DenVaktare’s Customs – 5/10/20 – Birthday Rock Radio (TooL Edition) – Tool: Disposition – Broadcast Interrupted!

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      Hey guys! Here with Chevelle’s “I Get It”. I apologize as I wanted to get this out much sooner but it’s at least here now! Enjoy! All it needs is a custom venue and left hand animations which I will provide soon!


        Hey guys! “Comfortable Liar” is now in the database! Enjoy!


          Pardon me for asking but have there been any updates on the Ticks & Leeches front?


          Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


            Pardon me for asking but have there been any updates on the Ticks & Leeches front?

            No pardons necessary! There has been. Thank you for reminding me of that. I’m going to move that up the priority list. I want all Tool related content done by the new year (and all stuff I’m working on in a perfect world). I’ve also been banking vacation days because when that new album drops I want to throw myself in it and get content out as fast as possible.


              Oh man can’t wait!


              Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk



                *gets into character*


                Gooooooooooooood morning everyone! This is your DJ, DenVaktare signing on for a quick announcement!


                I don’t know about everyone else, but seeing the success of the C3Thon event made this DJ’s heart swell to massive proportions! (And no, it wasn’t cholesterol, thankfully. I confirmed this with my primary care physician!) Everyone of you should be proud of yourselves! But it got me to thinking, swollen hearts are right around the corner on the calendar! Come this Groundhog’s day, RockHeart Radio will be hosting the Rock the Love; Love to Rock Marathon Event!


                  I’m releasing your first opportunity for bonus content on the first day of my upcoming event. This will be a harder one due to having extra time, and should no one figure it out by the time my event nears, I’ll give extra clues. Each riddle or question will be about something I love (as this is arguably a Valentine’s day event) that I will give a short description about after the puzzle is figured out. Am I talking about video games, or perhaps music? Maybe it’s in reference to a television show or a movie. It might even be about a particular type of weather. Anything is up for grabs!


                  Bonus opportunity #1:

                  “Months ago I dove into the world of hex editing and assembly coding in the hopes of bringing my vision of an old classic to life. While the overall plot stays intact, one major change is the addition of two characters (one male, one female; both already present in the story as non-playable characters) to the cast of playable ones. The story will have to be slightly re-written in a few places due to the fate of these non-playable characters but I have already figured it out. A popular patch for this title already explores what would happen if one of these two characters were to be in the party, due to his popularity among fans. The game is over 20 years old.”


                  Which 2 characters do I plan on adding, and to what game?


                  Ah well very excited over some vocal upgrades, i know it’s difficult and i’ve been hoping to see some in the future on your customs! I haven’t been here in a long while but i always try to check it out over here in your thread and leave a reply, i’m always excited about whats to come. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> Alas im not good at riddles so i can’t participate in that <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> Also need to grab a hard drive too so i can download your latest customs. Thank you for giving me something to look for come valentines day! Hope your doing well and had some happy holidays, as well as a happy new year!


                    Ah well very excited over some vocal upgrades, i know it’s difficult and i’ve been hoping to see some in the future on your customs! I haven’t been here in a long while but i always try to check it out over here in your thread and leave a reply, i’m always excited about whats to come. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> Alas im not good at riddles so i can’t participate in that <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> Also need to grab a hard drive too so i can download your latest customs. Thank you for giving me something to look for come valentines day! Hope your doing well and had some happy holidays, as well as a happy new year!


                    Always very happy to see you, Mr. O’Malley! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> . And I really appreciate the effort to always comment! It’s what keeps the thread alive. Haha don’t worry, this one is unfair simply because of the time frame, and word on the street is that my girlfriend might be assisting if they go unanswered! I’ve got to come up with a plan to stop her, and that I will :argh:! I hope you find a good deal on a drive! So much awesome content was released during C3Thon and I’m happy you’ve reserved a spot for mine, that’s always an honor! And fantastic, I’m excited for you to check in! Thank you for the holiday wishes. I hope yours were excellent as well! Happy New Year! 2018 is going to rock, no pun intended!


                      Hey guys! Upgrades to “Prison Sex” by Tool are here. This should be the final version unless someone finds something major to fix! (Or even minor, in that regard.) I hope you enjoy! Guitar and Bass are much more accurate and drums received a few fixes as well!


                        Very cool to see more stuff from me, loved to work a bit on your C3thon’s contribution. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


                          Very cool to see more stuff from me, loved to work a bit on your C3thon’s contribution. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

                          Haha, thanks very much again for the assistance with my first bout at pitched vocals on “2×4”, and with your patience! I could have done it without you, but obviously it would have been very wrong! :haw: But again, was beyond honored for the opportunity to contribute! So awesome that it was such a success! Bravo again!


                            Hey guys! Here is a teaser track for my upcoming event!


                            I’m hoping with the upcoming event that if you’ve never downloaded anything by me that you’ll have at least one track to enjoy with the various genres I’m covering!


                            Have a great one.


                              Hey guys!


                              Here with another track for you! This is from Lenka’s debut album and marks my second attempt at pitched vocals (first without external support so that’s a potential rut-roh, but I’m felling pretty confident <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> ).


                              Also, I’m restructuring my upcoming event. I’m not sure about a few things but I promise there will still be lots of content to be had.


                                Hey guys!


                                I’m beyond sorry it took so long. Absolutely no excuse. But every one of my customs has been cleaned and put into the database. A 13 pack of upgrades with major improvements to at least one instrument, and more often than not, a complete re-working of core elements, so they should be up to standard. I’ve deleted all old links from my thread now. I’ll be going back and providing a track listing of customs I’ve authored or enhanced.


                                This marks my first attempt at pitching Tool vocals! I know I likely missed a few slides and likely need to hone note placement a bit, but I’m hoping it’ll be very playable! I also finally figured out “Intolerance” as well, and it plays much more smoothly now. Check it out! Especially the drums.


                                Lastly, a huge thanks to RealCheese for cleaning up 3 Libras.


                                Have a great day!


                                **I had upgrades to “A Rumor of Skin” done (fixing the out of sync-issue), but I wasn’t able to get them compiled yet, so expect them soon. I also finished changes to “Rosetta Stoned”, and you can expect those very soon!

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