Canucks Custom Drums (Devil’s Swing – Godsmack)

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  • #415638

      You are doing “Right Now” as well???


      Don’t mind me, I’ll just be sobbing quietly in the corner… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


        Posted Jealous Again.


        I seriously love your music taste. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Gonna just keep sitting in the corner with Hetz sobbing and hoping these start getting other instruments added at some point. Still look forward to seeing that drum charting vid of Poundcake.


          Posted Right Now, no crying!


            Cant wait to play Right Now. Expect a video of that one soon.


              Oh my god, Right Now. If only I could open up a nice cold can of Crystal Pepsi to celebrate.


              Are you actually titling these as “Van Hagar,” though? ‘Cause that’ll make me feel wicked OCD, though I’m sure it’s a true-fan thing to do.


                No worries, everything is Van Halen in game.


                  Hows about Space Lord by Monster Magnet?


                  I watched a few preview videos of your charts, in general pretty good work all in all, but I noticed a few things you should look out for in future charts:


                  *Try to wrap toms more, it’s often confusing and fake difficulty when toms and cymbals of the same color mix or when you have big hand reaches between pads. If the drummer plays a bunch of floor toms but sometimes jump to a crash hit, move the toms down to Blue instead of being on Green and you instantly have a much cleaner chart as an example. More use of Y to B tom patterns over B to G patterns often feel better to play as well, especially if it ends with a Green crash so there is a color difference between the last toms before the crash comes (not necessary in all cases mind you, but is generally good to do when it is possible).

                  *Drum rolls should only have 1 lane under them, not a new lane per each individual note, I see Sideshow managed to hit them in the Bad Company chart so they work at least, but it looks kinda odd and glitchy

                  *Sometimes you chart some fills that are snares or toms as kicks (noticed this in some of the Gin Blossoms songs), be sure to double check fills and look at how the real drummer does it. More often than not a fill will have tom hits rather than a sudden burst of double pedals.

                  *Please do consider adding Overdrive and OD fills so it is possible to Gold Star the songs, it’s 10 extra minutes well worth spending

                    I watched a few preview videos of your charts, in general pretty good work all in all, but I noticed a few things you should look out for in future charts:


                    *Try to wrap toms more, it’s often confusing and fake difficulty when toms and cymbals of the same color mix or when you have big hand reaches between pads. If the drummer plays a bunch of floor toms but sometimes jump to a crash hit, move the toms down to Blue instead of being on Green and you instantly have a much cleaner chart as an example. More use of Y to B tom patterns over B to G patterns often feel better to play as well, especially if it ends with a Green crash so there is a color difference between the last toms before the crash comes (not necessary in all cases mind you, but is generally good to do when it is possible).

                    *Drum rolls should only have 1 lane under them, not a new lane per each individual note, I see Sideshow managed to hit them in the Bad Company chart so they work at least, but it looks kinda odd and glitchy

                    *Sometimes you chart some fills that are snares or toms as kicks (noticed this in some of the Gin Blossoms songs), be sure to double check fills and look at how the real drummer does it. More often than not a fill will have tom hits rather than a sudden burst of double pedals.

                    *Please do consider adding Overdrive and OD fills so it is possible to Gold Star the songs, it’s 10 extra minutes well worth spending


                    I’ve really enjoyed these charts, and found this to be good advice. I often don’t notice issues like these, but did notice, for example, how the green cymbal/tom placement was odd.


                    Again, grateful for the tracks. Overdrive would indeed rock!


                      Here is the poundcake drum chart. Tomorrow I will be posting Fire Woman and Right Now.



                        Leaving it to the pros.


                          Hey now, don’t feel like you have to “quit and leave it to the pros”, as I said your charts are generally of good quality but everybody have things to improve on (hell I am not perfect either, I often mess up charting when it comes to drum fills in other ways myself despite having charted for many years). Please consider putting your songs up again, I just tried to help you find some ways to improve your charts and didn’t intend to make you feel unappreciated, as you can see from Sideshow’s videos and the response to this thread there are a lot of people who have fun with your charts.


                            And I’m also definably not the best charter around but I still chart now and then.. I am also improving (I hope) though nobody ever comments on my charting so I really have no idea XD

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