DenVaktare’s Customs – 5/10/20 – Birthday Rock Radio (TooL Edition) – Tool: Disposition – Broadcast Interrupted!

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  • #494757

      Fuck. Yes. Thank you!


      Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


        Another awesome pack of songs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> and so many of them! Nicely done.

        Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



          Fuck. Yes. Thank you!


          Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


          Haha, you’re very welcome sir. If this one excited you, I think you’ll really be happy with the next Tool release.


          Another awesome pack of songs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> and so many of them! Nicely done.


          Thank you so much, MrPrez! I really appreciate the comment. It’s always awesome when a bulk pack comes together.


          Speaking of packs, I’ve got a 4-pack of brand new customs hitting you guys tonight. Two of my personal favorites from Chevelle, as well as two from Rob Zombie. Tune in in a couple of hours!


            Hey guys! Happy to bring you a brand new pack of songs! I’ll be releasing “Emotional Drought” by Chevelle after I workout, which I quickly need to go do! In the meantime, enjoy “Antisaint” and two new Zombie songs!


            Thanks for the additional Chevelle and even more Zombie tracks! Nice of you to share these! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


              Thanks for the additional Chevelle and even more Zombie tracks! Nice of you to share these! –

              You are very welcome! And thank you! I really appreciate the comment. Zombie vocals are coming soon too! Also, I have an awesome Zombie-related surprise that should also drop soon.


                Hey guys! New 2-pack of songs available in the database! “Emotional Drought” by Chevelle, and “One Man Army” by Our Lady Peace. Expect more content from both artists from me.


                  More Our Lady Peace anytime! Ever consider more Canadian artists like Moist or I Mother Earth?


                    More Our Lady Peace anytime! Ever consider more Canadian artists like Moist or I Mother Earth?

                    Rush is arguably my favorite band of all time, but they are heavily charted otherwise I would have had my claws in Canada a long long time ago! I have never heard of Moist but I will check them out! I Mother Earth… did they have a song called “Levitate” as official DLC? I remember enjoying that track. I’ll check them out as well. Thanks for the comment!


                      Hey guys! Bringing a 3 pack today! “Hey Mario” is a comical analysis of Mario and Peach’s relationship and should make for a good party song. “Tell Me a Lie” has some infectious instrumental and vocal work all around, and “In Repair” has tons of three-note chords as the guitarist frequently uses five and all six strings throughout the song. I hope you guys enjoy!


                      I’ve actually got 2 more 3-packs hitting you soon. Chevelle, Drowning Pool, Dark New Day, The Cult, and more! If you’re an original fan of my thread, I think you’ll enjoy.


                      Lastly, Tool is finally tracking their new album. If you think for one second I haven’t been hard at work on tons of new Tool content, I’m going to counter that you are very drunk! I promise that Tool fans will not be disappointed by the time I’m done! Also, I’m stockpiling vacation days for when that new album gets released!


                      Nice 3 pack! Thanks especially for the Fratellis!

                      Looking forward to your upcoming work….love me some Chevelle! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

                      I’ll let the mrs. know you also got some Cult coming down the pipeline….she’s gonna lose it, I know for sure she will!! lol :smug:


                      Thanks for your on going energy and dedication, friend! :rock: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                        Nice 3 pack! Thanks especially for the Fratellis!

                        Looking forward to your upcoming work….love me some Chevelle! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

                        I’ll let the mrs. know you also got some Cult coming down the pipeline….she’s gonna lose it, I know for sure she will!! lol :smug:


                        Thanks for your on going energy and dedication, friend! :rock: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                        Thanks so much for the comment, and you’re quite welcome! I’m trying to churn content out at a faster pace! And fantastic! Haha xD. Oh man, now I’m under pressure! I’m actually off to compile that one right now, so I’ll likely release it early! It’s hands down my favorite track by them and I hope it’s one she enjoys too!


                        As long as there are awesome comments like the one you just left, I don’t see the energy dying anytime soon. Even if I get hit by a bus, I guarantee I’ll continue charting! Thank you! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                          DenVaktare’s Wonderful Week of Customs:



                          #1…. Our Lady Peace – “Naveed”

                          #2…. Chevelle – “Hats Off to the Bull”

                          #3…. The Cult – “Rise”

                          #4…. Chevelle – “Fizgig”

                          #5…. Chevelle – “Forfeit”

                          #6…. ???

                          #7…. Tool – ” “

                          #8…. Tool – ” “(bonus on the last day)

                          #9…. Tool – ” ” (bonus on the last day)

                          #10…Tool – ” ” (bonus on the last day)


                          Take a guess!


                          The wonderful week of customs will be ending with a highly anticipated 4 Pack of Tool material…


                          *The following messages are in no way related to the Tool release except for the fact that they completely are.*



                          “The wind swept across the plain as he came to consciousness. Where was he? He had been laying face down on the ground. He clenched his fist and found a fine sand flow through his fingers. As he slowly sat up, an older man in a yellow rain coat with an inscrutable air about him came waddling toward with two shovels in hand. “Wake up, sonny! We’re going digging! There’s a treasure to be had and we’re going to get rich! Well what’re ya waiting for?!”




                          He emerged from the cave, muddied and tired with the shovel resting across his back. A man in a black suit with a deep red patch on the left breast of the jacket, black tie, and black sunglasses stood there as if the two had an appointment. After a few moments of silence, the man in the suit spoke. “I have an assignment for you.” The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a tattered piece of paper with what looked like coordinates scrawled on it. “You’re to go to this location and report back to me what you find.” He slowly took the scrap and tried to figure out why he hated the man in the suit. It wasn’t because the man had just barked orders at him. No, it was as if he had known the man in the suit forever and was holding on to something. But what?




                          After a treacherous campaign across low-lit marshes, he finally arrived at the longitude and latitude scribbled on the note. His jaw dropped as he came across a crater with a deep hole in the center. That wasn’t what caused his chest to tighten and his breathing to become shallow, however. There appeared to be tattered strips of flesh scattered about the crater. A surge of fear caused him to stumble backward and fall. He crawled back and couldn’t help but utter the phrase “Holy fucking shit!”


                            Hey guys! It’s Day 1 of 7 of a Wonderful Week of Customs!


                            Starting us off is the title track from Our Lady Peace’s Naveed! This song was slightly challenging to chart but thankfully I’d listened to it enough times to pull through! It contains a custom venue and I really hope you’ll enjoy it. Drummers, get ready to give that non-dominant hand a slight workout!


                            I know what you’re thinking… is it Day 7 yet? Trust me, I’m as excited as you are for more Tool!


                              I am too dumb and/or unhip to figure out the clues from the graphic, so I’ll just check the database daily.

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