The poll will close November 3rd at 11:00pm EST.
My Paper Heart! Give me your energy friends
You can reach me on Discord: Fat Halpert#3165
I’d like to see “I For You” at some point by AMR even if it’s not the most thrilling song for RB I love the vocals.
Removed Cocteau Twins pack, will still probably do at some point.
Thanks for your votes, guys. The winning selection has been determined. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
I have quite a number of releases lined up for December (more on that this week, stick to the forums).
At the dawn of the new year I hope to begin my share of the work on the 3 albums I have listed in my OP.
Update time! I got all the drum parts done for Carnavas.
I also added:
You’ve got some great stuff coming! Thanks as always Demon! ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Progress noted in the OP.
+1 for Future Foe Scenarios and Three Seed!
+1 for Future Foe Scenarios and Three Seed!
We hope to have this out very soon!
Those Ride songs are very exciting. Hope to see them soon! BTW I can help with some of them if you wish ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Those Ride songs are very exciting. Hope to see them soon! BTW I can help with some of them if you wish
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Once we release Carnavas, I’ll be putting all my attention on the Ride songs! I’ll let you know if I need any help, thanks!
At the beginning of this year I set out to chart three full albums. With my lovely collaborators, we were able to bring you Slowdive’s Souvlaki as well as Silversun Pickups’ Carnavas. However, I am still currently in progress on Ride’s Nowhere, to be completed in the next year. In addition to these fantastic albums, I was able to cross off 31 tracks from the Smashing Pumpkins Discography WIP as well as the hit Black Sabbath single “Paranoid”.
For the coming year, my attention is currently on Ride’s Nowhere as well as…another Black Sabbath hit single. But beyond these releases, I am looking to launch a new big project for M83. I have currently done one track by M83 (“Teen Angst”), and Chainsaw Octopus has done their biggest song (“Midnight City”). I’ve seen many people excited for the prospect of M83 songs in Rock Band, so I’d like to know which songs you would be interested in having. Please vote, thank you!
M83! Great! Besides the songs highlighted in the poll I’d add ‘Road Blaster’ to the list since there are stems available for this one.
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