Dream Theater

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  • #392630

    Here’s a list of < 10 minute songs I'd like to see (in no particular order):


    Under a Glass Moon


    Take the Time


    Lifting Shadows Off a Dream


    Peruvian Skies


    Build me up, Break me Down


      What do people keep focusing on a 10 minute limit that does not exist for us? We’ve already released Xanadu, it’s 11 minute long, we can handle Dream Theater pretty well. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> I’m a huge fan of the Kevin Moore era. I have two projects laid out. For one I need to iron out a few wrinkles, for the other I just need to finish other stuff first. But yes, hopefully a fair amount of DT songs (Kevin Moore era) will be released.

        What do people keep focusing on a 10 minute limit that does not exist for us?

        Well I for one am not confident enough to chart without the tools provided by Audition Mode. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

        Why do people keep focusing on a 10 minute limit that does not exist for us?


        Does that mean someone has solved the issue of lip sync animations? Please PM me the answer so this thread stays on topic.


          Nope, lip sync is fine until the 10 minute mark, after that no lip sync.

          Nope, lip sync is fine until the 10 minute mark, after that no lip sync.


          Oh wow. That’s good to hear. In that case, I’d like to request the entire Scenes from a Memory: Metropolis Pt 2 album in its entirety. LOL :cool:


          Seriously though, ANY Dream Theater you guys can produce would be highly appreciated. Thanks!


          What you guys are doing is really amazing! You should do Dream Theaters ADTOE Album with Pro upgrades. I’d Love to do some videos of the (PRO) guitar and bass charts!


          Any Dream theater is good dream theater! Especially Build me up, Break me Down <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            Boy, this is escalating quickly. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>


            I would love to see more Dream Theater songs in Rock Band.



            I know there was a custom for Metropolis Part 1 available from the xbox360iso forum using the official master tracks and it’s pretty damn solid.


            But seriously, I would donate my entire life savings to whoever can do a full album charting of Images and Words or Metropolis Pt 2: Scenes From A Memory. Or hell, if not a full album, then just Octavarium, I don’t even care if it has to be split up like Abbey Road Medley or 2112, just to play that one song in Rock Band would be orgasmic.


              Master tracks discussions are not kosher.


              That custom is out without the permission of the guy who made the custom possible, so if you want to download it it’s fine but please don’t advertise it here.


              Also, I’ll be sure to send you my bank account details when the time comes, please don’t squander them on booze or women ’cause I’m counting on those life savings. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>

                Or hell, if not a full album, then just Octavarium, I don’t even care if it has to be split up like Abbey Road Medley or 2112, just to play that one song in Rock Band would be orgasmic.


                how can I say this? orgasm away?


                Octavarium Part 1: Link


                Octavarium Part 2: Link


                Octavarium Part 3: Link


                Found here: http://www.fretsonfire.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=56351


                as with most other Gamer901 songs, it’s Expert only, but full band and decent quality. it’s not 100% perfect by any means but i’ve played through the whole thing a couple of times and enjoyed it.


                as a side note, we no longer have a limitation (for the most part) on song length. we can compile using Magma: C3 Roks Edition just fine with full lipsync and all the other good stuff. :excited:


                case in point, Abbey Road Medley is available as a 16:30 minute long song with full lipsync, etc. It is not split up, I don’t know where you got that info. And 2112 is also available as a 20 minute song. You get the three parter from Harmonix in case you don’t wanna play 20 minutes non stop <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                Or hell, if not a full album, then just Octavarium, I don’t even care if it has to be split up like Abbey Road Medley or 2112, just to play that one song in Rock Band would be orgasmic.


                how can I say this? orgasm away?


                Octavarium Part 1: Link


                Octavarium Part 2: Link


                Octavarium Part 3: Link


                Found here: http://www.fretsonfire.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=56351


                as with most other Gamer901 songs, it’s Expert only, but full band and decent quality. it’s not 100% perfect by any means but i’ve played through the whole thing a couple of times and enjoyed it.


                as a side note, we no longer have a limitation (for the most part) on song length. we can compile using Magma: C3 Roks Edition just fine with full lipsync and all the other good stuff. :excited:


                case in point, Abbey Road Medley is available as a 16:30 minute long song with full lipsync, etc. It is not split up, I don’t know where you got that info. And 2112 is also available as a 20 minute song. You get the three parter from Harmonix in case you don’t wanna play 20 minutes non stop <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Oh wow, thanks so much!


                Also, I just assumed that making custom songs for RB had the same effect as RBN, in that they only have a 10 minute limit to the songs they chart, e.g. Veil of Illumination.


                But, customs don’t have that limitation? That’s awesome!


                  customs HAD the same limitation, because we USED the same tools. that’s no longer the case.


                  Magma: C3 Roks Edition removes a lot of the limitations of the official Magma, as well as adds a lot of features.


                  the official RBN will continue to have this limitation since this is an unofficial modification to Magma and they are still forced to use the “old” official one. but we’re not! :excited:


                  i was able to get my hands on full multitracks for a few DT songs if anyone wants to try charting them…just pm me or reply back in this thread & ill upload then post the link. yay for random multitrack searching?

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