Duplicated chart in the database, which I can’t access


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      I was charting on a song with a friend and we tried uploading it on the C3 Database. While we did the upload, we decided to cancel the upload and leave it for a second, so we can add multitracks to the chart, because we got the stems sent over. Now we’re done with the chart, but C3 doesn’t let me upload the chart, because it’s duplicated and if you look for it in the Database, it tells me, that it listed a song with that name, but it isn’t visible to me, neighter on my author account nor in the database.
      The song is called “Bury me Low” by “8 Graves” and it seems to be in the database and it got out of hands, because it’s definetly not listed on my account. Can someone help and fix this?

      I am charting since a few years now and I don't necessarily have fun doing it, but I'm looking forward to the finished project so I can have fun playing our favorite songs with my friends.

      Since there will be probably some things I did wrong in some of my older charts, I'm gonna put my Twitter on here so you can contact me if there is anything you want me to fix for you.

      Here it is: https://twitter.com/YannickMelzer

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