Canucks Custom Drums (Devil’s Swing – Godsmack)

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  • #415892

    Thank you and your son for everything!

    I visit your thread everyday and love your taste in music.

    I will be checking back here often with hope that you and your customs return.

    My wife also said thanks.


      I know that I quoted Lyra’s critique of your charts. I was trying to do so respectfully, and I think I did. I will reiterate that I have really enjoyed your charts (sincerely) and found them eminently playable, despite some very minor issues.


      I do apologize if it felt like I was piling on, but I promise that wasn’t my intent. I’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment out of your charts and hope you’ll reconsider.

        By the way, I looked through this thread and counted 16 instances of people noting/complaining about them being drums only, even myself. That had to have gotten old for Canuck.


        Most of us aren’t even complaining at all, honestly, so not sure why you’re seeing it that way.


        I just thought it must have gotten old for him to see pretty much every release followed up by a “cool song, but…” reply. Maybe not directly complaining, but most feedback seemed to have the “you’re not doing enough” theme to go with it, whether it was light-hearted or not.


        I thought Nightmare’s feedback was great, and I wouldn’t be downtrodden in any way if I got that in my thread, so I don’t see why that would make him shut it down. Maybe he got some harsh PM’s or something? Cause I’m not really seeing it here.


        I can see why someone giving any critique on your work could make you feel slightly offended, but enough to make you pack up and leave? :confused:

          I can see why someone giving any critique on your work could make you feel slightly offended, but enough to make you pack up and leave? :confused:

          See also: Flappy Bird

          By the way, I looked through this thread and counted 16 instances of people noting/complaining about them being drums only, even myself. That had to have gotten old for Canuck.


          Most of us aren’t even complaining at all, honestly, so not sure why you’re seeing it that way.


          I just thought it must have gotten old for him to see pretty much every release followed up by a “cool song, but…” reply. Maybe not directly complaining, but most feedback seemed to have the “you’re not doing enough” theme to go with it, whether it was light-hearted or not.


          I thought Nightmare’s feedback was great, and I wouldn’t be downtrodden in any way if I got that in my thread, so I don’t see why that would make him shut it down. Maybe he got some harsh PM’s or something? Cause I’m not really seeing it here.


          I can see why someone giving any critique on your work could make you feel slightly offended, but enough to make you pack up and leave? :confused:


          Yeah, I don’t see it in it either…he seemed to lead it with a general “nice work” first then, just some suggestions to clean things up.


          I can say on my end, my comments were more of a theme of “awesome song…hope a C3 guy or a FB charter grabs these and adds to them”…seeing I was recently scolded just for commenting about some of the C3 song choices not being the most popular of songs at times….kinda my way of also pointing out “Hey guys, here’s what I was mentioning I’d like to see if it interests you guys”. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Nice that WS is saying he was looking at them…hoping Canuck changes his mind, reposts the work, and hopefully keeps charting. I was enjoying seeing the ones he was putting out…just don’t play drums much to grab them with that being the only instrument on the chart (I have a drum kit, just bought it more for my wife who never could get her ring and pinky fingers to spread right for guitar when we started playing Guitar Hero, so got her a drum kit…just nowadays, she enjoys singing and doesn’t touch the drums, and I’m primary guitar (bass and lead) and vocals…my best friend is the drummer and he only plays it with us rarely now that he works opposite shifts as us).


          Huge bummer. I literally play all of these every day and used you as an inspiration to start charting. Sad day.


          wow, just found out canuck stopped making customs…now i don’t know if i should finish working on making superman’s dead FB or not considering i just had to do a few minor tweaks to guitar, bass & vocals along with adding in OD to all three.

          wow, just found out canuck stopped making customs…now i don’t know if i should finish working on making superman’s dead FB or not considering i just had to do a few minor tweaks to guitar, bass & vocals along with adding in OD to all three.

          Superman’s Dead by OLP? Do it! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            Firstly, I should begin with some history. Since my youngest son was born (I am probably the oldest C3 member) he has been my shadow and thusly he grew up with my music (Headbanger from the 80’s, look at my top 10 albums thread). Music turned into a bond we shared. We have been playing rythym games since they first came out and the more we played the stronger the bond. Once the drums were available we took to them instantly. He was a natural and I just loved drumming. Of course he had to have an acoustic set that led to band programs in school and many bands out of school. He was/is fuckin deadly on the drums (pro drums(he hates the electronic cymbals)- 100% Fly Like an Eagle, 99% Battery and Painkiller, etc). I downloaded every good weekly tune/s that Harmonix would release and we would play them together. But because he had started playing acoustic drums the electric set (Yamaha DTXpress) didn’t quite cut it for him and unless the weekly release was good and challenging he played less. To make things worse that dark day came “The Day The Music Died”.

            Then came C3.

            We cherry picked every song we could and played the shit out of everything we could. It was awesome, new tunes and hours spent together again. But he would eventually gravitate back to the acoustic set and I followed, even getting him to give me lessons. Not being a natural I found it very challenging to learn (age and brain damage from the 80 and 90’s (one to many hits from the bong and ya I live in BC, Canada lol)). Just as I started to think the music was going to die again, Pksage released his authoring video.

            My 9-5 is a Network Administrator, so figuring out the software end was my job. We started authoring drums together spending many quality hours together. I would tempo and chart and he would take over the quality control and always fix the chart. I would use the videos from our easier charts to guide/teach me on the acoustic set. Thats why some of our charts aren’t always RB friendly.

            Emptying nest…Well he is now graduating, getting ready to leave for University and not around as much. Losing my wingman. The last few charts I have posted were not checked by him. Then one night last week after having a few too many and feeling sorry for myself I decided to quit charting. Leaving it to the pros included my son.

            Holy Shit. I didn’t realize what kind of backlash it would have. I guess I know what being part of the C3 community means. I didn’t think it would be a big deal until I checked the site yesterday (cause its Friday!!). I almost pissed my pants when i read TrojanNemo’s post. Before my son tells me to suck it up princess (my line) and calls me a little bitch I will be reposting my charts and return to the ones I was working on. They will have mistakes but thats ok. To all that thought i was tired of the not full band comments, I actually took them as compliments and loved reading those. I am also thankful for the constructive feedback from the C3 authors and will be using their expert advice to improve my charts.

            So, I will be bringing my ball back and hopefully we can keep playing!


              So, I will be bringing my ball back and hopefully we can keep playing!


              Good to hear CrazyCanuck


                Yes, glad to see you back Crazy Canuck. By all means if you need testing done on your charts feel free to send them my way.


                  Great to have you back!


                    All is well again! The rock continues. :rock:


                      Just do me a solid — and this goes for anyone else.


                      If anyone decides to ‘quit’, don’t pull all your content. It just comes across as a sour grapes move, even if there’s a completely different motive/rationale and you’re not leaving because of ill spirits.


                      So, I will be bringing my ball back and hopefully we can keep playing!




                      I just looked over the list of your songs again and found no less than 17 of them are ones I have in my staging folder:


                      Looks That Kill

                      Feel Like Makin’ Love

                      Rock and Roll Fantasy

                      Cat Scratch Fever


                      Touch, Peel and Stand

                      Fall To Pieces

                      Turn Up The Radio

                      Far Behind

                      Heartache Tonight

                      Some Kind of Wonderful

                      Hey Jealousy

                      Why Can’t This Be Love

                      Right Now

                      Authority Song

                      Keep Your Hands To Yourself

                      Jealous Again


                      Man, will that save me a lot of time!

                      You, sir, I will be bothering for reaper files in the not too distant future. I can add V&G(x) to them then repost.

                      Thanks for coming back.

                      And I doubt you are the oldest person here.

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