Can metadata be easily added? Is this even kosher?

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    So I have about 600+ customs on my 360, fairly typical scenario I imagine, and one thing I’ve noticed is the metadata is inconsistent. The most common error I’ve seen is the songs from the same album all having different covers. I’ve seen songs have the wrong album, year, or rating. None of that really matters all that much, but I’m curious, is that something I can edit easily? All I have (as far as customs software) is the C3 Con Tools. And I know basically nothing about customs authoring.


    This would be for my own personal use. I don’t know whether the people that made the customs I use cared about the correct data or if it was an afterthought. I’m sure the actual track authoring and testing was more important to them. And I don’t want to spit on their work by suggesting that some minor changes are important. But for my personal collection, I’d like it to look a little better, so I wonder if this is something I could do. On the computer, I use a program called Mp3Tag to edit the metadata of MP3 files in bulk. I wonder if something similar could be fashioned for Rockband customs, or if an existing tool could be modified to do it.


    Thanks in advance for reading, for your time, and for all y’all have done for us.


      Of course, once you download the song, edit it to your heart’s content. Better yet, tell the person who supplied it what is wrong.


      Anyways, the easiest way is to take the song and drag it directly into Con Tools, change what you want and hit save.

      Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



        I don’t know whether the people that made the customs I use cared about the correct data or if it was an afterthought. I’m sure the actual track authoring and testing was more important to them. And I don’t want to spit on their work by suggesting that some minor changes are important.


        Yes. I would want to be told. The only spit I would consider on the work is the spit you use when polishing something up. Which is what you’d be doing. When I first started authoring, I didn’t even realize how to get those to all group together or that the album art needed to be the same to be consistent, so I KNOW I’m guilty of it early on. Even now I try to ensure I’m using the same data so the albums group, but there’s others in the collection that are off as well. In any case, would be nice if you said what data needed to change and just make it easy to change out.


        Of course, once you download the song, edit it to your heart’s content. Better yet, tell the person who supplied it what is wrong.


        Anyways, the easiest way is to take the song and drag it directly into Con Tools, change what you want and hit save.

        C3ConTools is the package I downloaded, and it has many buttons… mostly the one I focus on is RBtoUSB. Is ConTools another button on there? (It’s not on the computer I’m presently on.) I will look when I get to that computer.


        Yes. I would want to be told. The only spit I would consider on the work is the spit you use when polishing something up. Which is what you’d be doing. When I first started authoring, I didn’t even realize how to get those to all group together or that the album art needed to be the same to be consistent, so I KNOW I’m guilty of it early on. Even now I try to ensure I’m using the same data so the albums group, but there’s others in the collection that are off as well. In any case, would be nice if you said what data needed to change and just make it easy to change out.

        Are you a customs author, then? And then the problem is I’m not sure who edited what, though I suppose I can look it up and find the comments, and say what I changed. I just wouldn’t want to give the impression that the person who did all the charting left the song unrated when it should have been Supervision Recommended, as that’s such a minor thing. And I don’t think I’d ever set the rating level, I just really like the details to be complete. I think the most egregious mistake I saw was a song that claimed to be on an album it wasn’t. I was a huge fan of that band when I was a kid, so the mistake really stood out to me. And if that song had its proper album given, well, you know how if an album has three or more songs it gets its own heading. Well, I had two other songs from the album it was on, so that album did not have its own heading. A less important mistake is when the album art isn’t the same, so I would want to find the highest quality one and then just apply it to all of them, so as you scroll down in the game, the artwork does not change.


        C3ConTools is the package I downloaded, and it has many buttons… mostly the one I focus on is RBtoUSB. Is ConTools another button on there? (It’s not on the computer I’m presently on.) I will look when I get to that computer.

        Con Tools is the entire package you have. If you drag the CON file between the various buttons in that program, you can then edit some information. To edit the song information that shows up in game, drag it into the Quick DTA Editor button.


        After you’re done, refresh your cache to have the game pick up the new information for the song. Without this step, no changes will be seen in your library.

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