Curiosity about old RB charts

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  • #390737

    Hi at all! If I put MID files packaged in RB1 DLCs inside Magma, it gives me a lot of errors. If I compare also with the RBN template, there are a lot of unneeded notes and some authoring “errors”. Why the game accept all that but Magma not? Where is the difference?

    This question can sound stupid, but it’s my curiosity xD


    Wrong subforum, but basically Harmonix don’t use Magma from what we know


      Harmonix doesn’t use Magma. Magma was created to allow the Rock Band Network people to create charts similar to HMX’s, but not the same. So since RBN1, Magma is modeled after whatever tool HMX uses, but with a LOT of limitations imposed by HMX to simplify things. So a Harmonix chart and a RBN1 chart have a lot of differences. And then you have the fact that the Magma you’re using, whether it’s official or C3’s version (only one you should be using), is based on RBN2, which goes even further away from HMX’s charts. So a RBN1 chart won’t compile on RBN2 Magma.

      Luckily for you, all it *should* take is throwing the old MIDI at MIDI Cleaner in C3 CON Tools’ MIDI Cleaner and you should get a pretty decent MIDI that may be ready to compile, or will need minor adjustments.

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