drummerockband’s customs (Updated May 22nd)

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      So, a Disney pack, eh? Well, I think I can work on something for that. Something by the name of “It’s a B-Movie” from The Brave Little Toaster.


      Okay, so it’s not an actual Disney movie, though they distribute it in the States and I’ve always associated Disney with the movie, so there’s that. Something to put in the blog blerb, I’m sure.


      If you want to join in, I’m not stopping you. But I still need to figure out how many I’m doing. So far I think it’s 3.


      I’d like to make an annoucement. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I’ve finally decided what I need to do. I’ve decided to no longer make Rock Band customs. At least after I do the multitrack pack song, and the Canada songs. As some of you may have known, I’m no longer in the Skype chat for a while now and I really haven’t been on the site as often as I used to be. The truth is, I’m really not finding much fun or enjoyment of making Rock Band customs anymore. I don’t even really play video games in general anymore and it’s just no longer going to happen. I have recently had new interests in other activities, and I’m in college now and just anything to do with video games isn’t fun for me anymore exactly. So these reasons, and a few others I’d rather not mention here, are the reasons I’m no longer going to make Rock Band customs. I’m not entirely sure if I’m going to be sticking around C3 for much longer, since my interest has faded. While I highly appreciate what everyone here has done for me, notably Farottone, pksage, espher, TrojanNemo, Nyx, Columbo, Gigakoops, Addy, and NightmareLyra and everybody else I forgot to mention, I just can no longer do what everyone else here continues to do for this wonderful community. I fear that people will be upset that I am no longer going to be doing this, but I want everyone at C3 to know that all of you who I have interacted with on this site are great people and great friends.


      Sorry for the huge wall of text I usually tend to make here and there, but I just wanted to make this announcement sooner rather than later. Maybe on the Canada Day pack week, I can make an announcement for the whole community, but I’d like to let the authors know first.


      Thanks for the wonderful times and laughs everyone has provided! You guys are an amazing group of people.


        Nope. Not until you do Let It Go at least. Then you have my permission to quit :-D


          Yeah, I feel ya, man. I’ve had a lot of cases of charting burnout. Mostly comes from how much work actually goes into making a custom. It does tend to feel more like work sometimes. If you got that list of songs you’re just not up for doing anymore, you can put them up in the collab forum as a sorta “recycling bin”. I put one up, though I’ve never updated it with songs I probably should put in there. Just an idea, ’cause much like Nemo, I’d hate to see “Let It Go” go to waste.


          Awesome. When I get back from my trip I’ll post Let It Go for y’all. Thanks guys. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Sad to see you go. Thanks for everything you’ve done – if it wasn’t for you the School of Rock pack wouldn’t have happened, or 500 Miles, or those two amazing Tegan and Sara customs. Plus all the others of course <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> All the best with college, work hard, and hopefully we’ll still see you around from time to time. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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