw hell yea. Although I would prefer Black Sheep from that soundtrack. Not a fictional band though, it’s by Metric.


          Man. If we’re talking fictional bands, you gotta go with the one, the only, Dragon Sound. (From the amazing bad action flick, Miami Connection.)


          Sex Bob-omb?


          THIS THIS THIS. I’m still surprised that this didn’t turn into a movie/game tie-in. Seemed like a no-brainer. I can only assume Licensezilla reared its ugly, twisted head.


          I would have bought the entire soundtrack. There’s not a song on it that I don’t like.

          Sex Bob-omb?


          THIS THIS THIS. I’m still surprised that this didn’t turn into a movie/game tie-in. Seemed like a no-brainer. I can only assume Licensezilla reared its ugly, twisted head.


          I would have bought the entire soundtrack. There’s not a song on it that I don’t like.

          I heard there was actually a pack planned at one point. Songs were even picked out. Universal was the one to pull the plug. That’s just hearsay though. Could be complete nonsense.


          In case someone managed to avoid the summer that Scott Pilgrim blew up:

          and the



          Also the other fake bands from the movie:

          Crash and the Boys – I’m So Sad, So Very, Very, Sad / We Hate You Please Die

            In case someone managed to avoid the summer that Scott Pilgrim blew up:

            It’ll be worth charting this just to play it in Phase Shift with the real video in the background. Whoa.

            Sid Kafizz

              Just want to voice my support for The Wonders, real or not.


              That is all.


              What about tv theme songs? I’ve seen a few requests for those over the years.


              That & wrestlers’ entrance music.

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