Drihscol’s Show Floor, Alice in Chains, Radiohead, Ween, Failure, Penrose, Jane’s Addiction, Mac DeMarco, Steven Wilson

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  • #455153



      On drums, 82.4.50, missing crash

      On guitar, M86, the most prominent note is higher than the previous Y

      On guitar, M50-53, you have surely stuck to the guitar that you follow for the entire song for consistency and there’s obviously nothing wrong with that but instinctively when the second guitar kicks in here I expected a change in the pattern on screen. Consider authoring that one for the sake of diversity since it’s not really a matter of jumping back and forth on the 2 parts, but it’s your call, as I said there’s nothing wrong with your choice.

      M and E are too dense on guitar

      On Pro Keys, not hearing the G at M44

      You have 1/8ths sustains on keys/pro keys: those are stubby and should go


      Sat saviour project

      There are two guitar tracks panned to either side, I think the one that plays 8th’s more often is panned right, try listening to only the right track.

      Please be more specific about which toms you mean. I assume you mean the intro pattern? I fixed those.

      no hats on easy by design, I preferred the kicks and snare to hats and snare.

      added overdubbing.

      Slide at m43 is on harm2, it’s on harm1 so they look consistent.


      Push daisies project

      Trimmed a bunch of slightly long notes.

      The slides are authored in a manner I learned after doing a whole bunch of RBHP parts, HMX often authors the first note of a slide slightly longer than it is performed, and doing this makes the slide look cleaner and score better (IMO) I did notice that a few of the ends of up+ were a bit long, I trimmed those.

      Changed all th’ lyrics to the.

      M53 C is a less than a semitone slide, I prefer to only author slides that are super duper clear, referring to “Don’t try to author every little slide and vibrato, because that will make your song tedious and not fun to sing.”


      Life of mud project

      added hat at 82.4.50

      fixed guitar ending

      reduced M and E guitar slightly

      trimmed keys sustains.

      G at M44, it’s tough to hear, but every time I removed it I would hear it when I played in game. Nothing wrong with having a little bit of variety for the keys part even if it is slightly vague.





        – M111.3, missing kick

        – M113.1, missing snare

        – M132, 136, a snare too many


        On guitar, my only doubt is the RO chords: chords of effect?


        On vocals, have you sung the song yet in game? It sounds like it needs +30 tuning cent in Magma but due to the, um, dissonant nature of the melody I can’t quite make up my mind.


        Remember to mark this as M.


        Whores Project

        Fixed drums issues.

        RO chord on guitar is for the effect, since it’s the most noisy and dissonant note I opted to author it that way. Feels good when played in game.

        Vocals were tuned at +45cents in the master vocals track (and the con I uploaded)

        I listened again, and it’s now at +40 cents.


        Just as a note, I’ve played through each part I uploaded <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Vocals were tuned at +45cents in the master vocals track (and the con I uploaded)


          Missed it, excellent, all good then.




            Have you uploaded the wrong audio tracks? They sound incredibly compressed, apart from being 2 mono tracks.


            Yes, check the zip i uploaded a few posts up with guitar/bass animations addef.




              On drums, M41.4, 42.2 are missing a crash. Same thing happens with the final pattern of the song. I think it’s hard to discern the ping of the ride from the wash of either the ride itself or another cymbal, but since you have authored some crashes in those sections further scrutiny is required.

              On vocals, M25, her, drops from a C to a G#, chec if it repeats for other occurrances

              On vocals, in general notes sound a bit early (I’m still hearing the ‘l’ for roll- in “in'” at M32, in example). You split the phrases in longer sections so it may not a big issue but give it a check just to be sure. Or maybe the tempo map is not spot on, from a quick glance it looks like in some places audio might be slightly late. It’s not a gamebreaking thing obviously but since there is not much else wrong with this one you might want to check it.


              You’d love her project


              Fleshed out more crashes for drums


              I initially missed the roll offs on ‘her’ lyrics the first time around because their pitch isn’t very clear and singing those notes can be pretty tricky (and annoying) for something that’s so simple in a technical sense.

              I added drops to G# on all the notes I heard it on, but only at the very very end of all of them.

              It’s not exactly as sung, but works a lot better gameplay wise. This is how HMX authors stuff like this IIRC


              Touched up a couple notes for length.

              I reckon the reason the vocals sound a little early is because of the massive reverb, I did hear what you meant at M32 though.


                Hopefully I’ll get to the last song tonight. I would ask you to compile the CONs as soon as you can in the final version. I want to upload them as your files on your account so they show up as yours even on the downloader page with no sponsorship required but this week is a mess for me and the sooner I can get these done and consider them finished the happier I am. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                Good songs btw, and just from previewing them in Reaper it shows they are fun to play in game.




                  On drums, from M87, in that part of the chorus, you authored 2 consecutiive hits but I can only hear the first one.

                  On drums, M194.3, missing snare

                  On pro keys, at M9 you have a 4 note chord spanning more than an octave, check if this happens elsewhere too please.

                  On vocals, M74-79, there’s a third high voice not authored, is that an instrument or vocals?


                  Drive home Project

                  Ghost hits at M87 are there for the sake of consistency, since all the ghost hits are pretty damn hard to hear it’s impossible to tell whether they’re there or not.


                  ProkeysX chord at M9 wrapped.


                  Vocals at m74-79 that sound is a flute that came through the phase inversion.


                  Also added vocals percussion during the first part of the solo.


                  The sooner I can get these done and consider them finished the happier I am. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                  Good songs btw, and just from previewing them in Reaper it shows they are fun to play in game.


                  Thanks, I’m starting to learn how to make parts that are more satisfying to play, rather than just worrying about how accurate they are. I’ve also been trying to choose songs that have all parts playing for (almost) all of the song, and with really audible bass parts etc etc, I’m really really happy with how these parts came out.


                  I’m going to try and smash a venue out for drive home, then I’ll upload all cons. It will be at most, 24 hours.


                  Any word on whether GBBS and HOA will be re-added to the DB?

                    Drive home Project

                    Ghost hits at M87 are there for the sake of consistency, since all the ghost hits are pretty damn hard to hear it’s impossible to tell whether they’re there or not.


                    It’s your song so if you want to give it that feel I’m fine with it but it’s not compliant with the “Ghost notes should only be authored when they are clearly audible in game” rule. I can see the previous ghost notes because there’s a rhythmic quality to them even if they are not “clearly audible” but in this section there is no rhytmic value in something that’s really not audible in a very straight sounding tempo.



                    Any word on whether GBBS and HOA will be re-added to the DB?


                    Yes, I’ll ask pksage if he can do that before this Friday so we can point to them in our announcement. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


                    Final Cons


                    Here we go, Goodbye Blue Sky has a new venue and new audio, Halo of ashes has new audio.

                    Also added practice sessions to Whores.

                    All songs have custom venues except for life of mud and you’d love her, which I don’t have time to finish before friday.


                    Song Id’s

                    Nutshell -1020400001

                    Push th’ Little Daisies -1020400002

                    Saturday Saviour -1020400003

                    Maquiladora -1020400004

                    Whores -1020400005

                    Life of Mud -1020400006

                    Goodbye Blue Sky -1020400007

                    Halo Of Ashes -1020400008

                    You’d Love Her -1020400009

                    Drive Home -1020400010


                      Perfect, thanks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

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