I can’t wait to experience this new album for the first time by playing it in RB3. You the man DenVaktare!
You’re crazy man, but you’re also very awesome! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Descending is up! Drummers, bring all your extra limbs and intimate knowledge of Swiss Army triplets.
I can’t wait to experience this new album for the first time by playing it in RB3. You the man DenVaktare!
Thanks so much for mentioning that, Sideshow! I really hope you enjoy. And just trying to keep up with you all!
Thanks AJFOne! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
You’re crazy man, but you’re also very awesome!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Haha, it’s very soothing to know I kept some awesomeness when I dove off the deep end! Thanks Banshee! I appreciate it. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Hey guys! Just checking in for the sake of transparency. In regards to the release schedule, Pneuma is getting pushed back a few days due to mostly the tempo map. It’s constantly changing so almost each measure needs to be manually set. This should not affect the dates of Invincible or 7empest, the latter of which may even be out earlier than anticipated.
Also, there’s some awesome collaboration going on, so that should up quality and reduce the wait on releases!
Hey guys! Another quick check in. Pneuma and Invincible are incredibly close to release. And 7empest has a surprising amount of work done to it. You will see releases of all very shortly!
Don’t you dare point that at me…
Guitar work is done on Culling Voices with bass not far behind.
Any updates? I don’t want to rush what is undoubtedly a shitload of work, but man have I been anticipating these songs.
Any updates? I don’t want to rush what is undoubtedly a shitload of work, but man have I been anticipating these songs.
I definitely appreciate any inquiries! It’s always nice to know there’s anticipation!
Yes! I apologize. I unexpectedly had to be out of town the last 5 days. I just arrived back this morning and am looking to get back into it.
Pitched Vocals are being worked on. Everything else is done!
Pitched Vocals, some left hand animations, and venue is being worked on. Everything else is done!
Culling Voices:
Pitched Vocals and a few venue related things are left. Everything else is done!
Some drum work is still being hashed out, pitched vocals and a few venue related things are left. Everything else is done!
I was really hoping for a September 30th release but the above situation screwed that up. All I can say is that it will be any day now!
That’s awesome news! So excited to get my hands on them as soon as they’re ready!
Anticipation? Denvaktare I check 3x a day too see if you have delivered another beautiful Tool Custom! Thank you for taking the time to deliver the goods to us…
Haha yeah C3 went from not being on my top pages viewed on my browser to into the top 3 from checking multiple times daily, can’t wait!
Tool was in concert in Sacremento last night, incredible! Pneuma was definitly a highlight. Hope all is well with Denvaktare. Any updates?
Tool was in concert in Sacremento last night, incredible! Pneuma was definitly a highlight. Hope all is well with Denvaktare. Any updates?
Good things take time…
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