C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18]

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  • #437002

      Here’s an update. It may not look like much but a lot goes on “under the hood” – if you were waiting for a time to update, this is it.

      Anyone with questions, problems, suggestions, or existential quandaries, you must be on this version or newer or I will not be of assistance.


      - Added feature to easily change the song ID - just click on the 'Change ID' button under the song ID and enter a new ID - you have to click Save to commit the changes, so if you made a mistake just close the CON file without saving
      - Fixed bug where program assumed the short ID and the song ID would be the same and would display that for customs that weren't using the numeric ID system - now displays correctly the song ID field regardless of whether it's numeric or alphanumeric

      - Now allows anyone to convert encrypted Xbox 360 songs to Phase Shift format with resulting stereo audio (song.ogg) - you no longer have to wait for a C3 volunteer to convert C3 songs!

      - Fixed 'bug' caused by the updated NAudio.dll which would throw a Debug.Assertion message when cleaning certain MIDI files

      - Various under the hood fixes and improvements when working with MIDI files (thanks to raynebc for the update to midishrink)
      - Various other bug fixes and improvements


        Looking forward to trying out that song ID changer. Thanks for the update.


        @ Trojan

        I was having an issue earlier with a custom I am working on. After putting it on the PS3 to play-test I encountered that problem when a songs preview doesn’t play, which means it’s going to spit out the forever loading screen. And it did. This was shortly after updating Reaper, Magma and C3CONtools. I wasn’t going to bring this to you without troubleshooting so as my authoring/play-testing day went on, I was able to narrow it down to what appears to be this latest C3CONtools. The only times my custom wouldn’t load was whenever it was involved. Always the same settings between versions. Latest Magma & CONtools 3.6.1 seem fine together. PM me if I can be of any further assistance.


          Yes i’m getting the same report from others. It seems the new audio encryption we’re using works on the Xbox and has been reported working on the Wii (asked for confirmation now to be sure) but is not playing nicely with PS3s. Anyone else with this issue – hold on while we figure out a solution.

          If you’ve converted a song to PS3 with v3.6.4 and the audio plays fine in game – let me know please.


            Ever since the updated, the upgrade bundler isn’t combining CON files with upgraded MIDI files from RBHP. It’s literally just ignoring any MIDIs on the right. With everything under the options checked but “Only add new tracks, don’t overwrite existing” I try:




            It isn’t giving any errors and even says that the MIDI files were combined successfully. Yet the original and bundled MIDIs are the exact same size. I just feel that I’m out of luck.


              Added to my to-do list. Give me a couple of days :ohdear:


                Alright, this should fix most of the issues reported.


                BATCH EXTRACTOR
                - Fixed bug that wouldn't count songs extracted from correctly

                CON EXPLORER
                - Modified behavior of change ID button to also allow you to fix customs with song_id lines but missing song IDs values - but still won't allow you to add a song ID to official DLC that never had it in the songs.dta file

                MIDI ANALYZER
                - Improved grabbing of lyrics for exporting
                - Added feature to display the start and end time of lyric phrases when the 'Search for lyric phrase' feature - to enable, go to Lyric Analysis -> Lyric phrase search option -> Display phrase timing

                MIDI CLEANER
                - Improved math for calculating real time of notes/events

                - Changed behavior so downmixed songs use guitar.ogg rather than song.ogg for better compatibility with older versions of Phase Shift and FoFiX
                - Fixed broken renaming of song.ogg to guitar.ogg for songs with only stereo backing audio

                PRO UPGRADE BUNDLER
                - Fixed broken bundling caused by new method of loading MIDI files introduced in v3.6.4

                PS3 CONVERTER
                - Fixed encryption bug introduced in v3.6.4 that would leave the PS3 stuck in a loop trying to decrypt the audio

                WII CONVERTER
                - Added option to encrypt the audio (mogg) file when converting a song

                - Various other bug fixes and improvements


                If you got a test build of v3.6.5, re-download this final version!


                  Heads up, after v3.6.6 comes out this weekend, I’m putting any further programming on hold for a while and taking a break.

                  If you’ve noticed any bug that you want fixed please mention it now – you’ll be stuck with v3.6.6 for a while :aaa:


                    In the Set List Manager, Is there a way to list the Song ID with out the rest of the file path?

                    Something I have notice is in the CON Explorer when viewing a pro guitar upgrade, the DAT and MIDI quick copy and drag buttons don’t work.


                    Did the “Guitar Tuning” and “Bass Tuning” fields get removed from the setlist manager recently? Or did they get added back again really recently? I have an old “all fields” spreadsheet dump from about a six months ago that lists these fields, but the dump I just did doesn’t show them. Although I haven’t updated the tools in a couple of releases so maybe they got added back. I was going to update with this new version this weekend.


                    I know the data is pretty hit and miss as to whether or not it’s int he song info, but I liked having it. TIA.

                      In the Set List Manager, Is there a way to list the Song ID with out the rest of the file path?


                      List it where? Do you mean when exporting using the “Everything” preset for CSV or Excel? If so, easily added. If you meant actually on Setlist Manager, I doubt I can squeeze any more space out of it to fit another field, it’s pretty packed :haw:

                      Also, the reason why it was never considered as something worth exporting (even though it’s stored) is that the song cache stores ALL song IDs as numeric values. Custom songs with the old alphanumeric IDs were converted to numeric values, and every time you rebuilt the song cache, a new numeric value was given to that custom. So you’d just be looking at numbers.


                      Something I have notice is in the CON Explorer when viewing a pro guitar upgrade, the DAT and MIDI quick copy and drag buttons don’t work.


                      I never made it work with pro upgrades, but I should be able to incorporate that into v3.6.6 <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                      Did the “Guitar Tuning” and “Bass Tuning” fields get removed from the setlist manager recently? Or did they get added back again really recently? I have an old “all fields” spreadsheet dump from about a six months ago that lists these fields, but the dump I just did doesn’t show them. Although I haven’t updated the tools in a couple of releases so maybe they got added back. I was going to update with this new version this weekend.


                      I know the data is pretty hit and miss as to whether or not it’s int he song info, but I liked having it. TIA.


                      I don’t remember removing it, and it’s definitely not in there now. I don’t see why I would ever keep track of it, since it’s not stored in the same area of the cache last I remember, so when reading the song cache I don’t even get that information. I’m not sure where or how you were able to do that dump. It may have been using pksage’s original tool, which might still be online. But Setlist Manager I don’t think ever handled tuning.

                      I don’t remember removing it, and it’s definitely not in there now. I don’t see why I would ever keep track of it, since it’s not stored in the same area of the cache last I remember, so when reading the song cache I don’t even get that information. I’m not sure where or how you were able to do that dump. It may have been using pksage’s original tool, which might still be online. But Setlist Manager I don’t think ever handled tuning.


                      That old dump might well be from the original online tool. I’ve been trying to play real guitar lately, so having that info when it’s available is nice. Any chance you can add it? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                        I’ll take a look. If it doesn’t make it into v3.6.6 I’ll put it on my long term to do along with the other big feature requests that are still pending. No promises <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                          List it where? Do you mean when exporting using the “Everything” preset for CSV or Excel? If so, easily added.

                          You’re right, I use export everything and then into Excel. Thanks!

                          If I could add one more request, it would be the Lighter Ratings.

                          Also, the reason why it was never considered as something worth exporting (even though it’s stored) is that the song cache stores ALL song IDs as numeric values. Custom songs with the old alphanumeric IDs were converted to numeric values, and every time you rebuilt the song cache, a new numeric value was given to that custom. So you’d just be looking at numbers.

                          Could there be a way to show which ones was auto converted by the game?


                          I never made it work with pro upgrades, but I should be able to incorporate that into v3.6.6 <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                          I’m a big fan of those file drop fields.


                          I know the data is pretty hit and miss as to whether or not it’s int he song info, but I liked having it. TIA.

                          Here is a spreadsheet with the official song tunings.

                            That old dump might well be from the original online tool. I’ve been trying to play real guitar lately, so having that info when it’s available is nice. Any chance you can add it? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                            I looked through my comments in the code and we “know” where the tuning is stored in the song cache for songs that have it embedded. One thing that is confusing me is that the binary is set up for guitar tuning to always have 6 digits, and bass to have 4 digits. This makes sense as 6 strings for guitar and 4 strings for bass. But I had been led to believe that bass would accept 6 string tuning as well (which Magma: C3 has enabled as a result) but then where are those two extra strings stored? Also, I’m fairly certain that songs that don’t have the tuning embedded won’t be accessible through the current way we access the song cache. So you’re pretty much looking at songs that either come bundled or were bundled with their pro upgrade.


                            If I could add one more request, it would be the Lighter Ratings.


                            I have no idea where that is stored in the song cache, if it even is. It may be stored in the save game file. If you can point out where in the song cache binary it’s stored, sure I can add it. But otherwise you’re out of luck. pksage is the wise guru who figured it out, and the song lighter rating is not something he got around to finding in the binary.


                            Could there be a way to show which ones was auto converted by the game?


                            There wouldn’t be a way to display the original song ID used before the game converted it, if that’s what you mean. But to tell you “this was alphanumeric and now it’s numeric because of the game” – sure. Just not very useful.


                            I’m a big fan of those file drop fields.


                            If nothing else, anyone using my programs should realize I love drag and drop. I have many programming projects (also outside of Rock Band) and everything I do, drag and drop is the first thing I set up (it’s not automatic, you know) <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

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