DJ Hero – thoughts & opinions?

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  • #397582

      As with my previous Guitar Hero – thoughts & opinions? thread, this one is about DJ Hero. Ive never actually played it but if you have what did you enjoy about it? Does it still hold up? I always see at LEAST 1 DJ Hero peripheral in a retro game store. It cracks me up because I know that it didnt sell well at all (at least it got a sequel). Eventually Ill pick it up but I dont see a reason until I want to complete my Guitar Hero/Rock Band collection which I almost have every game in the series. Anyway, thoughts on the spin-off series?


        Technically not a Harmonix game but we’ll let it slide… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


        I actually really enjoyed the first DJ Hero a lot. It’s fun and different from GH and RB. The mixes are also overall pretty good and creative. Haven’t played 2 yet but from looking at the setlist mixes I feel like I won’t enjoy it nearly as much.


          Technically not a Harmonix game but we’ll let it slide… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          I actually really enjoyed the first DJ Hero a lot. It’s fun and different from GH and RB. The mixes are also overall pretty good and creative. Haven’t played 2 yet but from looking at the setlist mixes I feel like I won’t enjoy it nearly as much.

          Haha fair enough. I agree, I think that it changes it up & makes a whole new idea without making it too different. It kept the elements & ideas from GH & made it an entirely new concept. Ive listened to the tracks on their own & I gotta say, it was worked on very well.

          The Aftermath

            DJHero 1 was way better than DJHero 2 tbh. I tried both of them, couple songs and the first game have really good beat mixes. Great mechanics compared too the second one that added something that I couldn’t figure out (hard patterns of hell). And the songs are less attractive to play the game too for the second game. I won’t say the game is bad compared to the first one but, everyone as their opinion <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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