DenVaktare’s Customs – 5/10/20 – Birthday Rock Radio (TooL Edition) – Tool: Disposition – Broadcast Interrupted!

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      Happy Halloween, Rockers!


      Starting at 11:00 a.m. CST I will be releasing one Rob Zombie song on the hour every hour until I run out! Expect goodies like “Demon Speeding” and “Well, Everybody’s ****ing in a U.F.O.”, as well as some others I won’t mention. Be sure to tune in hourly if you can!


      However, not all of them will contain vocals or a custom venue, but they will in the near future! You have my word. So I do apologize to you vocalists! I hope you can pick up a pair of sticks or grab a guitar by the neck in the meantime.


      Kicking off my Rob Zombie event is the sampler “Sawdust in the Blood”. “Educated Horses” was the first album where I enjoyed every single track! It was also my very first concert and helped jump start my urge to dive into music on a deeper level.


      “This is a journey backed with fear… guilt… anxiety…”




        I’m a big candy fan, so I’m here to give mostly treats! Hopefully you guys will feel the same!


        *11:00 a.m. here rockers, and you’re tuned into Zombie Radio. I hope you’ve got excellent Halloween plans today, and I hope you’re sneaking some Rock Band in! So… “Why don’t you ask me what it feels like to be a freak…”


        *12:00 p.m. here rockers, and you may have been wondering what I was going to bring you! So I brought you… What? :haw: . We’ll see you in one short hour!


        *1:00 p.m. here rockers, and it’s time to get high in the age of the consecrated vampire! Is it the age of the consecrated vampire? Your guess is as good as mine, but we better get high just in case it is. See you again in another short hour!


        *2:00 p.m. here rockers, and we’re getting foxy here at Rob Zombie radio! Did you know that Rob Zombie was contemplating quitting music but ran into a superfan named John 5 who managed to convince him that there was lots of fun to be had? Yeah, we agree, he’s a hero!


        *3:00 p.m. here rockers, and I’ve got some sick bubblegum to add to this pack. So get out there and rock the mother****er!


        *4:00 p.m. here rockers, and there’s a revolution a-brewing. So revelate and and join us!


        *5:00 p.m. here rockers, and a robot must obey orders given by qualified personnel. It’s my pleasure to bring you one of my all time favorites! If you aren’t chanting “Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Laga Raga” for a minimum of 3 days after hearing this track, then I can’t help you! GO TO THE CHORUS… GO TO THE CHORUS!


        *6:00 p.m.: here rockers, and the next song is … TRICK! You know I had to get you guys! Rob Zombie radio is now on a quick commercial break with a word from our sponsors and will be back before you know it!… in one hour!

        *Rob Zombie radio brought to you by Chocolate Milk.


        *7:00 p.m. here rockers, and I don’t know about you guys but we got REALLY high at 1:00 p.m. So I decided to bring some medicine, and I’m not talking Cheetos. I’m talking some Medication for the Melancholy. 2 short minutes of rocking hard should cheer us right up! See you crazy kids in an hour!


        *8:00 p.m. here rockers, and I can’t tell if I brought the wrong medicine last hour, or the right medicine because I am feeling numb! Or maybe I’m feeling numb from drumming to “Feel So Numb”… life’s great mysteries, eh? We’ll see you guys in another hour!


        *9:00 p.m. here rockers, and I’m on a journey to save 20 innocents. Next is my favorite track of Educated Horses, and frequently competes as my favorite Zombie track of all! I give you, “American Witch”! Our Halloween is winding down rockers, but your DJ still has another track to bring you. See you in another hour!


        *10:00 p.m. here rockers! The final track of the night is…… *We interrupt this broadcast for a quick commercial break!* HAH! The looks on your faces, ya punks! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> Play the first 11 and get back here in an hour for the final reveal of the night!


        *11:00 p.m. here rockers! I was abducted by a U.F.O. last commercial break and some interesting things happened… But your DJ is back to bring you… WAIT! WHAT’S THAT?! THERE’S A BONUS TRACK?! You heard right rockers! A BONUS TRACK is coming at you next hour. I haven’t seen a bonus track since the May Day broadcast of ’96! You had better tune in! In the meantime, here is “Well, Everyboy’s ****ing in a U.F.O.”


        *11:59 p.m. here rockers, and the final track here couldn’t be more perfect. It starts with “Radio has changed our lives and possibly saved our lives” and this DJ couldn’t agree more! This is my favorite Zombie track and I’m happy to share it with you all. Keep an eye on it because it will be receiving massive upgrades. It’s also my very first track to feature a Big Rock Ending! Which is perfect for signing off.


        Thank you so much for tuning into Rob Zombie radio today! I hope you’ve enjoyed yourselves! This is your DJ, DenVaktare, signing off.


        1.) Sawdust in the Blood

        2.) Demon Speeding

        3.) What?

        4.) In the Age of the Consecrated Vampire We All Get High

        5.) Foxy Foxy

        6.) Sick Bubblegum

        7.) Revelation Revolution

        8.) Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Laga Raga

        9.) Medication for the Melancholy

        10.) Feel So Numb

        11.) American Witch

        12.) Well, Everybody’s ****ing in a U.F.O.

        13.) Dead City Radio and the New Gods of Supertown



        Happy Halloween to everyone!


          This is awesome and I will be getting every single one of these


          Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


            This is awesome and I will be getting every single one of these


            Haha, thanks naginalJJ. I really appreciate it! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> I promise they’ll get their vocal treatment soon!


              Zombie not my thing, but no matter because this is an AMAZING offering. Good job you! And what a neat idea. Congrats!


                Zombie not my thing, but no matter because this is an AMAZING offering. Good job you! And what a neat idea. Congrats!

                I really appreciate you taking the time to comment, especially since you’re not a Zombie fan! Seriously, thanks so much! And thank you for the compliment! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  I hope the last song is one of the few we don’t have yet from Hellbilly Deluxe!


                  Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


                    So awesome to have so many new Rob Zombie customs! Thanks!


                    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


                      So awesome to have so many new Rob Zombie customs! Thanks!

                      Thank you for tuning in as intently as you have, naginalJJ! And you’re very welcome! I hope you enjoy! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                        Hey there everyone! I wanted to let you know that the following Zombie songs will still be done and have at least 2 instruments fully charted:


                        1.) Scum of the Earth

                        2.) (Go to) California

                        3.) Werewolf, Baby!

                        4.) The Last of the Demons Defeated

                        5.) ???

                        6.) ???

                        7.) ???

                        8.) Ride

                        9.) Rat Vendor Theme

                        10.) ???


                        That’s right! There’s still another 10 Zombie tracks on top of the 13 that were released today to be had! And they aren’t far from making it to your T.V.!


                          Praying for some Hellbilly Deluxe lol


                          Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


                            Thanks for all the Rob Zombie tracks! I’ll be seeing him headline Knotfest this weekend, so this is helping build my hype.


                            *slow clap* Above and beyond right here in your thread! I signed in just to say thx for the amazing work. I’ll be downloading all these tracks later on and giving it my best try.😍 Noteworthy tracks for me are Feel so Numb and Demon Speeding. Wish I had stopped by c3 yesterday or earlier anyhow. 😮


                            Whoa! This should quell the Zombie fix should the need arise!

                            Such an incredible effort on your part! Thank you for this awesome Zombie Apocalypse! :rock:


                              Thanks for all the Rob Zombie tracks! I’ll be seeing him headline Knotfest this weekend, so this is helping build my hype.

                              I am in no way, shape, or form jealous… Yeah jk, I’m green with envy! That’s awesome. I’m happy to build the hype! And you’re very welcome!


                              *slow clap* Above and beyond right here in your thread! I signed in just to say thx for the amazing work. I’ll be downloading all these tracks later on and giving it my best try. Noteworthy tracks for me are Feel so Numb and Demon Speeding. Wish I had stopped by c3 yesterday or earlier anyhow.

                              Thanks so much Mr. O’Malley. =D. And you are quite welcome! I’ll be slapping vocals on them soon! I finished for “In the Age” and “Dead City Radio” today and will update tomorrow. And fantastic! Old school Zombie fan. Keep in mind “Feel So Numb” has lots on the way, and I’ve got more old school Zombie coming! And I appreciate that! I think I’m doing something similar around mid-December so I’ll keep you posted!


                              Woah! This should quell the Zombie fix should the need arise!

                              Such an incredible effort on your part! Thank you for this awesome Zombie Apocalypse! :rock:

                              That’s the plan! And thanks so much for commenting. I really appreciate the sentiment! And you are very welcome. I’m here to fix fixes!

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