C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18]

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  • #459722

    Thank you, that’s super helpful. I’ll go through and redo the process before the next time we get together!


    I wanted to make a request for one of the features, namely the batch renamer and some things for Phase Shift end of it.


    Would it be possible to make it so that it could sort song folders by artist or song name like with the normal renamer? Some people like to have their songs sorted by artist instead of another way, and the tools seem like they could have this functionality. Could this be an addition in the near future?


    I appreciate all the hard work into this fine tool, TrojanNemo.


    I had a question about the Save File Image Editor for Xbox 360: it’s “somewhat buggy… It works with some files and it refuses to work with others”. So if I am having problems, do you have any suggestions as to what I should be trying to get it to work? Should I be changing the color value of a single pixel until it just works or is it more about how the source files are saved/formatted? Maybe changing one art image won’t work, but if I add another or more it will? Do you have any idea at all?


    EDIT: It doesn’t even work when just the band name is changed. And by work, I mean get a resulting file that is 8,824 KB like the help file says it has to be.


    Also, I think I found a minor bug in SFIE: According to the console/log, when exporting a character image, it is looking to copy, from the temporary directory (“editorband3_extracted”), a PNG file of the character’s name as the filename. The temporary files I’d imagine it is wanting to find are there, but are named “character_1.png” and so on, respectively.


      I had a question about the Save File Image Editor for Xbox 360: it’s “somewhat buggy… It works with some files and it refuses to work with others”. So if I am having problems, do you have any suggestions as to what I should be trying to get it to work? Should I be changing the color value of a single pixel until it just works or is it more about how the source files are saved/formatted? Maybe changing one art image won’t work, but if I add another or more it will? Do you have any idea at all?


      EDIT: It doesn’t even work when just the band name is changed. And by work, I mean get a resulting file that is 8,824 KB like the help file says it has to be.

      Well, like the help doc says, it works sometimes, sometimes it doesn’t. If I knew why it doesn’t work sometimes, then I would fix it. In theory it should work, but there’s something about the save files that it doesn’t work with that I never was able to pinpoint before I gave up and moved on. Treat it more like a Viewer than an Editor, I should have probably change the name…


      Also, I think I found a minor bug in SFIE: According to the console/log, when exporting a character image, it is looking to copy, from the temporary directory (“editorband3_extracted”), a PNG file of the character’s name as the filename. The temporary files I’d imagine it is wanting to find are there, but are named “character_1.png” and so on, respectively.

      Confirmed on my end, thanks for the note. It’ll be fixed whenever the next update is pushed out, but don’t expect it soon.


        I’ve personally never gotten it to work. Has anyone? (…besides Nemo?)


          Nemo, on CONTools V 3.9.3, with Windows 10, the Visualizer feature is grabbing an offset image of the CON artwork.

          See below:

          I believe this is a Windows 10 issue with compatibility, as under Win 7, I did not see this issue.

          Unless I’m screwing something up buried in the settings.



            That’s been discussed before in this thread. You can’t use magnification on Windows or it breaks screen captures. Nothing I can do about it.


            Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


              That’s been discussed before in this thread. You can’t use magnification on Windows or it breaks screen captures. Nothing I can do about it.


              Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


              I’m not using magnification/zoom, but I do have my fonts/icons scaled 125%, if that’s what you are referring to.

              It worked on 7 but not 10, so I’ll switch it back when doing Visualizations.

              Win 10 font scaling is shite. Fuzzy looking crap. :bang:


                Yeah that may be it. I tried looking for a solution for it when it was first reported and came up blank.


                  I wanted to make a request for one of the features, namely the batch renamer and some things for Phase Shift end of it.


                  Would it be possible to make it so that it could sort song folders by artist or song name like with the normal renamer? Some people like to have their songs sorted by artist instead of another way, and the tools seem like they could have this functionality. Could this be an addition in the near future?


                  This is already part of the program? The settings for how to rename Xbox files apply when renaming Phase Shift folders, or at least it should. I’m preparing a small update so test that and if it doesn’t work right let me know where it’s failing. It looks fine on my end.

                    v3.9.4SETLIST MANAGER- Added ability to quickly add the RB1, Green Day, RB3 and Blitz export songs to a RB4 setlist with one click. When RB2, Lego and AC/DC are made available by Harmonix they will automatically download from the server and be available as well. To add any of these, you must be in RB4 Mode, click on the Rock Band 4 menu and then select the export to add- Added ability to export the filtered list of songs to .Setlist format (File -> Export as .Setlist) - this allows you to curate a specific list of songs that you can then share with others. You can still export to PDF, Excel and CSV formats as before by going to File -> Export As...- Added ability to import a .Setlist file - if you drag/drop or go to File -> Load existing Setlist, Setlist Manager loads that on its own.  This new feature (File -> Import .Setlist file) will combine the songs in the .Setlist file being imported with your existing songs- Several other minor improvements and changes to the GUIVISUALIZER- Should now work fine even for those of you using font/icon/display scalingSAVE FILE IMAGE EXTRACTOR- Fixed bug that would fail when exporting individual character images- Renamed from Editor to Extractor since the editing feature doesn't work well and it ought to reduce confusionBATCH RENAMER- Fixed bug where files ending in ... ended up with ..(2) when renamedPHASE SHIFT CONVERTER- Fixed comment syntax when creating the song.ini file that would break compatibility with FoFix


                    Here’s a small update. Let me know if any bugs got through, I admittedly had very little time for testing.


                      Hi there, quick question. Sorry if it’s been answered before. What does Setlist Manager do? Is it an authoring tool? Or is it used to create in game setlists? If there’s a guide or help document for its functionality then please point me in that direction and I’ll have a read / watch. Thanks.


                        Open Setlist Manager. Click on Help. Read.


                          Setlist Manager is now available as a stand-alone app:




                          If you’re already using Setlist Manager through C3 CON Tools DO NOT change or you will be missing out on features available only through C3 CON Tools (importing of song cache, importing of CON files, scanning PS3 for files – anything related to customs is missing from the stand-alone app).


                          Another update is coming soon for C3 CON Tools this week to include some of the late additions to Setlist Manager. Any new features added will always be added to both versions, so you won’t miss out on anything.


                          Anyway to convert Wii song to “con” format?

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