C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18]
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- This topic has 1,149 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by
July 7, 2015 at 3:03 am #449713
- Improved batch behavior when copying files to the drive - now analyzes files and determines possible conflicts and asks you to confirm whether to overwrite or ignore existing files rather than asking in the middle of copying the files
- Added ability to select all files by pressing Ctrl + A
- Added Refresh feature to the right-click context menu
- Fixed bug where sometimes the same file would be listed twice in the list of files
- Other minor improvements and changes
- Fixed bug that would fail cleaning of entire MIDI file when there was a note that NAudio could not recognize the length for - now it notifies you and skips that one note and continues trying to clean the MIDI file
- Improved displaying of album names that would be cut off weird depending on character length
- Now uses new Imgur ID - if you use Visualizer to upload to Imgur you HAVE to update, older versions of Visualizer will no longer be able to upload
- Fixed (hopefully) reported problem with displaying correct difficulty tier numbers and names in the manager and while exporting - if you're still having issues, re-create your Setlist from scratch (re-import the cache file) and the issue should go away - if not, let me know
- Added ability to both automatically and manually check for future updates to the Tools
- Several under the hood improvements and changes
If you use Visualizer, you’re going to want to update. In the next few days the old versions of Visualizer will no longer be able to upload to Imgur.
July 7, 2015 at 3:18 am #449714Oh, I meant to ask. Is set list manager supposed to cut off the names of the song after so many characters?
If so would it be possible to make it so it doesn’t? Or an option?
Like, if you need more description, basically when I export the song (usually through the Microsoft Excel option) it cuts off after a certain number of characters, i.e “The Thief in the Night – Part I” gets cut off to about “The Thief in the Nigh…” (that probably isn’t the exact spot, I’m going based off memory due to not being at my pc right now)
I’m assuming it’s supposed to do this, and I was wondering if it’d be St all possible to make it so it displays the entire song name in the spreadsheet.
July 7, 2015 at 11:12 pm #449770Unfortunately, the only way I can fix whatever may be broken and causing the discrepancy in the file count is if you narrow it down to the problem file and send it my way.I do extensive testing on my end. So that means in none of my tests that happened. But you won’t believe just how many old and crappy quality files are out there that require special handling to work with correctly. So, figure out which one isn’t packaging and send me that file.
As far as the second issue, that’s definitely a problem. If there is no songs.dta file in the package it won’t work in game.
If there is one but Quick Pack Editor can’t find it it’s a smaller problem but one I need to fix too. Again, I’d need more info. Open it in CON Explorer. Is the songs.dta file there? In the root folder? Open the file. Is it formatted correctly?
I have made over 100 packs with Pack Creator and have never had a problem. So I need your help in tracking down and fixing any problems you may experience.
I’m having this issue myself. I’m trying to pack up all past C3 releases in a single pack per week to put on my Flash drive…. but when I try to pack a certain week of DLC it will always skip 1 song of have 1 error on a song and end up packing with 1 less song than it should have.
One example: I’ve tried this with “2015.06.19 – The 1980s C01 Whitesnake C01 & Sade C01” and evert time it only packs 8 out of 9 songs, this also happened before with the weezer blur album week… Any idea what might be causing this?
Id really like to have the pack creator work 100% of the time because I’m packing everything up now after going over 600 customs on a flash drive that were all unpacked.
July 8, 2015 at 12:54 am #449780So you’re quoting me saying the only way I can fix the error is for you to narrow down the problem and send me the problem file(s), and somehow expect me to fix the problem without sending me said file(s)?
July 8, 2015 at 1:04 am #449782So you’re quoting me saying the only way I can fix the error is for you to narrow down the problem and send me the problem file(s), and somehow expect me to fix the problem without sending me said file(s)?here’s the thing, there seems to be no problem files. Here’s my methodology for testing:
I copy songs (previously batch renamed properly) from a C3 weekly release to the input folder, refresh the Pack builder, select a default C3 Black Icon for the Pack, give it an identical 1-line Pack Name & Description, click “Begin”, select the input folder at the save location.
With the exact same set of files (without recopying them over from their original folder) one of 2 things happen: all files successfully are extracted, or randomly 1 (or more) of the files will not be able to be extracted and is skipped over, requiring me to repack them again until it works (without having to recopy or redownload the files from C3).
-PS. I’d like to know how you have all your files stored on your PC vs on your Flash Drive, is it worth packing them up by week onto the flash drive or does it make a difference if I just dump each week’s individual songs into the Flash Drive? The whole reason I’m packing them is because I remember in your C3CON Tools tutorial you said it makes RockBand load less files (thus loading faster?)… If I can avoid packing alltogether, I’ll just dump all the song files into the Flash Drive and save myself the trouble, as it’s already tough enough to name & date folders for each C3 week on top of having to download the customs 1 by 1 into the individual folders.
July 8, 2015 at 1:51 am #449785Well, different people do things differently. Since I stopped going online years ago, I have all my HMX DLC into 4GB packs. Then all customs are packaged by artist, some of the bigger things like the C3 anniversary pack is together as one thing. The GHtoRB3 songs are packaged by game. The point is each pack is one file for RB to load, and one song is one file for RB to load. So packs are faster at runtime. I know some users package things even more tightly to reduce all songs into as few packs as possible.
The issue you’re having, I have no idea what the cause is. As I said before, I’ve made countless packs, and it’s never failed to work for me. I’ve never had that issue, and without being able to reproduce the issue, I can’t fix it.
July 8, 2015 at 2:41 am #449787Well, different people do things differently. Since I stopped going online years ago, I have all my HMX DLC into 4GB packs. Then all customs are packaged by artist, some of the bigger things like the C3 anniversary pack is together as one thing. The GHtoRB3 songs are packaged by game. The point is each pack is one file for RB to load, and one song is one file for RB to load. So packs are faster at runtime. I know some users package things even more tightly to reduce all songs into as few packs as possible.The issue you’re having, I have no idea what the cause is. As I said before, I’ve made countless packs, and it’s never failed to work for me. I’ve never had that issue, and without being able to reproduce the issue, I can’t fix it.
I’m new to customs and am having friends over much more often to play so much new music we’ve found here so I’m just trying to make it easy for me to add songs and update them over time as updates come out. having them in packs makes things complicated albeit more organized. I’ll probably just put Customs in Packs by artist if they are 2 or more songs, the rest I’ll leave as single song files.
I have quite a bit of HMX DLC as well, I assume that to package your DLC you pulled it from your 360HDD to a Flash drive and then converted them from LIVE to CON using C3CONTools and repackaged them into larger chunks with C3CONTools as well? I’ll start with that.
I would never ask you to share your HMX DLC but if your Customs/converts are organized enough and you’re willing to zip them up in a large .7zip and share them in their organized format on MEGA, I’d appreciate it greatly as it would certainly save me (an others) time having to DL every individual song and categorize and pack nearly 4 thousand single files.
Oh and thanks for reading and responding about the packing issue I’ve been having, with trial and error and patience i’ll get it to work.
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July 8, 2015 at 2:47 am #449788I have quite a bit of HMX DLC as well, I assume that to package your DLC you pulled it from your 360HDD to a Flash drive and then converted them from LIVE to CON using C3CONTools and repackaged them into larger chunks with C3CONTools as well? I’ll start with that.
Nah, just connected the hard drive directly to the PC using the hard drive transfer cable that Gamestop sells (used to sell?). I made a backup of everything on my PC, then just put them into packs. When creating packs, they’re always CON or LIVE, based on your setting, regardless of the input content. So you can throw LIVE files and end up with a CON pack. So you don’t need to convert them first.
I would never ask you to share your HMX DLC but if your Customs/converts are organized enough and you’re willing to zip them up in a large .7zip and share them in their organized format on MEGA, I’d appreciate it greatly as it would certainly save me (an others) time having to DL every individual song and categorize and pack nearly 4 thousand single files.
Don’t think I will be doing that anytime soon. I have some 2000 or so customs on my hard drive, which I don’t have all on my Xbox. And transferring all the stuff on my Xbox back just to upload it…would be way annoying and I don’t have the time for that
July 8, 2015 at 3:02 am #449790Nah, just connected the hard drive directly to the PC using the hard drive transfer cable that Gamestop sells (used to sell?). I made a backup of everything on my PC, then just put them into packs. When creating packs, they’re always CON or LIVE, based on your setting, regardless of the input content. So you can throw LIVE files and end up with a CON pack. So you don’t need to convert them first.
Yeah I’ve got a Datel xSata and I’ve used that to install TU4 directly to my 360. since I dont have enough USB ports available for a flash drive to be honest (lol). And i have a passcode on my profile to when i boot up it boots offline automatically without even asking for the passcode until i decide to login to live, just to avoid going online altogether. So having to update songs requires deleting them from the HDD, installing the updated song and rebuilding my song cache.
Don’t think I will be doing that anytime soon. I have some 2000 or so customs on my hard drive, which I don’t have all on my Xbox. And transferring all the stuff on my Xbox back just to upload it…would be way annoying and I don’t have the time for that
Well, it didn’t hurt to ask, jajaja. If you ever are on vacation and have some free time I’d love to offer to help you do it. Reason I asked is I was not only hoping to save time in DLing and organizing every individual song file, but also since you’ve been in customs pretty much since it started… you probably have a few particular customs that have been near impossible to find anymore. If I may inquire about those via PM let me know, if not then dont worry about it, I’ll live without a few songs.
Thanks again for reading and thanks for the insight on how to transfer the DLC to pack it up nicely. You are truely an asset to this community.
July 8, 2015 at 3:07 am #449791You can always ask via PM for specific files. Keep in mind I might not share them if I know they’re on C3’s schedule.
But I sure have a lot of files that others don’t simply because I’ve been around since 2011 and got to keep everything that went bust when MegaUpload was taken down.
Don’t forget to search the customs repository for the truly old stuff.
By the way, my list of 2000 customs or so I mentioned does NOT include what is on the Customs Repository.
July 8, 2015 at 3:30 am #449793You can always ask via PM for specific files. Keep in mind I might not share them if I know they’re on C3’s schedule.But I sure have a lot of files that others don’t simply because I’ve been around since 2011 and got to keep everything that went bust when MegaUpload was taken down.
Don’t forget to search the customs repository for the truly old stuff.
By the way, my list of 2000 customs or so I mentioned does NOT include what is on the Customs Repository.
holy crap, um. wow. are you saying those are 2000 older customs (pre-customs repository) from before MegaUpload went down that you gathered since 2011? If so, If I was Aladdin, that would certainly be my “Cave of Wonders”, let me know if you ever intend to or need help to upload/organize those in a secondary as-is repository of sorts.
thanks for the reminder of the first repository I’ll be sure to run through it in Firefox/DownThemAll to DL all the files from there to sort them later with the Pack Maker in C3CONTools.
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I’ll PM ya. Thanks again bro!
July 8, 2015 at 4:56 am #449800You’re getting too excited. I said I have some 2000 or so on my hard drive. That’s all I have there. What’s on the Customs Repository are the older stuff, which I mostly do not keep locally because I don’t have use for single-instrument customs.
The Customs Repository has some 800 songs on it, plus my customs folder, plus my GHtoRB3 folder, plus my Beatles stuff, my own customs, the customs I helped farottone with, etc. If you consider all that, somewhere around 3000 unique songs or so. But that’s not to say I can or will share them, nor that I actually think they’re worth either.
It’s just a number. I have all this old stuff on the server and farottone has a copy as well just to keep things for posterity. But it’s not great stuff. You’re really better off by getting what you can find in the C3 database and in the C3 forums. Stuff that predates C3 and can’t be found on here in any way is probably going to be subpar quality, and some of them are known to crash your Xbox and cause other problems.
July 8, 2015 at 5:25 am #449803You’re getting too excited. I said I have some 2000 or so on my hard drive. That’s all I have there. What’s on the Customs Repository are the older stuff, which I mostly do not keep locally because I don’t have use for single-instrument customs.The Customs Repository has some 800 songs on it, plus my customs folder, plus my GHtoRB3 folder, plus my Beatles stuff, my own customs, the customs I helped farottone with, etc. If you consider all that, somewhere around 3000 unique songs or so. But that’s not to say I can or will share them, nor that I actually think they’re worth either.
It’s just a number. I have all this old stuff on the server and farottone has a copy as well just to keep things for posterity. But it’s not great stuff. You’re really better off by getting what you can find in the C3 database and in the C3 forums. Stuff that predates C3 and can’t be found on here in any way is probably going to be subpar quality, and some of them are known to crash your Xbox and cause other problems.
Ah, I understand now. The older the custom the lower quality it will be. I’ve noticed that now that I think about it. It’s a good thing someone has a backup along with you though. I hope I never reach that max, I don’t think I could be forced to choose to omit great songs from RB3.
3000 sounds like a lot. Whats that I hear about a limit rockband 3 has, have you reached it?
July 8, 2015 at 5:27 am #449804Game limit is 2952 songs, and I hit that back in 2012 since that limit is for on disc songs, dlc, rbn and customs. Since then I swap around rbn and customs with new stuff.
July 8, 2015 at 5:45 am #449806Game limit is 2952 songs, and I hit that back in 2012 since that limit is for on disc songs, dlc, rbn and customs. Since then I swap around rbn and customs with new stuff.Thanks once again for the insight. I’ll come back in here if I have anymore inquiries related to CONTools as I’ll be becoming very familiar with it as I sift through and DL all of C3 Customs and Other Customs throughout my vacation. A Vacation well spent, so when I go back to work I can have all the customs loaded up on my HDD, archived correctly for ease of adding weekly releases and new Other Customs.
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