Entire 9th Measure missing

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  • #395530

      Somehow the entirely of the 9th measure is missing, and it directly affects the way the song plays. In REAPER, the tempo map is somehow completely fucked.




      As you can see here the 8th measure ends, the 9th should follow, but it immediately switches to the 10th measure. I figured it wouldn’t matter during gameplay, but I just tried playing the song and the full 9th measure plays, creating a large gap of no notes, as well as offsetting the rest of the notes by a full measure. I don’t understand how this happened. I was wondering if anyone has any input that can help me without forcing me to create a new REAPER file from scratch.


        Is it possible to get rid of the tempo marker that you’ve placed on measure 9 or 10!?


          Ok so deleting the tempo marker works but it offsets all of the notes by a full measure. I will I guess just have to manually pull those notes back in all of the midi tracks.


          The reason I didn’t try that was because last time I messed around with the tempo markers it fucked with the entire rest of my tempo map, but that was for a different song and I was moving the tempo marker instead of just deleting it.


          Anyway I think it’ll be good after I move the notes, so thank you so much, Panda!.


          The problem lies in the tempo map. The bpm on the marker that starts measure 8 is slightly too high. Lower it gradually, until measure 9 shows up again, then increase it gradually until it is as high as it can be without shrinking measure 9 again (I go as accurate as thousandths, but obviously tenths first, then hundredths, etc.).


          As for what causes it, I’m not yet sure. Probably the same old REAPER shenanigans.


          This happens to me all the time. You just have to manually adjust the rest of the song. It sucks but you gotta do it.


            This happens to me all the time. You just have to manually adjust the rest of the song. It sucks but you gotta do it.


            On which version of Reaper are you? It happens to you with no time signature change?



            On which version of Reaper are you? It happens to you with no time signature change?

            I’m using 4.22, but it usually only happens when there is a time signature change.

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