DenVaktare’s Customs – 5/10/20 – Birthday Rock Radio (TooL Edition) – Tool: Disposition – Broadcast Interrupted!

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  • #497076

      I am too dumb and/or unhip to figure out the clues from the graphic, so I’ll just check the database daily.

      Haha! Yeah, that’s definitely not the case. The graphic is absolutely awful; pieced together in the two extra minutes I had last week! And that’s definitely a foolproof strategy!


      The clue for tomorrow is the hat with the bull on it.


        So Hats Off to the Bull by Chevelle then. That’s gonna be a blast to play!


        Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


          I had to drop in to say that you’re a pretty cool guy and I wish you all the best with this splendid week of customs!


            Hey guys! It’s Day 2 of 7 of a Wonderful Week of Customs!


            What I’ve got for you next is the title track from Chevelle’s “Hats Off to the Bull” album! “Face to the Floor” was my favorite from the album, but that track has since been dethroned by this one! I hope you’ll enjoy it lots! Break out that stage kit if you’ve got!


            So Hats Off to the Bull by Chevelle then. That’s gonna be a blast to play!

            Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


            Well, you definitely called that one. xD. I hope so! I personally had a blast play-testing everything!


            I had to drop in to say that you’re a pretty cool guy and I wish you all the best with this splendid week of customs!


            Wow, that means a ton! Thank you, Farottone! I very much appreciate the drop in!


              Yeah Hats Off to the Bull is a definite banger and will be fun for sure


              Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


                Lots of cool stuff this week, thanks so much for sharing them!

                Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                Nice releases so far, Thanks! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                  Since my girl will never be on this forum, she thanks you for your work on all the Tool songs I’ve played of yours on the drums, so she can listen to something she likes (instead of all the other stuff I play that she doesn’t); and I can see she’ll (I’ll) have four more things to thank you for in the future. =-)


                    Hey guys! It’s Day 3 of 7 of a Wonderful Week of Customs!



                    Next up? My favorite Cult song, and it kicks some serious butt! “You’re up against the world and still you rise…” It’s definitely one of The Cult’s heavier tracks. If you’re a fan of the things I’ve released in the past, you’ll absolutely be at home here. I urge you to give it a shot! Of course I could be wrong and maybe you’ll never trust me again, but it’s a risk I have to take.


                    *The following message is in no way related to the Tool release except for the fact that it completely is.*



                    “The wind swept across the plain as he came to consciousness. Where was he? He had been laying face down on the ground. He clenched his fist and found a fine sand flow through his fingers. As he slowly sat up, an older man in a yellow rain coat with an inscrutable air about him came waddling toward with two shovels in hand. “Wake up, sonny! We’re going digging! There’s a treasure to be had and we’re going to get rich! Well what’re ya waiting for?!”



                    Yeah Hats Off to the Bull is a definite banger and will be fun for sure

                    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


                    Banger definitely applies to this track as well!


                    Lots of cool stuff this week, thanks so much for sharing them!


                    Thank’s so much for stopping in, Prez! Hey, I’m just trying to help even the score with all the awesome stuff you’ve given us!


                    Nice releases so far, Thanks! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                    You are very welcome! And thank you for the comment! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                    Since my girl will never be on this forum, she thanks you for your work on all the Tool songs I’ve played of yours on the drums, so she can listen to something she likes (instead of all the other stuff I play that she doesn’t); and I can see she’ll (I’ll) have four more things to thank you for in the future. =-)


                    Haha! xD. Well please tell her thank you! (And thank you as well!) Also tell her to yell at you to yell at me to get my crap together if her favorite Tool track isn’t already on here!


                      Haha! xD. Well please tell her thank you! (And thank you as well!) Also tell her to yell at you to yell at me to get my crap together if her favorite Tool track isn’t already on here!


                      AEnema and Sober are done so you’re off the hook. One out of two of those you charted. =-)


                        Hey guys! It’s Day 4 of 7 of a Wonderful Week of Customs!


                        We have a repeat appearance by Chevelle with their single off of “Stray Arrows: A Collection of Favorites.” What are you waiting for? “Go find your vegetarian…”



                        *The following message is in no way related to the Tool release except for the fact that it completely is.*



                        He emerged from the cave, muddied and tired with the shovel resting across his back. A man in a black suit with a deep red patch on the left breast of the jacket, black tie, and black sunglasses stood there as if the two had an appointment. After a few moments of silence, the man in the suit spoke. “I have an assignment for you.” The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a tattered piece of paper with what looked like coordinates scrawled on it. “You’re to go to this location and report back to me what you find.” He slowly took the scrap and tried to figure out why he hated the man in the suit. It wasn’t because the man had just barked orders at him. No, it was as if he had known the man in the suit forever and was holding on to something. But what?


                          Hey guys! It’s Day 5 of 7 of a Wonderful Week of Customs!


                          We have yet another appearance by Chevelle with a track from “Wonder What’s Next.” “Forfeit can both calm you down and pump you up!


                          *The following message is in no way related to the Tool release except for the fact that it completely is.*



                          After a treacherous campaign across low-lit marshes, he finally arrived at the longitude and latitude scribbled on the note. His jaw dropped as he came across a crater with a deep hole in the center. That wasn’t what caused his chest to tighten and his breathing to become shallow, however. There appeared to be tattered strips of flesh scattered about the crater. A surge of fear caused him to stumble backward and fall. He crawled back and couldn’t help but utter the phrase “Holy fucking shit!”


                            HeyguYs! It’s Day 6 of 7 of a w0nd__fol Weel of Customs!


                            Can y-u hear me? I fiil like I’m having a hard time getting through. The Tool pack is taking on a life of its own! It absorbed Day 6. I don‘t even know what’scoming tomo__ow! Send help.


                            *The following message is in no way related to the Tool release except for the fact that it completely is.*



                            The descent seemed to last forever. Part of him believed he had become trapped in some loop. Was there no bottom? What would he find if he got there? What was the purpose? Purpose. That’s what he kept reminding himself of. Purpose. It had to add up to something. He was doing this for her. For them. For who? He shook his muddled head as if to try clear the mental fog. His efforts regarding the matter yielded nothing. This infuriated him and resulted in his clenched fist striking the dark, dank, cold wall. Why couldn’t he remember what came before?


                              Great stuff!


                                It’s gettin’ real spooky in here…

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