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Wait until I post again with an update.
There’s a small update. Same version number but just uploaded. See if that fixes it for you. If you’re still getting an error after this update I got no idea, since the function throwing the error is not something that should be throwing errors.
Update works. Thanks, and thanks for all your hard work. You make all of this happen.
You make all of this happen.
You’re thinking of farottone. But I can understand why you would confuse us… we’re both so handsome.
Glad to hear that works.
Regarding RBtoUSB all you have to do is:
format USB to FAT32
add con files and packs
add TU4
Is that it because I did all that and then loaded it on my xbox but it doesn’t recognize the usb has anything on it like Horizon did. I’ve read the HELP doc and don’t think I missed anything. Thanks Nemo for your help
Well you need to update your Xbox dashboard first and format the drive using the Xbox.
Well you need to update your Xbox dashboard first and format the drive using the Xbox.
You mean format the entire usb drive via xbox instead of my laptop?
Theoretically it shouldn’t matter, but yes. The Xbox dashboard lets you reformat your drive. That makes sure it’s being formatted in a way it likes. If when you do that RBtoUSB doesn’t see your drive or says it’s full even though it’s empty, then you still haven’t updated your Xbox dashboard and you’re failing to do the first step of the process.
If you have the updated dashboard then once you format the drive RBtoUSB should see it and see that it’s empty and you can test by just copying TU4 over. Then that should be visible on the Xbox. It’s a simple copy/paste process.
You make all of this happen.
You’re thinking of farottone. But I can understand why you would confuse us… we’re both so handsome.
Glad to hear that works.
Right. Let’s go one week without your tools and let’s see who did what. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>
Any trick to making the event manager work? Only loads one song. Setlist manager seems to be fine….
Yeah, wait for the next update
I just fixed it on my end … one of the updates to Setlist Manager made changes to the .setlist files that I completely forgot about accounting for in Event Manager. Sorry about that.
Anyone else has issues with the Pack Creator, I can no longer drag and drop in the latest version. Thanks.
Drag and drop still works…but if you run the program in Administrator Mode Windows prevents drag and drop…that’s a Windows thing, not a problem with the tools.
Reading through the thread, It looks like the answer is no, but I’ll ask anyway.
Is there any way to do bulk with the visualizer?
You are about to leave Rhythm Gaming World and access the external songs DB. While no song or file sold for commercially available videogames is hosted there and only fan generated content is allowed, Rhythm Gaming World has no direct control over the database and no files are hosted here. Alright, we had to made you aware of this, now you can visit the database!