Elite Beat Agents: Complete Collection (Release TBD)

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      I mean the cold bug I’m fighting. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


      But there are just a few things I’m not reconciling, and I’m not sure if it’s just because of how my audio is mixed or because I’m under the weather and not hearing it crisp. I’ll just grab a few random spots. I might be too nitpicky. I know it’s tough to pick out.


      On guitar, there are the descending notes at M78.4ish. There are some spots where there appears to be an ascending pattern on the chords (M96.3 for example) where the chart goes R+B, Y+B, Y+B and there’s an audible difference between the two Y+Bs — I get that it it’s because there’s already an B+O so we can’t really do more sliding but it seems like there’s an opportunity to adjust that pattern. The R-O HOPO pattern starting around M99 I can’t hear at all. The HOPO sequences at M113 gives me some dissonance because the first yellow has the same pitch as the blue at the end (instead of authoring the non-greens as Y-R-B-Y-R-B-O I would do R-Y-R-B-Y-B-O — this has the two blues as the same pitches, for example). For the patterns around M55 with the quick green to yellow hammer-ons, I’m not hearing anything to give me the vibe of a hammer yellow, for example. Some of the sections of strumming that are constant eighths I’d have more pauses in it (and perhaps you did before smoothing it for ease of play).


      On bass, M17, idk this sounds like it should be more than two buttons. There is a super active bass pattern between M67 and M69 (and I think it occurs elsewhere, M147ish?) that isn’t charted at all. There are a lot of parts that are charted as bursts of straight eighths on a given button when it sounds like there’s a little bit of up and down action (looking around the M140s since I was hovering around there I can hear it for example).


      It could just be me, though, and I’d love to get another opinion. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        I wanted to confirm for the record that I am still authoring September for this pack, but odds are good that it won’t be done until a few days before the pack releases. Sorry for the inconvenience.

          But there are just a few things I’m not reconciling


          I’ll take another look at it with your comments in mind.

            But there are just a few things I’m not reconciling


            I’ll take another look at it with your comments in mind.


            Really good calls on a difficult song. I’ve updated Guitar and Bass for Without a Fight and addressed most of the issues you mentioned and a few more. The only thing I disagree with is the suggestion of chords at the start of the Bass chart. I’m not hearing that. On Guitar, I’ve gone the hyper-accurate route again and did not try to reduce it for playability or fun factor. The song takes endurance to play no matter what. But it can be reduced a bit if necessary again.


            Here is the updated project file:

            http://www.mediafire.com/view/ry4qom313 … TED_GB.RPP


            Here’s a tip in case you want to take advantage of it: In Audacity (v2.0.3), if you use the vocal remover tool, it leaves behind most of the harmonies in this song in very clear form.


              Good to know on the harmonies thing — I’m pretty happy with the pitches and (most of) the timing as it stands, but if time permits (between the Queen song which I haven’t started and RB:HP) I’ll give it another pass with that audio.


              For the bass part I actually wasn’t referring to chords (my wording definitely wasn’t clear) but more than it should be active across more of the fret board than it was.


              Giving it a quick look the guitar is much, much closer to what I was visualizing for a chart, and aside from one ‘tricky’ part it felt more fun to ‘air 5-button guitar’ (playing along to Reaper). On bass there are a few spots where I’m still hearing something a little different but I think it’s in a specific part/pattern that repeats — I’ll see if I can get specifics and sketch out something close to what I’m hearing tomorrow (again, time permitting), or possibly later this week since I’m expecting new (better) headphones. Thanks for taking a look and revisiting it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                So I’m doing the charts for Makes No Difference, and I’m really lacking faith in my drum chart. If it’s at all possible, could someone maybe take a look at it and see what needs fixed? If it’s so atrocious you need to chart it by hand, I will credit you and it’ll become a collab.


                  Starting on “I Was Born to Love You” vox (and probably keys) now. Looked over the drum/guitar/bass charts quickly. Solid stuff on a first pass. I’ve made a few bass pattern changes based on stuff that jumped out to me right away (just a bit of wrapping placement, plus the odd dropped note where the pattern differs slightly as little flourishes are played). There are one or two other parts I’m curious about but I’ll wait until it hits test and more eyes and ears get to it since it’s tough to pick out and I don’t want to sit here scrubbing bass parts for an hour anyway. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


                  Good stuff guys. Nice work. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

                  So I’m doing the charts for Makes No Difference, and I’m really lacking faith in my drum chart. If it’s at all possible, could someone maybe take a look at it and see what needs fixed? If it’s so atrocious you need to chart it by hand, I will credit you and it’ll become a collab.


                  Send it my way, I’ll take a look <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                    So I’m doing the charts for Makes No Difference, and I’m really lacking faith in my drum chart. If it’s at all possible, could someone maybe take a look at it and see what needs fixed? If it’s so atrocious you need to chart it by hand, I will credit you and it’ll become a collab.


                    Send it my way, I’ll take a look <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    Check your PMs, I sent you the file.


                      We’ve tentatively discussed delaying this pack so everyone has a little more time to complete their songs. Is anyone opposed?


                        I personally don’t mind. I’d like more time to work on Makes No Difference if I’m given a large bucketlist of things to fix.

                        We’ve tentatively discussed delaying this pack so everyone has a little more time to complete their songs. Is anyone opposed?


                        Probably a good idea when so many songs fell through as of now. Also sort of related, could we move my All That Remains charts from the 15th to the 8th in that case to fill out the empty space if you delay it?


                          It’s ok with me. Depending on how far out it gets moved I could do another song. It would be nice to get about half the songs in this pack.

                            It’s ok with me. Depending on how far out it gets moved I could do another song. It would be nice to get about half the songs in this pack.


                            Yeah, I’m basically grinding through Queen vocals and I still have K + PK to do… and then testing, review, etc. I want to do a video, blah blah blah.


                              Should we try to move up some of the later November content to replace this, or let the other Nov 8 singles stand on their own?

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