Discussion: “Buried” Keys/PK parts
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July 30, 2014 at 5:38 pm #425909Ummmmmmmmmm. No but there’s gotta’ be someone who can chart stuff this hard? Is there?keys are either a mess or we don’t have expert authors that are willing to do them.
Are you trying to say I should try or you are going to try? If you are going to try…
Then again I can always be wrong. Let’s hope your that user willing to do so.
God bless the Earth.
EDIT: I just saw that you meant mine and Farottone’s reasons are drastically different.
Oh well. Guess that means no Genesis.
July 30, 2014 at 6:34 pm #425915i don’t know how you grossly misunderstood the post. you asked “there’s gotta’ be someone who can chart stuff this hard” right after farottone made a post saying that there are no expert authors willing to chart them
July 30, 2014 at 6:36 pm #425916i don’t know how you grossly misunderstood the post.You don’t read the forums enough.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>
July 30, 2014 at 7:12 pm #425925i don’t know how you grossly misunderstood the post.You don’t read the forums enough.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
haha this made me chuckle, the OP was quite clear on what this discussion was about….and yet
Crazycoolcat5, as PKsage and numerous people in this thread has mentioned, if the keys are an integral part of the song ala “Final Countdown”, “Rocketman” C3 WILL <- read, chart the keys and I presume Genesis should fall into this category, or at least the ones I’ve heard, its just the songs where keys are either inaudible and/or pointless may not be charted going forward, that’s it.
July 30, 2014 at 7:14 pm #425926Crazycoolcat5, as PKsage and numerous people in this thread has mentioned, if the keys are an integral part of the song ala “Final Countdown”, “Rocketman” C3 WILLYeah, I can’t think of many Genesis songs, if any, that have buried piano parts.
July 30, 2014 at 7:16 pm #425928We are discussing “this song has Keys that can’t be charted, and the options are release without Keys or don’t release at all.”
Which by the way is our current stance. We are currently withholding a number of songs (not too many, but some of those very, very popular) because they are ready to hit playtesting but keys are either a mess or we don’t have expert authors that are willing to do them. Just to make it clear to the other users, the question was then what should we do with those and with anything in the future fitting the description.
I’m of the opinion that holding back a song for a feature that may never get added doesn’t help anyone. Some way should be found to get them out to the rabid playerbase. A couple of off-the-top-of-my-head ideas:
-Release them as is. Probably not the best way as it would compromise the C3 standard.
-Release them as a ‘beta test’ or ‘open source’. Perhaps this could help flush out a forum member who loves the song and could help add whatever is missing. Not the best plan either, for myriad reasons.
-Release them under a new line, something akin to funky’s ‘Rough Cuts’ or an artist’s ‘bootleg’ collection. Perhaps just in a sticky forum thread in ‘Other Customs’ even. This way they’re done, no more messing around with outside of a miraculous ‘From the Vault’ release if something happens to come together later.
I would say the third option strikes me as the most reasonable. Of course, I wouldn’t try to make songs for the Bootleg releases, but if something is floating in limbo for a certain length of time statute of limitations kicks in and it auto-bootlegs.
Just my thoughts. I’d rather have songs than not.
July 30, 2014 at 7:23 pm #425929I’d rather have songs than not.Agreed.
July 30, 2014 at 7:40 pm #425932I’m of the opinion that holding back a song for a feature that may never get added doesn’t help anyone.
That’s the reason we have started the dialogue. This is our second year, and some among us when we started this thought we probably wouldn’t have made it past July 2013. We don’t discuss download numbers but we actually are still going strong. Why have we managed to reach month #15 of our experience? Probably because we started with a goal: replicating the original experience of the Harmonix DLC releases. People who download C3 songs know that it’s like downloading the official DLC. Well, not exactly like that, official DLC was obviously extremely polished, something only very few authors can and are willing to do, but our song have all that’s needed so that when you play you don’t notice much difference: animations, all instruments, all difficulties, etc.
Now, I am personally leaning toward releasing those songs without keys, however I full understand the position of some of our authors: we are C3, we release complete songs, that’s one of the reasons why we have such a great community and following. The only reason I lean toward breaking this rule is: nobody will ever be able to author a pro keys chart for those songs without stems. That’s it. Therefore, since we have no stems, I think it makes sense to release them. And if we ever get stems it will be like those Bon Jovi songs that got keys and harmonies upgrade when Harmonix added those in RB3.
July 30, 2014 at 7:45 pm #425933i don’t know how you grossly misunderstood the post. you asked “there’s gotta’ be someone who can chart stuff this hard” right after farottone made a post saying that there are no expert authors willing to chart themI was actually making that post right before Farottone made his. As soon as I clicked the submit button Farottone posted so thats why it seems stupid and out of my fuckin’ mind to make something right after a post like that.
July 30, 2014 at 10:17 pm #425962The only reason I lean toward breaking this rule is: nobody will ever be able to author a pro keys chart for those songs without stems. That’s it. Therefore, since we have no stems, I think it makes sense to release them. And if we ever get stems it will be like those Bon Jovi songs that got keys and harmonies upgrade when Harmonix added those in RB3.
If the keys can not be charted without the stems, then release the song without keys. As long as this only happens when there is no possible way to chart the keys part without the stems, I see no problem with it. I would much rather have the songs released, than have songs sitting around collecting dust because no one can chart the key part that no one can hear.
July 30, 2014 at 10:43 pm #425963If the keys can not be charted without the stems, then release the song without keys.+1
July 31, 2014 at 12:36 am #425968I was actually making that post right before Farottone made his. As soon as I clicked the submit button Farottone posted so thats why it seems stupid and out of my fuckin’ mind to make something right after a post like that.
The forums would’ve warned you and asked you if you wanted to revise your post if someone posted something before you got the chance to reply.
July 31, 2014 at 10:22 am #425986I think how i always think of it is how rockband “Did”. You have to mix Accuracy with “is this song going to be fun to play”
For example i do a lot of POP-ROCK charts and i find myself contatly putting keys where they should’nt i go through the mid i have available and do what i can, but stems are not for every song and songs w/out multitracks i have a lot of issues here, all i can say is work with the Community i know that its a “secret” the releases each week but perhaps have a closed testing of “said” song and see if it should have keys or not, sharing is caring.
July 31, 2014 at 1:16 pm #425989In regards to songs that have spurts of Keys and huge empty spaces,
I (Drums) play with my wife (Vocal,Keys) and she is not that great at keys. She mostly plays on Medium 5lane. Songs that have keys for only a few moments and huge spaces are not a problem for us. Alot of times if the keys are not that hard, she can do expert and gets excited because we can gold star a song together. There has been a couple songs that we have that will not even let you get to a 4x multiplier on Keys, and it does not diminish her enjoyment of that song.
I know we may be a special case, or in a small group that has someone who plays the lower difficulties on 5 lane keys, but just wanted to say that we do enjoy playing songs that only have sporadic keys.
July 31, 2014 at 2:01 pm #425993I think how i always think of it is how rockband “Did”. You have to mix Accuracy with “is this song going to be fun to play”I cringed a bit here, tbh. Accuracy trumps “fun” unless it’s hyperaccuracy. Never ‘add’, only ‘subtract’, and only after careful consideration.
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